Downloading audio codecs?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Downloading audio codecs?
Five answers:
2007-07-20 20:22:29 UTC
ok, Get the program called G-spot (its a video codec analyzer) Look at the exact name of the audio codec that gspot gives you .,.. then google the codec name + Download. or alternativly you can download a codec package (this is a huge collection of common and not so common codecs) K-lite Codec pack is a good one to get. Just google K-lite. Download and install. Reboot and try the video.

also try VLC Media Player (free ware) Just google it and youll fuind the DL site. this software uses its own codecs independant of your OS so you ight have luck using it with the video

hope this helps .
Tomasz K
2007-07-20 20:20:11 UTC
Get the AC3 Filter audio codec from
2007-07-20 20:19:58 UTC
I would recommend that you go to this site and download a codec pack with audio and video codecs.
2007-07-20 20:18:58 UTC

to start off,you'll need:

java--flash--quicktime--realplayer--shockwave--video downloader--video player

they're all here as well as tv players for both internet explorer and firefox and some files for Opera

Firefox Smart Keywords Search Cheat Sheet:

To search open directories for downloadable files:

To search music files (Mp3, OGG, WMA) use this:"%s%"

To search for video files (AVI, WMV) use this:"%s%"

You can modify the code above to change file extensions to anything you want.

Scroll to the end of the URL and change the file names. Use %7C as a seperator between file types)

Video Help


# K-Lite Codec Pack Full 3.2.9 Beta 2- 1 hour ago

Play all the popular audio and video formats.

# K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 2.2.9 Beta 2- 1 hour ago

Includes codecs and related tools needed to play your audio and video files.

CodecInstaller 2.5.7

CodecInstaller is an application that detects which Audio&Video codecs are installed on your computer and suggests you to install the ones necessary to correctly view the movie it is distributed with:

in fact it's designed to be burned on a CD together with a compressed video, to be always able to play them.

The users who receive the CD, with a single tool with a simple and intuitive interface, can check if the necessary codecs are already installed and up-to-date and with just a click can install the ones required.

Limitations: Requires .Net framework installed.

Codec Installation Package for Windows Media Player 7.1 or later


Real Audio, Firefox and Codecs

The K-Lite Codec Pack is a free collection of codecs and related tools. ..... Windows Media Browser plugin for Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Firefox,

# Storm Codec 7.01.19-

Codec that plays the most popular audio and video files.

# Personal Video Database 0.9.3- 42 minutes ago

Organize your movie collection.


Coomer Player 2.0 (Freeware)

KMPlayer Beta- 4 minutes ago

A movie and audio player that supports a wide range of codecs and file formats.

Kantaris Media Player 0.1.5

Free software - AVS [ as opposed to avi ] DVD Player

VLC Media Player 0.8.6c


by Dusty Wilson

Convenient player for the SIRIUS Satellite Radio Internet Streaming service.


# Wii Video 9 2.25- 4 hours ago

Convert your computer video files to video formats that are playable on the Wii.

# PS3 Video 9 2.25- 4 hours ago

Convert your computer video files to video formats that are playable on the PlayStation 3.

Easy SWF to MP3

Convert Flash Video (.flv) to AVI (.avi) or MPEG (.mpg)

Free Video to Flash Converter 2.3

Convert *.avi, *.mpeg, *.mpg, *.mp4, *.m4v, *.wmv, *.asf, *.mov, *.qt, *.3gp, *.3g2, *.dvr-ms. *.flv video files to ready for web *.flv and *.swf files.

# River Past Wave@MP3 3.4.2- 1 hour ago

WAV to MP3 converter and MP3 to WAV converter.


Snap Shots Firefox Add-On

from Freeware Home -- new additions

Now you can bring the fun and usefulness of Snap Shots, the world's most popular website enhancement, to the sites you visit every day like Google, Yahoo!, MySpace, Wikipedia and many more. Snap Shots Add-On for Firefox lets you view videos and hear audio in line. (in Internet)

UnPlug 1.6.06

UnPlug is an extension which lets you save video and audio which is embedded on a webpage - it's a video download tool.


1Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin - Download Download Now! You must close all other browser windows before installing. File size: 302K Platform: Windows XP SP2 (x86) Windows XP SP2 (x64) Windows Vista (x86) Windows Vista (x64) Browser: Firefox Date

Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin - Download Download Now! You must close all other browser windows before installing. File size: 302K Platform: Windows XP SP2 (x86) Windows XP SP2 (x64) Windows Vista (x86) Windows Vista (x64) Browser: Firefox

MediaPlayerConnectivity 0.8.3

Allow you to launch embed video of website in an external application with a simple click ...

VideoDownloader Firefox Extension ! (29-4-06)

FoxyTunes for Your Browser

Do you listen to Music while surfing the Web? FoxyTunes lets you control almost any media player and find lyrics, covers, videos, bios and much more with a click right from your browser.

Acrobat Reader

Adobe Flash Player





Firefox Universal Uploader (fireuploader)


by mig

DownloadHelper is a tool for web content extraction. Its purpose is to capture video and image files from many sites..

Access Flickr!

by Hamed Saber

Bypasses the filter in Iran, UAE, Saudi Arabia, China and other banned countries and places...

Fast Video Download can save embedded video files from following video-hosting servers:

Angry Alien, Anime Episodes, Anime Forever, Bad Jojo, Blip.TV, Bo-Funk, Bolt,,,, Current.TV, Daily Motion,, eVideo Share, Google Video, Grinvi, iFilm, Libero.IT Video, HI5 (VideoEgg), My Space, MetaCafe,, PornoTube, Put File, Streetfire, Totally Crap, You Tube, V-Social and Vidiac.

Search Videos on GoogleVideo With a Single Click

by Liapis-Trubetskoi

Highlight search criteria with the mouse, right click, and choose "Search Videos on Google"

VideoDownloader 1.1.1 Homepage

by Javi Moya

Download videos from Youtube, Google, Metacafe, iFilm, Dailymotion, Pornotube... and other 60+ video sites ! And all embedded objects on a webpage (movies, mp3s, flash, quicktime, etc) ! Directly ...

VideoDownloader add a small icon on the status bar at the bottom of your firefox window, and a toolbar button. Just click that and download the video you are watching !

Media Pirate - The video downloader

by Pascal Beyeler

More and more websites publish their videos in those neat flash players. But if you want to download a video there is no download link. This doesn't mean that you can't download it. Media Pirate creates a download link for you!

Download Embedded

by Andrew Ruder

Downloads all or selected embedded objects on a webpage. Can be used for downloading movies, mp3s, flash, quicktime, or other embedded files (although this does NOT work on video embedded in flash [ youtube,, etc.

Torrent Finder Toolbar

by Walid A. GadElKarim

Torrent Finder Toolbar is a torrent search toolbar for Firefox, which enables users to search over 100 top torrent sites and trackers from their Firefox browser the same way they used to search using form.


by LukasS

BitTorrent File Search Toolbar for Firefox. Allows to search numerous sites in a matter of minutes for needed torrent files..

Ook? Video Ook!

by tnarik

Ook? Video Ook! enables you to download embedded videos from several systems (such as YouTube, Google Video, Pornotube, Metacafe and many more). .


by Alessandro Crugnola

Download videos from YouTube and Google directly.

Amazing Media Browser automatically searches for all embed objects in a website and shows you a list of the source links. You can then conveniently browse through each link to see the content of the source file. These usually are a Flash movie, a Window Media movie or a mp3 file link.

It can grasp pretty much all the file extensions that can be opened with Flash Player, Shockwave Player, QuickTime Player, Real Player or Window Media Player. It even comes with a favorite links feature that lets you store unlimited links for later use.

This extension is a must-have for Flash/Shockwave addicting gamers, mp3 music fans, etc

Google Video Downloader

by rpoccMeucmep

GVD adds a button in the status bar. You can download the source .flv or .avi file directly in two clicks.

Play All

by Nicolas Martin

Read with one click all the linked multimedia files of the current page into your favourite player

M3U Ripper

by Russell Genna

This extension allows you to rip the contents of an m3u, wmx, or ram playlist file link by right clicking on the link and selecting the "Rip Playlist Contents..." option from the popup menu. The option will only appear if the URL ends.

eMusic Toolbar

by DeepCerulean

eMusic ( is the leading website for downloading music from artists signed to independent labels. This toolbar is designed to streamline navigation throughout the site as eMusic has thusfar not released a version of their toolbar.


by Enrico Battocchi

Shows a small Flash audio player on the current page, if it contains links to .mp3.



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Reel New Media Toolbar For Internet Explorer 5.0+ Download. Watch ...

Download Reel New Media Toolbar For Internet Explorer 5.0+. DOWNLOADS FROM REEL NEW MEDIA. Reel New Media Toolbar For Firefox 1.0.1+ Watch TV Directly From


Reel New Media Toolbar For Firefox 1.0.1+

Watch TV Directly From Your Browser!

Reel New Media Toolbar For Firefox 1.0.1+ 1.0

Add Privacy to your Media Player (XP)

To stop the player from sending out a unique identifier when you request streaming media open the Media Player and select "Tools." Select "Options..." Select "Privacy" if available. Uncheck "Allow Internet site to uniquely identify your Player."

Adjust Audio Quality in Windows Media Player. (WIN XP)

Open Media Player and click on "Tools" then "Options".

Move the slider control for either more CD space or for the best stereo quality.

Click Apply.

VideoDownloader 1 (Freeware)

The VideoDownloader is a widget for Opera browser that allows downloading of embedded videos


When I say things like this, my friends roll their eyes, but it’s how I actually talk. I say things like, “Let’s talk about video compression!” They buy another drink. But that’s what we’re doing in today’s Help-Key, and it’s something I actually get to do for a living (besides blogging, duh).

YouTube is getting huge. Somehow, despite the lack of a coherent business model, it’s become one of the most popular destinations on the Internet, and rightly so: the idea that anyone can become some sort of memestar by uploading a simple video is great. And because the site does its own Flash conversion, it’s a piece of cake. The thing is, though, with digital video garbage in means garbage out.

You may have noticed that some videos on YouTube simply look better than others. This is because they came from better sources. With a little tweaking and a little know-how, you can prepare your video for YouTube in a way that spares us all from oversized pixels.

The first step is knowing what format you’re starting with. Most digital cameras today shoot video, as do most phones, which is a great cheap way to start. Sadly, the videos created tend to be worse than that 3rd-gen VHS copy of Cheerleader Carwash 8 you found under your brother’s bed. If you can, pull your video from a digital camcorder. Most Mini-DV cameras include Firewire out, so if you’ve got a fairly recent Mac you’re set. Or you can get a Firewire card for your Peecee pretty cheap.

But no matter where your video comes from, the onus is on you to make it awesome. There are plenty of editing tools on the Internet for any platform you wish, and the latest computers actually have tools bundled with the basic install for just such casual editing. And they’re easier to use than you think. You’re not Kubrick, so you don’t need Final Cut Pro or Premiere. I personally use the $30 pro version of Quicktime, because it’s fast and has drag-n-drop editing, which is nice.

If you can avoid it, don’t use the Windows Movie Maker. The program handles things with tricky Windows Media codecs and black magic and the blood of virgins. Also, if you’re using a cellphone video source, it’ll vomit on you. Quicktime plays nice with about anything, and the pro version can be had on any PC or Mac.

Once you’ve got your clip looking pro, you’re going to want to make it YouTube ready. YouTube can only take certain formats for input, so this is where it gets tricky. You’ll want to make a .mov or .mp4, so make sure whatever editor you’re using can hack it. If not, you’ll need to do a conversion, and that’s no rock n’ roll fun, and you lose information during the transition, so best just leave it alone.

Your newly formed video should be set to the YouTube-native size of 320×240 (aka QVGA). I know, I know: here we are in the world of HiDef, and I’m telling you to shrink your vids. I’m just the messenger, ya know?

picture-97.jpgIt’s also worth noting that your camera might shoot at a different aspect ration than the 4:3 that is 320×240. If so, you’ll have to do a little letterboxing. It does king of suck, but it’s better than the stretch and pull method that would happen otherwise.

When YouTube’s servers encode your video, it’s going to lose some quality, it’s a fact of streaming media. That means you’re going to want to make it as bit-rich as you can. Use a bitrate as high as you can, YouTube can take it. That being said, anything above 1200kbps is probably overkill and will take the video longer to process on YouTube’s end. Somewhere between 700kbps and 1000kbps should do the trick nicely.

Now that we’ve got size, codec, and quality set up, choose your audio. You’ll want to use the MP3 audio codec (either CBR of VBR), which should be standard on your editor.

Output your file as a .mov or .mp4 and preview it. It should look pretty good (if small). If you’re satisfied, do your upload. After it’s on the servers, it can take up to an hour or more to display. This is because YouTube is formatting it and encoding it for their Flash streaming. It’s an automated process, but by following the guide above, it makes less work for the YouTube servers. This isn’t altruistic, however: you did some of their work for them, but since you were in control, you made it better than they could. This means that your video will look better than most, and will encode faster. Double bonus, pal.

Test it out and tell us what you think. If you’ve got some other tips, feel free to share them in the comments thread for this story. Also note that there’s software out there that has automated YouTube features, such as VirtualDub. These programs are great time-savers if you’re and hardcore YouTuber, and they should be considered.

Free YouTube Uploader

Free YouTube Uploader enables you to upload videos to your YouTube account without having to us the web interface. You can set the title, description, tags, and even cut portions of the video

YouTube Catcher 1.0 RC1 r88

YouTube Launches Custom Player Feature

YouTube has launched a new “custom player” feature that allows users to customize embedded YouTube videos.Users are able to customize player features including the name of the player, color theme, layout (a standard layout or one with related videos to the right), and content.The content feature allows users to include their own videos or other videos from a YouTube Favorites List or YouTube playlist.

registration required

Free YouTube Uploader 1.4

YouTube to iPod Converter 2.7

Free YouTube to iPhone Converter 1.2

YouTube Catcher Beta 1.0.79 As its name suggests it is a simple application that allows you to download videos from YouTube and export to many formats


YouTube Opera Widget 1.1 (Freeware)

The YouTube widget for Opera browser allows you to quickly search videos on Youtube

FLV Downloader Opera Widget 1.0.0 (Freeware)

The FLV Downloader widget for Opera browser allows you to download .flv files from more than 110 video websites

Realtek High Definition Audio for Vista 1.71

Realtek High Definition Audio drivers for Vista.

Rip Cd's in Vista:

open Windows Media Center from start page

click rip tab

insert cd

once tracks are ripped,remove cd

close windows media center page

click start

click your username

click either music or video,depending on what you ripped

click the new folder with the music/video you ripped [ will be same title as cd ]

in the name box on the nav bar,check that

click play all

your music/video list will come up in windows media center and play 1st selection.

on the right will be a play list

right click each entry and select add to

select playlist to add to or if not set up,click additional playlist

click create playlist


now right click each entry and select add to ??? playlist

Windows Movie Maker:

i can only give you instructions for windows movie maker,vista

however,i'm assuming the xp version is the same,if not,someone let me know

open movie maker

choose from:

digital video camera




choose the media folder where your media files are stored you want to create a movie with

either click file and choose select all or [ vista ] check the name box on the navbar to highlight all files

click import




titles and credits

check each of these for the effect you want to create

from storyboard select:



audio level [ you can include music backgrounds ]

from publisher select:

save to computer




digital video camera


SimplifyMedia: share iTunes with anyone, anywhere

SimplifyMedia is the mother of all iTunes sharing plugins, now in public beta:

Simplify Media is free software that lets you access your music and your friends' music over the internet using iTunes. There are a number of existing solutions that offer music streaming, but Simplify Media has some unique differences:

1) Within iTunes: Instead of using a limited, browser-based player, you can sort, search and play remote libraries right inside the standard iTunes UI. This is very similar to iTunes LAN sharing but the computers can be anywhere instead of only on the same subnet.

2) Easy setup: No need to upload files to a website. No port-forwarding or firewall configuration. You can have access to a multi-thousand song library in minutes.

3) Cross platform/format: Supports mp3, aac, and wma files across both Macs and PCs (Windows XP or Mac OS 10.4x). For your own account you can even access your iTunes-purchased songs.

4) Private groups: Computer-to-computer streams are encrypted, and there are limits on the number of friends you can connect to. However, despite the security, adding a user is as simple as adding a buddy in IM.

BBC Radio iPlayer Plus (Freeware)

Looking for quality videos?

If you’ve spent any time exploring YouTube, you know there are many bad videos available online.

how many of them provide information that really matters?Finding quality videos that are informative can take a bit of work. A good place to start is ResearchChannel’s site.The site claims more than 3,000 videos spanning a variety of topics. And they all present new insights and discoveries.


PS3 Media Center X 0.92 (Freeware)

PS3 Media Center X - allows to stream certain types of pictures, music, videos and files from your PC to your PlayStation 3.

FLV Extract 1.2.1 (Freeware)

Extracts video and audio from FLV files without decompressing or recompressing

Sothink Movie DVD Maker enables you to create DVDs from your video files. It can automatically convert popular video formats and either burn them to DVD, using the included burning engine, or save them as converted video files. The program also includes a basic video editor to trim portions of a video file, and you can combine multiple files into a single movie. (in Home and Hobby)
The Wonderer
2007-07-20 13:19:32 UTC
This sounds like a problem that is only going to be fixed with a different computer or re-installing the software. (Or using a different program altogether to run this video). I know that when we had codec problems it was a mess. Because you have to be able to get them, and then you have to install AND allow them access, and if this one thing is clicked, then nothing you do will help. I offer no real answer, only a GOOD LUCK!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.
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