2009-09-10 21:56:34 UTC
so i feel understand a lot about windows 95 to xp. and i know a thing or two about hardware.
what i want to learn is programming languages, i want to understand registry files better, i want to know more about the internal workings of software and operating system stuff (subroutines? is that the right word for it?)
i've tried teaching myself python, but other then using it as a calculator i haven't gotten far. i took one class in high school that started us off with turbo pascal (i think that's what it was called) but i could really figure out was how to make cheesy text based adventures, many of which were lame and buggy. i failed the class and have long since graduated.
i have repeatedly used the half-life 1 level creator to make copies of my friends' houses, and recently did the same with hl2's software developer kit to do the same, but all i'm really doing is creating shapes and putting them in the right place, then filling them with monsters that don't really act like they should.
i'm sick of being a cook in a restuarant, and want to get a computer related job, but i don't have a degree in anything. i'm someone who can't learn in a classroom easily, i need to do it on my own first, but i need a push in the right direction.
what should i try to teach myself? should i try to start figuring out linux? or maybe study visual languages (from what little i've researched, they would be more similar to hl2's sdk?) or should i stick to reformating my families virus ridden computers on the side while dropping french fries and delicious hot wings?