There are two parts to this problem. First you have some resolution and sound problems. Second, you have some mysterious warnings at startup. We can easily deal with the second one.
According to some quick web research, MSSystem.dll is a piece of malware. I suspect the other message refers to one also. If you recently did an anti-malware scan, I suspect it found the parent program for these and got rid of it, but didn't clean up these two nuisance messages. Here's how to do that:
1. Click on the Start->Run menu item.
2. In the Run text box, type in msconfig, then press Enter.
3. In MsConfig, click the Startup tab.
4. See if there's an entry for that filename. If there is, clear the checkbox next to its name.
5. Click OK.
6. Accept the reboot option.
Hopefully, the message won't come up on the next reboot. You will, however, get a message about your configuration having changed. In fact, if you just click OK, you'll get this message after every reboot, however, if you click the checkbox before clicking OK, the message won't come up again unless and until you make another msconfig change.
Note that, if needs be, those changes can be reversed the same way they were made: The entries are not deleted, just deactivated.
I'm afraid I can't help you with the screen or sound problems.
Hope that helps.