Okay this is going to either be a very long answer of a very short one, their are two parts to this question, it is hardware and software.
Hardware, you already said you have gotten a new pc, but waiting 6 years is quite along time, especially if your a artist, I know I use Photoshop or other software, and the more the software upgrades the more hardware needs to be upgraded, Just keep that in mind.
Software, which is your issue. software is a very different story with many ways to get around if needed, okay first have you tried to downgrade to a previous operating system? windows xp is still in high demand , even tho I use windows vista now, I think most agree that windows XP is better, as do I.
If your into the whole illegal scene like most people who use photoshop are, sorry to sound rude but alot of people can't shell out 700 dollars for a program, they use warez sites to illegally download the software they want or need.
Another way is hacking a program onto a operating system. It only sounds hard because of the word hack, its fairly simple if you can do a quick google search.
You may just want to buy a newer version of your software, but you have already expressed not wanting to do that.