you can use a program called Ophcrack, a bootable password resetter, or the Sethc method
(i cant tell you where to get the first 2 but i can tell you how to use the Sethc method)
1. reboot your computer and rapidly press F8 untill the Safe mode screen comes up, select "safe mode with command prompt"
2. after safe mode boots and you log into admin (shouldnt have a pass) open my computer and go to C drive
3. open the folder "windows" and then System32
4. find the program "cmd.exe" and copy it to your desktop, then find the program "sethc.exe" right click > properties > security > advanced > Owner > Edit... > then click "administrator" then click ok. then click ok again. Now Click Edit... right under the Group or user names: box, find administrator and click "Full Control" then click OK. copy sethc.exe to your desktop
before i go any further im going to tell what exactly it is that your doing. your replacing your sticky keys program with a command prompt (who uses sticky keys anyway) so when you restart your computer and get stuck at the login screen you push shift 5 times and it brings up an administrator command prompt
5. rename sethc.exe to sethc_backup.exe and place that in your documents for now
6. rename cmd.exe to sethc.exe and move that renamed file back into the system32 folder (dont worry, we made a backup earlier)
7. now reboot your computer so it goes to normal and push shift 5 times
8. if everything went smoothly you should be looking a black box on your screen
9 type this code into cmd
net user reset /add
net localgroup administrators reset /add
if everything went smoothly on that you should see the text "Command completed Successfully" under both of those commands.
now, while still in command prompt type shutdown -r
im a few moments your computer should display a dialog box that says "Computer will shutdown in less then a minuite"
(what you just did there was make a user named reset that is an administrator and has no password. the last command told your computer to restart)
wait for reboot and you should see a new user named reset on your logon screen.
click that user and reset the password through control panel > user accounts and family saftey > user accounts > manage another account
now log out and login to your old account. push shift 5 more times and type
net user reset /delete
(that just removed the temp account we made to reset your password)
FYI - everytime you try to activate sticky keys it will open a command prompt unless you take sethc_backup.exe and replace the modified sethc.exe in your windows\system32 folder
TIP: Make a password reset disk with a flash drive when after you do this. that way if you lock yourself out again you can insert the drive and click reset my password... under your username