Your form is a template. This is analagous to an Access database table's schema - the collection of fields in each record. You have a field for name, date, type of contraband siezed, etc. The form is completed, and this becomes a record. All the records together make up a table - one for each form. All the tables together make up a database.
In Excel, each form's field names are entered as column headers in the first row, and the individual records are entered one row at a time. One form per worksheet.
While it is theoretically possible for you to simply import your completed word documents into either Excel or Access, the likelyhood that you have prepared your Word documents to support this type of import is slim to none. Data imports of this type are generally performed from simple ASCII files that have a delimeter - a unique character that seperates one field-value from another, and have only a single record on each row.
You may be able to edit your individual word files into a master .TXT file (by form type) that can be used to serve as a data import, and save yourself the trouble of actually having to rekey everything.n
Database programmers make good money doing this kind of work so you don't have to.