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If a problem is detected when the system is booting, or when it is running, the system e-buzzer emits a series of audible beeps that present an encoded error message. The e-buzzer emits a different number of beeps for each type of error. If you do not hear the beeps, or may have miscounted beeps, you can repeat the message by pressing the front panel power button for 3 to 5 seconds. (Release the power button when you first hear the e-buzzer. Do not press the power button for more than 5 seconds).
The e-buzzer emits a modem-like sound that is repeated three times. Next, the e-buzzer emits a beep code consisting of 0 to 7 beeps occurring at 1 second intervals. Each beep lasts 1 second. The e-buzzer does not report all problems—only the error conditions described here. If the e-buzzer describes an error, check the front panel LEDs and the system logs for additional information.
NOTE: The error message and identifying information can be sent via telephone line to an authorized help desk or to an HP Support facility. This telephone signal can be decoded to identify the server by model and serial number, and to help identify the error. To send this signal to HP Support via telephone, just hold the telephone next to the Locator button on the server front panel while the system is booting.
The beep codes provide only general information. If you hear an error code, always check the LEDs and system logs before replacing components. The LEDs and system error messages can help you identify the failing item or assembly.
Table 4-1 Beep Code Descriptions
Number of Beeps Suspect Component Description
1 Processor Processor absent or not correctly connected: Reseat or replace processor.
2 Power Supply Power supply failure: Replace power supply.
3 Memory Memory failure: Check that matched DIMMs are correctly installed, replace DIMMs as appropriate.
4 MP Card Management processor card malfunction: Reseat or replace the Management processor card.
5 PCI Card PCI I/O card malfunction: Reseat or replace the PCI card.
6 Critical System Failure Two minutes have elapsed after BMC system startup and no BOOT_START event has been logged into the System Event Log.Possible causes include:a. System clock failedb. System board malfunctionc Bad CPU connection to mother board connectiond. CPU power pod malfunctione. CPU malfunctionf. System firmware bad
7 System Board Defective system board: Contact HP Support for assistance.