What bad luck, usually people only have one of these problems.
You're probably going to be more specific, which model number in the F-series is it, and did you modify any of the hardware on it?
Issue one, what program does the audio not work on, and where have you done that didn't solve the problem. (Volume settings, used tried internal and external programs, installed programs for sound...)
2. Have you tried the standard setting manager for it? Have you installed a proprietary driver? What chipset is the GPU?
3. This one is harder, it may be an issue of not autodetecting correctly (and thus needing to load a module manually) or there may be some sort of setting in the BIOS that changes the type of interface the touch pad uses.
4. Again, what chip set is it? Where is it not working? Does it not have a driver loaded or does it not connect to your network with the driver and wireless manager you are using?
the programs ifconfig, iwconfig, and lshw, run from the terminal should help you know what specific hardware you have, and the status of your network.
A tip for getting good answers is to ask good questions. A good question will deal with only one or two topics, states the problem clearly (include hardware, software, and any specific errors) and gives evidence of some initial research or troubleshooting. (to let people know you can be an active part of the solution, and to stop people from suggesting a solution that you already tried unsuccessfully. It also helps educate anyone searching the forum afterwards as to solutions available for similar problems)