Your computer has viruses on it. The only way to speed up connection is to eliminate the viruses and optimize settings.
When I do a tune-up and virus cleanup for my customers I go through 32 steps. Some of the steps are:
Use 3 or 4 spyware removal programs to eliminate all classes of spyware.
Eliminate all temporary files.
Use CCleaner to eliminate junk files.
Optimize visual settings
Optimize Virtual memory settings.
Defrag the hard drive with a better defrag program than what comes with Windows.
Remove un-necessary programs.
Delete Internet temp files
Download all windows updates
Download all hardware updates
Download software updates
and more...
I usually can get a computer running faster than the day you bought it.
It usually takes two to three hours to do this. If interested, click here for more info:
P.S. I was asked how do I know it is viruses. Here is my response:
I am a virus expert and for the past three years I had my own business. 95% of the time viruses, spyware and malware is what is preventing the PC from uploading and downloading at an optimal speed. The spyware and malware are constantly reporting on all of the activities that you are doing while connected. If you want to try an experiment, restart the computer and go into safe mode with networking. If the downloads are faster at that time, then you know it is viruses, etc.