Joey B
2011-11-28 07:04:30 UTC
1. Personal information (employee name, employer name, workplace address, work telephone number, job title, number of years on current job, years of computer experience).
2. What kind of computer system(s) do you use (hardware, software, printers, other related equipment)?
3. What kind of training have you received in order to use the computer system effectively? Do you find the IT Technical Staff in your firm to be helpful and easy to work with?
4. What business processes (operational) are supported by the IT systems in your workplace?
5. How does management use the IT system to support their activities?
6. Is your system part of a network? If so, who is the network administrator? How often do you interact with the administrator? What kinds of issues do you discuss with the administrator?
7. Are your computer systems connected to your customers, suppliers or partners? If so, describe how the system is used to connect to these entities.
8. As your career has progressed, what changes in IT have you noticed and how have these changes in IT contributed to your performance?
9. Has using the computer system at work influenced your life outside of work? If so, in what way?
10. What advice would you give to a new employee about the IT supported workplace?
*Apparently we're supposed to find someone with 10 years work experience. I guess if it's close to 10 it won't matter. At this point, one year would be fine.
**If someone kindly does answer these questions, would you mind if I e-mailed 5 follow-up questions? We need to come up with 5 questions of our own, and I don't know what to ask without prior information.
I know this might take some time, but if anyone is willing to answer these questions I would be eternally grateful!!!