thanks a lot BunX it worked for me , i was facing a similar problem , i was infected by some virus , which appeared at the startup on windows n disallowed me to view my hidden files , the virus was soemthing named amvo.exe also known as NIDEIECT.COM
The filename is associated with the malware group Covert.Sys.Exec.Some files using the name NIDEIECT.COM are also associated with the malware group:
* KAVKOP:Trojan-A
These files may have the following Vendor, Product, Version Information in the file header Microsoft Corporation; Utilidad de ayuda de la línea de comandos; 5.1.2600.0
* The following Vendor, Product, Version Information has also been reported:
Microsoft Corporation; Command Line Help Utility; 5.1.2600.0
NIDEIECT.COM has been seen to perform the following behavior(s):
* The Process is packed and/or encrypted using a software packing process
* This Process Creates Other Processes On Disk
* This Process Deletes Other Processes From Disk
* Loads and Executes a System Driver File
* Writes to another Process's Virtual Memory (Process Hijacking)
* Registers a Dynamic Link Library File
* The Process is polymorphic and can change its structure
* Violates Prevx File Security Settings
* Executes a Process
* Adds a Registry Key (RUN) to auto start Programs on system start up
* The process hooks code into all running processes which could allow it to take control of the system or record keyboard input, mouse activity and screen contents
* Modifies Windows Initialization And System Settings Used On Start up
NIDEIECT.COM has been the subject of the following behavior(s):
* Created as a process on disk
* Executed as a Process
* Executed from Temporary Folders
* Deleted as a process from disk
* Executed by Internet Explorer
* Writes to another Process's Virtual Memory (Process Hijacking)
* Terminated as a Process
* Added as a Registry auto start to load Program on Boot up
NIDEIECT.COM can also use the following file names:
* 50150025.EXE
* 83552644.EXE
* 82025395.DAT
* 50440177.DAT
* 19209699.SVD
* 19391225.SVD
* 19494435.EXE
* 77413359.EXE
* 27532653.EXE
* 88314671.BAT
* 23415841.EXE
* 91512667.EXE
* 97397848.EXE
* 27320641.EXE
* 33696698.EXE
* 45661038.EXE
* 22382451.SVD
* 59059933.EXE
* 64971974.EXE
* 66270456.DAT
* 81864045.SVD
* 21320259.EXE
* 56636631.EXE
* MGG[1].EXE
* 12307825.COM
* A0056765.COM
* A0056766.COM
* A0057758.COM
* A0057761.COM
* 77288131.SVD
* 38522214.EXE
* 62754831.DAT
* 79188269.EXE
* 02846852.EXE
* 33888159.DAT
* 46346561.DAT
* 68270529.COM
* 21602715.EXE
* 09239156.EXE
* 03516526.COM
* 95253272.COM
* 79837464.SVD
* 38254215.DAT
* 29276564.COM
* 36898313.DAT
First of all i deleted the virus using kaspersky antivirus n then i followed your procedure of tweaking the registry ...