Pinging is like being in a old yellow submarine and listening to sonar pings through headphones.
Faster ping beats means closer targets...right.
Same things going on in the virtual world..except that's time
based and the response time calculated by your computer via your service.
Response time could be various,depends on your internet connection bandwidth and on the target servers response ability.
Kinda like a ping-pong game between servers.Faster Internet connection bandwidth means faster response time
The faster the response time the closer the target server[s] are.
Response times are generally in ms [millisecond].
most router and some firewall have ICMP echo block feature which is supposed to stealth your computer via port113.
Meaning that your computer will block and wont answer any incoming ping and/or filter bad packets.
Online games?..if you have firewall like ZA just put it into GameMode or disable it.
Also make sure that you've disabled AV[or modify the update mode from auto to manaul], and close or put them off-line all the running Apps. which is based/requiring on-line status/connection.[IM,Skype,etc..] while you playing online games.
what is ping...
here's for setups...
Here's for test......
Pinging still very popular and old school theme among hackers.They do use this method up to date to probe-test target servers [they IP's] via proxy servers,looking for open ports.
well...sometimes...old tricks are the best tricks
The bad ping..
Test your speed...