PCs in 1980 were designed to be 10 years behind the current technology and have never caught up. Microsoft has always imitated other software products, and tried to prevent competition by pasteing features into the OS and making them incompatible with the original product.
Macs were designed as a combined hardware and software system with distinct programming guidlines and published styles guides for program development. They were designeg to be used in a simple and easy manner, by people that just wanted to do their work and not waste hours playing with obscure settings, just to get the program to work.
The person that mentions linux missed on important point. Linux wil run on Mac hardware. It euns on the power PC processors, the intel processors, the M68000 processors, the Dec Alpha, the SGI MIPS, the Sun SPARC, the Acorn ARM, and many, many more.
GNU/Linux was the result of good people that simply got sick and tired of greedy corporations stealing theirr work and then making them pay to use what they had created in the first place.
Many hardcore Mac fans were dissapointed when Apple decided to go with the antiquated CISC Intel architechure. This is because they knew that the RISC PowerPC processors had shorter operation execution times and were effectively 3 to 5 times faster than the Intel designs at the same clock speed.
Unfortunately, it is better marketing that sells, not better technology.