Would anyone give the links of various computer science related books? especially DBMS book of Korth?
2007-08-25 23:51:15 UTC
I want the PDF versions of the above books. If anybody can give me the useful links of them.......
Three answers:
2007-08-26 00:18:52 UTC
Transaction Isolation In the Sedna Native XML DBMS

c Peter Pleshachkov Leonid Novak

Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences,

B. Kommunisticheskaya, 25, Moscow 109004, Russia,

Ph.D. Advisor S. D. Kuznetsov


XML has become the most important tech-

nique to exchange data in World Wide Web.

As consequence, an interest to native XML

databases has surfaced. Concurrency con-

trol methods for traditional databases are

not adequate for XML databases, because

they do not capture the speci c of XML

data model. In this paper we propose a lock-

ing mechanism, developed in Sedna, which

allows to achive a high degree of concur-

rency and takes into account the proper-

ties of structural and manipulation parts of

XML model.

1 Introduction

The use of the extensible markup language XML [13]

for electronic data interchange leads to an enormous

growth of the number of XML documents. The num-

ber of di erent applications supporting XML grows

rapidly too. So the challenge of isolating di erent

applications in XML environment from each other

is very actual. There are essentially three possibili-

ties of storing XML documents: to use le system,

RDBMS [4] or a native XML database management

system (XDBMS for short). The rst and second

approaches poss an obvious imperfections from an

isolation point of view [10, 2], and this is the reason

why synchronizing protocols for XDBMSes are ex-

tensively being studied and developed now. This pa-

per introduces synchronizing method of XML-data,

based on locking techniques, which was developed in

Sedna [8]. Our synchronizing method takes into ac-

count the properties of structural and manipulation

parts of XML model.

Sedna is a full-featured native XML database

management system, which is being developed by

the MODIS R&D group of ISP RAS. It supports

XQuery [14] language for query facilities. In order

to support update facilities XQuery language was

extended. Sedna update language is very close to


There are several protocols [1, 7], which allow to

synchronize hierarchical data via data locking, but

Proceedings of the Spring Young Researcher's Collo-

quium On Database and Information Systems SYR-

CoDIS, St.-Petersburg, Russia, 2004

most of them exploit the concept of intention locks.

It means that for locking a subtree all ancestors of

the root of this subtree must be locked in the in-

tention mode. Thus, the operation of locking an

entire subtree of XML document is needed informa-

tion about nodes, which are distributed over XML

document, i.e. the locking operation does not poss

the locality property.

In Sedna physical representation of XML docu-

ments [5], using of these protocols leads to a very

expensive locking operation, because all ancestors

of subtree root are stored in di erent blocks and all

these blocks must be read to the main memory.

This is the main reason why we do not incorpo-

rate these protocols in Sedna. Our locking method

allows to lock subtree without locking ancestors of

the root in intention mode. To lock the whole sub-

tree only descriptor of the root node is needed. We

have achieved this result by using numbering scheme

for locking nodes and subtrees of XML document.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In

Section 2 we introduce the storage schema of XML

documents, which we use in Sedna. In Section 3 we

introduce some of the basics relating to the synchro-

nization methods. In Section 4 we present our lock-

ing method, which allows to acquire the arbitrary

entire subtrees of XML documents in ecient way.

In section 5 we present logical locks, which are use-

ful for prevention con

icts at the logical level such

as lost updates, dirty reads and unrepeatable reads.

In Section 7 we discuss the locks, which are useful

for preventing con

icts at the physical level, and we

name them as physical locks. Finally, in Section 8

and 9, we give a brief overview of related work about

XML synchronization and conclusion of the paper.

2 XML storage model

In this section we will describe the main concepts of

Sedna XML storage model, over which the locking

techniques have been developed.

The choice of our physical representation of XML

documents is based on two fundamental principles

of XML-data management:

 The eciency of XPath evaluation.

 The eciency of propagating updates.

Consider the main characteristics of physical rep-

resentation of XML documents in Sedna.

1. A descriptive schema driven storage stategy

which consists of clustering nodes of an XML

document according to their positions in the

descriptive schema of the XML document. De-

scriptive schema presents a concise and accu-

rate structure summary of the XML document.

Formally speaking, descriptive schema is a tree.

Every path of the document has exactly one

path in the descriptive schema, and, vice versa,

every path of the descriptive schema is a path

of the document.

2. Each descriptive schema node is labeled with

an XML node kind name (e.g. element, at-

tribute, text, etc.) and has a pointer to data

blocks where nodes corresponding to the de-

scriptive schema node are stored. Some schema

nodes depending on their node kinds are also

labeled with names. Data blocks belonging to

one schema node are linked via pointers into a

bidirectional list. Nodes are ordered between

blocks in document order.

3. The structural part and text values of nodes

are separated. Text values are stored in blocks

according to the well-known slotted-page struc-

ture method [12] developed speci cally for data

of variable length. The structural part of a node


ects its relationship to other nodes (i. e. par-

ent, children, sibling nodes) and is presented in

the form of node descriptor.

4. Each node descriptor contains a pointer to a

numbering scheme. A numbering scheme as-

signs a unique numeric number to each node of

an XML document according to some scheme-

speci c rules. The numeric numbers encode

information about the relative position of the

node in the document. Thus, the main purpose

of a numbering scheme is to provide mechanisms

to quickly determine the structural relationship

between a pair of nodes. It provides the mecha-

nism of quickly determining the following struc-

tural relationships between a pair of nodes: (1)

ancestor-descendant relationship, (2) the doc-

ument order relationship. Numbering scheme

allows to support many XQuery-speci c opera-


3 Synchronization Preliminaries

In this section we give an overview of concurrency

control method that are of interest here.

To ensure serializability of transactions we use a

well-known strict two phase locking protocol. We

use logical locks to prevent con

icts at the logical

level such as lost updates, dirty reads and unre-

peatable reads. For prevention physical con

icts we

use physical locks. A problem at the physical level

can occur if one transaction follows a pointer to a

record on some page, while the other transaction up-

dates a second record on the same page and causes


Figure 1: Compatibility Matrix for lock Modes

a data compaction routine to reassign record loca-

tions. Physical locking is handled by setting and

holding locks on one or more pages during the exe-

cution of a single physical operation. Logical locking

is handled by setting locks on such objects as nodes

and subtrees and holding them either until they are

explicitly released or to the end of the transaction.

For synchronizing read and write operations, we in-

troduce three kinds of locks: shared locks (S), ex-

clusive locks (X) and update locks (U). Read access

requires a shared lock while write access requires an

exclusive lock. An update lock supports read with

(potential) write access and prevents further shared

locks for the same object. An update lock can be

converted to an exclusive lock after the release of

the existing read locks or back to an shared lock if

no update action is needed. The compatibility ma-

trix for lock modes is depicted in Figure 1.

For two phase locking protocol the standard rules

have to be obeyed. Before performing an operation,

the corresponding lock has to be acquired. During

lock acquisition a check for con

icting locks is per-

formed, if a con

ict exists the lock requiring trans-

action is blocked, and locks are held till the end of

transaction. If a transaction is blocked, the wait

graph is updated and if it contains a cycle, the trans-

action that completes the cycle is aborted. The se-

lection of a victim is based on the relative ages of

transactions in deadlock cycle. In general, the the

youngest transaction is selected as the victim.

Maintaining locks, granting and declining lock re-

quests are managed by a lock manager component.

In Sedna logical locks are implemented by means

of numbering scheme, which was introduced in Sec-

tion 2. Numbering scheme also can be used for pre-

venting phantoms, because locking of the interval

of numbering numbers, allows to lock all nodes (in-

cluding nodes which are not presented in database),

which labeled with numeric numbers included in this

interval. For example, the interval of numeric num-

bers, which includes all nodes of the certain subtree

(including phantoms) can be calculated by the root

of this subtree.

Our main contribution in this paper is using and

adopting numbering scheme for logical locking mech-

anisms (see Section 5).

4 Numeric Schema as Basics for


In this section we introduce the details of Sedna

numbering schema, and the main idea of our locking

methos based on the certain properties of numbering


A numbering schema of XML document provides

a one-to-one mapping of nodes of XML document

onto numeric numbers. In other words, each node of

XML document has a unique numeric number.

The numeric number of the node consists of two

components. The rst one is a pre x and the second

one is a delimiter. Pre x is a string of characters,

while delimiter is a character. We will refer to the

numeric number of node n as (pn; dn), where pn is

the pre x of node n and dn is its delimeter, or simply

as N if pre x and delimeter of numeric number are

not signi cant.

Below we give a set of de nitions concerning nu-

meric numbers.

De nition 1 Let (pn1 ; dn1 ) and (pn2 ; dn2 ) are the

numeric numbers of nodes n1 and n2 of some XML

document correspondingly. We regard that the nu-

meric number of n1 is less (<) than numeric num-

ber of n2 if and only if pn1  pn2 , where  is the

lexlexicographical comparison of strings.

De nition 2 Let (pn1 ; dn1 ) and (pn2 ; dn2 ) are the

numeric numbers of nodes n1 and n2 of some XML

document correspondingly. We regard that inter-

val of numeric numbers [(pn1 ; dn1 ); (pn2 ; dn2 )] (or

simply [pn1 ; pn2 ]) consists of all numeric numbers

(pni ; dni ), which satisfy the condition pn1  pni 

pn2 .

De nition 3 Let p1 and p2 are the strings of char-

acters. Then the string p1  p2 is the concatenation

of strings p1 and p2.

The idea of numbering scheme, which provides (1)

and (2) mechanisms (these mechanisms were intro-

duced in Section 2) is based on the following facts:

 For two given strings p1 and p2 such that p1 

p2 there exists string p such that p1  p  p2.

For example, if p1 = \abc00 and p2 = \abcd00,

then p = \abca00 (the number of such p is in -


 Assume, that node n is the root of the entire

subtree in the document. Then the string in-

terval (pn; pn  dn), sets the range of numeric

numbers for all descendants of node n.

Numbering numbers are asigned to the nodes of

a document in the following way:

 For two given nodes n1 and n2, n1 preceeds n2

in the document order if and only if pn1  pn2 .

 For two given nodes n1 and n2, n1 is an ancestor

of n2 if and only if pn1  pn2  pn1  dn1







































Figure 2: Example of an XML document

The exact algorithm of assigning numeric num-

bers to the nodes of XML document is not very sig-

ni cant here and we don't present it here.

The idea of locking entire subtree of XML docu-

ment using numeric numbers is based on the funda-

mental property of numeric numbers, which is stated

in the following proposition

Proposition 1 Let (pn; dn) is the numeric number

of node n. Then the interval [pn; pn dn] includes the

numeric numbers of all descendants of node n.

Thus, the numeric numbers can be used for lock-

ing nodes and subtrees of XML document. The lock-

ing of the node is implemented of locking its numeric

number. The locking of the subtree (assume node n

is the root of this subtree) is corresponds to the lock-

ing of interval [pn; pn  dn]. The correctness of this

idea is guaranteed by proposition 1 .

Below we consider the example of using numeric

schema for locking purposes.

Figure 3 depicts a small XML document lib.xml.

The document contains the list of three books where

each book is described by title, price (optional) and

author, respectively.

Figure 3 shows the tree representation of the

structure of the XML document de ned in Figure 2.

The outer element lib is the document node. Nested

elements are connected with edges in tree. To each

node of the tree (except text nodes) the numeric

number is assigned.

To lock the rst book element transaction is re-

quired to lock interval ["ab"; "abm"], while to lock

the last book elemnt transaction is needed to lock

interval ["ap"; "apm"]. To lock the whole XML doc-

ument interval ["a"; "az"] must be locked.
















Figure 3: Example of assigning numbering numbers

to the XML document

The lock all book elements of the document

the following three intervals must be locked:

["ab"; "abm"], ["ah"; "ahm"] and ["ap"; "apm"] or

simply one interval ["ab"; "apm"] should be locked.

5 Logical Locks

Logical locks serve for preventing con

icts at the log-

ical level. As mentioned in Section 4 the set of nodes

is locked by means of intervals of numeric numbers.

The locking of one node with numeric number (p; d)

corresponds to the locking of interval [p; p], while the

locking of the whole subtree corresponds to the lock-

ing of interval [p; p  d], where (p; d) is the numeric

number of the root of the subtree to be locked.

Assume that there are m active transactions, and

the intervals Iij (j = 1::ki) are locked by transaction

Ti with modes Mij correspondingly. The request for

interval Iiki+1 with mode Miki+1 by transaction Ti

will be granted by lock manager if and only if one of

the following statements is obeyed:

 Iiki+1 does not intersect with all intervals ac-

quired by transactions Tj , j = 1::m; j 6= i.

 if Iiki+1 intersects with several intervals ac-

quired by transactions Tj , j = 1::m; j 6= i, then

Miki+1 is compatible (according to Figure 1)

with each of these intervals.

Actually, intervals can be useful for preventing

phantoms [3]. We demonstrate this idea on example.

Assume that transaction T1 retrieves all books (see

lib.xml) by the following path expression: /lib/book,

while the transaction T2 inserts the price element as

the rst child of the rst book element. It is obvious

that the price element is the phantom for transac-

tion T1. But the transactions T1 and T2 will not

run concurrently because interval ["ab"; "apm"] in-

cludes the numeric numbers for price element to be

inserted. The algorithm of assigning numeric num-

bers to the new elements ensures it.

So far, we only considered the locking method

for one node or the whole subtree of XML docu-

ment. Below we present some extensions of our lock-

ing method which allow to increasing the degree of


Sometimes, transaction is needed to lock the part

of the subtree, for example all nodes of the subtree

with depth less than or equal to n, while the depth

of the whole subtree is greater than n. In this case

the lock request will consist of two parts. The rst

one is the interval of numeric numbers, which covers

the whole subtree, and the second one is the part of

descriptive schema to which the nodes to be locked

belong. Actually, the part of descriptive scheme con-

sists of the set of scheme nodes. For example, the

part of descriptive scheme, which covers book ele-

ment in lib document is the set of nodes: (book,

title, price, author). We will refer to the part of

descriptive scheme using S letter.

Thus, two locks (I1; S1) and (I2; S2) are compat-

ible if one of the following statements is obeyed:

 I1 does not intersect with I2

 I1 intersects with I2, but their modes M1 and

M2 are compatible.

 The rst and second statements are not obeyed,

but the descriptive scheme parts S1 and S2 does

not intersect.

It is obvious, that the using of descriptive scheme

allows to achieve higher degree of concurrency, but

the logic of lock manager becomes more complex.

6 Logical locks escalation

In Sedna, the lock manager component maintains a

count of the locks held by the transaction. If the

number of locks held by one transaction becomes

too large then the lock manager runs the escalation

procedure: the conversion of many ne-granularity

locks into a single coarse-granularity lock.

To tune the lock escalation, we introduce one pa-

rameter: the escalation thresold. If lock manager

detects that the number of locks acquired by one

transaction exceeds the percentage thresold value

de ned by the escalation threshold then the locks

held by this transaction are replaced with a suit-

able single lock, which covers all these locks. In our

locking method the escalation can be implemented

by means of replacing a set of intervals Ii with one

interval I, which covers all Ii.

It is obvious, there is a trade-o to be observed

for lock escalation. On the one hand lock escalation

leads to the decreasing of concurrency, but on the

other hand a reduction of the number of held locks

and the number of calls to the lock manager leads

to saving lock manager overhead.

7 Physiacal Locks

Physical locks serve for preventing con

icts at the

physical level. Physical locks are held during the

evaluation of one physical operation. In most rela-

tional databases the granularity of physical locks is


In Sedna we also use blocks as granule for physical

locking. And the simplest way to ensure physical

consistency is to lock the block, where the needed

nodes are stored.

To understand the interrelations between logi-

cal and physical locks consider the evaluation of

the XPath expression /lib/book[title="Data On the


We start evaluation of the query with traversing

the descriptive schema (note: in this paper we do not

consider the synchronization of descriptive schema).

The result of traverse is one schema node that con-

tain pointer to the list of blocks where the descrip-

tors of book nodes are stored. Then transaction will

lock the rst block from the list. Traversing this

block transaction will lock the blockes, where the ti-

tle node descriptors of the book nodes are stored. If

transaction nd a book, which title is equal to "Data

on the Web" then the one will lock this book node

at the logical level. When the list of book blocks will

be passed the physical locks can be released, while

the logical locks on the book nodes, which satisfy to

the predicate will be released only at the end of the


8 Related Work

Processing of concurrent querying and update of

XML-data has received only little attention so far.

In [9], the synchronization of concurrent trans-

actions is considered in the context of DOM API.

The authors present three types of locks. Node locks

are acquired for the actual nodes, navigational locks

are acquired on virtual navigation edges to synchro-

nize operations on the navigation paths, while log-

ical locks are introduced to prevent phantom prob-

lem. Authors o er rich options to enhance trans-

action concurrency. But synchronization of non-

navigational APIs (like XQuery) is part of future


In [10] the discussion is also based on the DOM

API, several isolation protocols are proposed. But

node locks are not acquired in a hierarchical context,

and lock granularity is xed for each protocol.

Grabs et. al [6] proposed a combination of well-

known granularity locking and predicate locking

which provides high concurrency, but their locking is

applicable to only restricted XML documents with

simple XPath query for transaction access.

9 Conclusion

Ecient concurrent processing of updates and

queries of XML-data in a consistent and reliable

way is an important practical problem. There are

only few extensions of commercial database systems,

which poorly support XML document processing.

In our paper we presented the physical represen-

tation of XML documents, which we use in Sedna.

Based on this representation, we have introduced

the locking mechanism, which allows acquiring the

nodes and subtrees of XML document in ecient

way. The logical and physical locks have been dis-

cussed. The idea how phantoms problem can be

solved by means of intervals of numeric numbers

is also presented. We pointed out that descriptive

scheme knowledge can improve the degree of concur-


Future work includes ecient deadlock detection

mechanism for proposed locking method. A recovery

mechanism is also one of the next steps in our plan.


[1] P. A. Bernstein, V. Hadzilacos, and N. Good-

man, "Concurrency Control and Recovery in

Database Systems" Addison-Wesley, 1987.

[2] S. Dekeyser, J. Hidders, J. Paredaens, "A trans-

action model for XML databases", World Wide

Web Journal, Kluwer, 2003.

[3] K. P. Eswaran, J. Gray, R. Lorie, and I. Traiger,

"The notions of consistency and predicate locks

in a database systems", Comm. of ACM, Vol.

19, No. 11, pp. 624-633, November 1976.

[4] D. Florescu and D. Kossman, "Storing and

Querying XML Data using an RDBMS", IEEE

Data Engineering Bulletin, 1999.

[5] A. Fomichev, M. Grinev, S. Kuznetsov, "De-

scriptive Schema Driven XML Storage", Sub-

mitted to ADBIS 2004.

[6] T. Grabs, K. Bohmd, and H. Schek, "XMLTM:

ecient transaction management for XML doc-

uments", Proc. of the 19th CIKM Conference,

pp 142-152, 2002.

[7] J. Gray, and A. Reuter, "Transaction Process-

ing: Concepts and Techniques", Morgan Kauf-

mann, 1993.

[8] M. Grinev, A. Fomichev, S. Kuznetsov, K.

Antipin, A. Boldakov, D. Lizorkin, L. Novak,

M. Rekouts, P. Pleshachkov, "Sedna: A Na-

tive XML DBMS", Submitted to International

Workshop on XQuery Implementation, Experi-

ence and Perspectives (XIME-P), 2004.

[9] M. P. Haustein, and Theo Harder, "taDOM:

a Tailored Synchronization Concept with Tun-

able Lock Granularity for the DOM API",

In Proc. ADBIS Conference, LNCS 2798,

Springer, 2003.

[10] S. Helmer, C.-C Kanne, and G. Moerkotte,

"Isolation in XML Bases", Technical report,

University of Mannheim, Germany, 2001.

[11] P. Lehti, "Design and Implementation of a

Data Manipulation Processor for an XML

Query Language", Technische Universitt

Darmstadt Technical Report No. KOM-D-149, lehti/diplomarbeit.pdf,

August, 2001.

[12] A. Silberschatz, H. Korth, S. Sudarshan,

"Database System Concepts", Third Edition,

McGraw-Hill, 1997.

[13] World Wide Web Consortium, "Extensible

Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (2nd edition)",

W3C Recommendation.

[14] World Wide Web Consortium, "XQuery 1.0:

An XML Query Language", W3C Working

Draft, 13 November 2003.


Introduction to database management


Database System Concepts 1.2 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Database management systems module

Myself: researcher in INRIA Futurs,

The course: follows (part of) the book

"Database System Concepts", Fourth Edition

Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan

(minor modifications to slides)

All slides are at:

The content taught here is basic and can be found in many other

good books (e.g. Gardarin; Ramakrishnan)


©Silberschatz, Database System Concepts 1.3 Korth and Sudarshan

What we are going to see

Introduction to database management systems

What's inside

Why it's interesting

Relational databases: the success story in databases

Relational model

Relational algebra

Most successful relational query language: SQL

Most successsful commercial product implementing SQL: Oracle

Database System Concepts 1.4 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Chapter 1: Introduction

Purpose of Database Systems

View of Data

Data Models

Data Definition Language

Data Manipulation Language

Transaction Management

Storage Management

Database Administrator

Database Users

Overall System Structure


©Silberschatz, Database System Concepts 1.5 Korth and Sudarshan

Database Management System (DBMS)

Collection of interrelated data

Set of programs to access the data

DBMS contains information about a particular enterprise

DBMS provides an environment that is both convenient and

efficient to use.

Database Applications:

Banking: all transactions

Airlines: reservations, schedules

Universities: registration, grades

Sales: customers, products, purchases

Manufacturing: production, inventory, orders, supply chain

Human resources: employee records, salaries, tax deductions

Databases touch all aspects of our lives

Database System Concepts 1.6 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Purpose of Database System

In the early days, database applications were built on top of

file systems

Drawbacks of using file systems to store data:

Data redundancy and inconsistency

Multiple file formats, duplication of information in different files

Difficulty in accessing data

Need to write a new program to carry out each new task

Data isolation —multiple files and formats

Integrity problems

Integrity constraints (e.g. account balance > 0) become part

of program code

Hard to add new constraints or change existing ones


©Silberschatz, Database System Concepts 1.7 Korth and Sudarshan

Purpose of Database Systems (Cont.)

Drawbacks of using file systems (cont.)

Atomicity of updates

Failures may leave database in an inconsistent state with partial

updates carried out

E.g. transfer of funds from one account to another should either

complete or not happen at all

Concurrent access by multiple users

Concurrent accessed needed for performance

Uncontrolled concurrent accesses can lead to inconsistencies

– E.g. two people reading a balance and updating it at the same


Security problems

Database systems offer solutions to all the above problems

Database System Concepts 1.8 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Levels of Abstraction

Physical level describes how a record (e.g., customer) is stored.

Logical level: describes data stored in database, and the

relationships among the data.

type customer = record

name : string;

street : string;

city : integer;


View level: application programs hide details of data types.

Views can also hide information (e.g., salary) for security



©Silberschatz, Database System Concepts 1.9 Korth and Sudarshan

View of Data

An architecture for a database system

Database System Concepts 1.10 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Instances and Schemas

Similar to types and variables in programming languages

Schema – the logical structure of the database

e.g., the database consists of information about a set of customers and

accounts and the relationship between them)

Analogous to type information of a variable in a program

Physical schema: database design at the physical level

Logical schema: database design at the logical level

Instance – the actual content of the database at a particular point in time

Analogous to the value of a variable

Physical Data Independence – the ability to modify the physical schema

without changing the logical schema

Applications depend on the logical schema

In general, the interfaces between the various levels and components should

be well defined so that changes in some parts do not seriously influence others.


©Silberschatz, Database System Concepts 1.11 Korth and Sudarshan

Data Models

A collection of tools for describing


data relationships

data semantics

data constraints

Entity-Relationship model

Relational model

Other models:

object-oriented model

semi-structured data models

Older models: network model and hierarchical model

Database System Concepts 1.12 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Entity-Relationship Model

Example of schema in the entity-relationship model


©Silberschatz, Database System Concepts 1.13 Korth and Sudarshan

Entity Relationship Model (Cont.)

E-R model of real world

Entities (objects)

E.g. customers, accounts, bank branch

Relationships between entities

E.g. Account A-101 is held by customer Johnson

Relationship set depositor associates customers with accounts

Widely used for database design

Database design in E-R model usually converted to design in the

relational model (coming up next) which is used for storage and


Database System Concepts 1.14 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Relational Model

Example of tabular data in the relational model





















Palo Alto


Palo Alto










©Silberschatz, Database System Concepts 1.15 Korth and Sudarshan

A Sample Relational Database

Database System Concepts 1.16 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Data Definition Language (DDL)

Specification notation for defining the database schema


create table account (

account-number char(10),

balance integer)

DDL compiler generates a set of tables stored in a data


Data dictionary contains metadata (i.e., data about data)

database schema

Data storage and definition language

language in which the storage structure and access methods

used by the database system are specified

Usually an extension of the data definition language


©Silberschatz, Database System Concepts 1.17 Korth and Sudarshan

Data Manipulation Language (DML)

Language for accessing and manipulating the data organized by

the appropriate data model

DML also known as query language

Two classes of languages

Procedural – user specifies what data is required and how to get

those data

Nonprocedural – user specifies what data is required without

specifying how to get those data

SQL is the most widely used query language

Database System Concepts 1.18 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan


SQL: widely used non-procedural language

E.g. find the name of the customer with customer-id 192-83-7465

select customer.customer-name

from customer

where customer.customer-id = ‘192-83-7465’

E.g. find the balances of all accounts held by the customer with

customer-id 192-83-7465

select account.balance

from depositor, account

where depositor.customer-id = ‘192-83-7465’ and

depositor.account-number = account.account-number

Application programs generally access databases through one of

Language extensions to allow embedded SQL

Application program interface (e.g. ODBC/JDBC) which allow SQL

queries to be sent to a database


©Silberschatz, Database System Concepts 1.19 Korth and Sudarshan

Database Users

Users are differentiated by the way they expect to interact with

the system

Application programmers – interact with system through DML


Sophisticated users – form requests in a database query


Specialized users – write specialized database applications that

do not fit into the traditional data processing framework

Naïve users – invoke one of the permanent application programs

that have been written previously

E.g. people accessing database over the web, bank tellers, clerical


Database System Concepts 1.20 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Database Administrator

Coordinates all the activities of the database system; the

database administrator has a good understanding of the

enterprise’s information resources and needs.

Database administrator's duties include:

Schema definition

Storage structure and access method definition

Schema and physical organization modification

Granting user authority to access the database

Specifying integrity constraints

Acting as liaison with users

Monitoring performance and responding to changes in



©Silberschatz, Database System Concepts 1.21 Korth and Sudarshan

Transaction Management

A transaction is a collection of operations that performs a single

logical function in a database application

Transaction-management component ensures that the database

remains in a consistent (correct) state despite system failures

(e.g., power failures and operating system crashes) and

transaction failures.

Concurrency-control manager controls the interaction among the

concurrent transactions, to ensure the consistency of the


Database System Concepts 1.22 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Storage Management

Storage manager is a program module that provides the

interface between the low-level data stored in the database and

the application programs and queries submitted to the system.

The storage manager is responsible to the following tasks:

interaction with the file manager

efficient storing, retrieving and updating of data


©Silberschatz, Database System Concepts 1.23 Korth and Sudarshan

Overall System Structure

Database System Concepts 1.24 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Application Architectures

Two-tier architecture: E.g. client programs using ODBC/JDBC to

communicate with a database

Three-tier architecture: E.g. web-based applications, and

applications built using “middleware”
2016-09-21 02:27:52 UTC
Don't consider that is true
2016-08-24 17:32:08 UTC
It depends..

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.