There are lots of legitimate ways to make money online. The trick is to find something that you like to do and stick with it. Despite what many people would like you to believe, though, working at home really does involve that nasty four letter word called Work.
Here is a small list of the various ways to make money on the internet. Keep in mind that the easiest ways are usually the least profitable.
1. Freelance writing. You could join a site like Elance for free and offer to write articles for people for a fee.
2. You could try free survey sites. I personally have never had any success with these, but there are plenty out there that are free to join if you want to try your luck. Just use Google or Yahoo search and look for the keyword free paid surveys. You will literally find thousands of sites offering these.
3. If you're good at finding deals at flea markets, Ebay is a great place to supplement your income.
4. You could try learning how to blog. This can help you earn money through affiliate marketing and by placing pay per click advertisements on your site.
5. Finally, try using your favorite search engine to research the various ways to earn money online. If you have the time, you can find enough free information on the internet to learn how to do just about anything.
If you decide to buy a product that claims to teach you how to make money online, make sure you research it first to make sure it's not a waste of money. Work at home programs are just like any other type of products on the market-there are good ones, bad ones, and some that are just a complete waste of time and money.
Good Luck!