My PC is slow to start up taking in excess of 6 mins. why is this and can it be improved?
2006-10-18 12:45:51 UTC
I have defragmented the hard drive and compressed old files using the features in Control Panel.

Does the main hard drive disk need cleansing/reformatting? If so how do I do that?
23 answers:
Nikolas S
2006-10-18 13:31:48 UTC
Before you do anything else, follow the instructions given below step by step and carefully: After you are finished with the process of cleaning your system and you still have the same problem, find someone knowledgeable and have him/her look into your "Strat up" programs file to prevent some programs from starting up with Windows. Bu he/she must know what he/she is doing. Otherwise take your machine to Best buy and have them do it for you, probably at a cost.

One more thing you need to do is to check and see if you have enough memory (RAM) installed in your PC and if you have anything less than 512, consider increasing it.

I hope this helps.


There are several way in doing it and if you haven’t done it for sometime, be prepared to spend about one hour on it.

One way is to: (a) while you are on the internet click on tools and then click on Internet options; on the window that opens, you will find three buttons “DELETE FILES”: “DELETE COOKIES” and “CLEAR HISTORY;” click on “DELETE FILES” first after you put a checkmark on the little square to the left of “DELETE ALL OFF LINE CONTENT” then click OK and wait for the process to finish. (b) Click on “DELETE COOKIES,” after the cookies process is finished, click on “clear history,” say yes or OK and close all windows by clicking OK. Now you are finished and your machine is supposed to be all cleaned up. However, you still have one more step to go to make sure that you hard drive is OK as well.

Click on start and then on “my computer” then right click on your “C” drive icon and then on “properties”; then click on the tab that says “tools;” and then click on the button “Check now.” On the massage that will open put a checkmark on the first little square and click Ok. Then say Yes to the message that will open. Go back to where you were and put a checkmark in the second little square, click OK and wait for the four-step process to finish. Close down all open windows and restart your machine. And wait for the process to finish and you see your desktop..

Now, while your are on your desk top, click “stat” - “All programs” - Accessories - “system tools” – “disk defragmenter,” click on disc defragmenter and when it opens make sure that your drive “C” is highlighted and click “Analyze;” Wait for the process to finish, close all open windows and you are done. Now, restart your computer and see how it behaves.

Now, do me a favor; Go to start, control panel; scheduled tasks, click on scheduled tasks to open and then click on help to learn how to schedule your machine to clean up itsself automatically and at least once a week.

Good luck

2006-10-18 12:53:58 UTC
Here's a way to get your PC the same as when you first bought it, but not lose your importnat files - buy an external hard drive (they're pretty cheap right now - my 80gig was £40) and back up your files. Then, restore the PC to factory settings (reformat it). The way to do this is different on different PCs eg if you weren't given a disc when you got the PC, you'll probably have to do it when you start up by pressing Fsomething. You can use a program which you may have on your startup menu called 'system restore', ans you may need to use the disc you were issued when you bought your PC. Hope that helps.
2015-08-17 04:32:10 UTC
This Site Might Help You.


My PC is slow to start up taking in excess of 6 mins. why is this and can it be improved?

I have defragmented the hard drive and compressed old files using the features in Control Panel.

Does the main hard drive disk need cleansing/reformatting? If so how do I do that?
2014-08-15 14:44:47 UTC
You can download Ccleaner here :

To start with open Ccleaner

To make this concise, beneath is my suggested setup:

Under web pilgrim check provisional web documents, treats, and last download area. Most clients don't generally require this stuff. keep history and bookmarks unchecked, history is a possibly, however you would prefer not to lose bookmarked locales.

Run Ccleaner and it will begin erasing documents.

a while later it will give you an arrangement of the documents erased, you truly don't have to experience it as it will be a few pages long.

The registry cleaner is proposed for marginally more praiseworthy clients. Use it in the wake of uninstalling projects as they will regularly abandon erroneous registry sections.

In the event that you choose to run Registry cleaner then audit the things identified and constantly move down the registry (I keep an envelope aside for this)

The Tools tab gives you a chance to uninstall projects and set startup programs. Why do you require this if Windows has these peculiarities? Particularly with Vista Home Ed. The windows safeguard programming wayfarer( startup programs) doesn't get a few sections (however programming adventurer is less demanding to utilize).

Utilizing Ccleaner to uninstall projects and after that check for remaining registry passages takes less time.

Under Options you can decide how Ccleaner cleans your records. I allow this to sit unbothered.
2016-12-12 23:00:14 UTC
Computer Slow To Boot
2016-11-13 15:03:12 UTC
Computer Slow Startup
2016-02-15 20:18:03 UTC
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2006-10-18 13:03:31 UTC
theres a lot that could be contributing to the slow start up. i bet its not any one thing....

1: could be too much dust on the inside of the computer. consider opening it up and using compressed air to cleain the dust out.

2: could be that the hard drive itself is really full. generally, if i hard drive is full, it takes longer to start up. my solution was that i purchased a second hard drive, and now i have windows running on the main hard drive, while the second drive is used for storage of music, movies, software, games, and whatever. that leaves the main hard drive fairly empty and able to do its job much quicker.

3: you may need to add RAM. this may not be the cause, but RAM isnt too expensive, so it may be worth a shot.

4: go to start, programs, accessories, system tools, disc defragmentor. use this tool to defragment your hard drive as many times as it takes, until it tells you that you dont need to do it anymore. this can be time consuming, so i usually start it as i go to bed, and let it run overnight. if you do that each night, your computer will begin to run a bit faster, not just at start up.

5: programs that are all starting up at the same time. a lot of programs that you may have on the computer, you may have set up so that they start automatically when the computer is turned on. disable as many of the automatic startups as possible. the less programs your computer has to process at the same time, the faster it will boot up.

6: run a bunch of virus, adware and spyware scans. a lot of times, these can slow your computer down, so it may help to give your computer a good cleaning. and dont just use one program. use one the first day, a different one the second day, maybe even a third one on another day. alternate your virus software so that you dont miss anything.

7: if all else fails, wipe your hard drive and start from scratch.

hope this helps!
Digital Angel
2006-10-18 12:57:39 UTC
There's a folder usually "Prefetch" under c:\windows

(where are talking about Xp, right?)

Delete every file present and reboot.

The "prefetch" folder is used to "cache" the startup of many applications, some of them probably have been uninstalled but the prefetch is still trying to initialize them.

Once you begin starting applications, the prefetch folder will be gradually rebuilt.

You should also check for spyware with Lavasoft Adaware!
2017-02-09 04:52:33 UTC
Serving Jesus
2006-10-18 13:01:10 UTC
If your problem is mainly on start up, this shouldn't make a difference, but if you are always feeling slow, you also might move your physical computer to where it has better air circulation. The cooler the computer is the faster it runs.
2006-10-18 12:49:57 UTC
your computer might be trying to load too many programs on start up...a good way to check these and even remove them is by going to start..clicking on run..and typing msconfig...then click on the start up tab and uncheck whatever it is that you dont need starting up....another issue can be invalid registry entries...since it is suggested not to mess with your registry..a good program that can fix this up for you is tuneup is free for 30 it from use it...its not like those programs filled with me..i noticed quite a difference...good luck!
2006-10-18 13:06:56 UTC
you need to clean your registry of your operating system (windows). to do that you need a software.

go to type reg clean .

find a free software(other than free version,they onley scan your registry,but they don't fix the problems),then install,then run

after running and resstarting your pc ,your pc will start and work much faster.I have one.which I can e-mail you ,

sent your e-mail address to
2006-10-18 12:57:04 UTC
I have the same problem. I was told it's the RAM. Go into control panel, system and check your RAM I would think you need about 700. (to get this done you need your mother board in your tower
robert m
2006-10-18 12:54:04 UTC
Break down and buy a good PC.
2006-10-18 12:48:42 UTC
ok well whats the specificaation on your pc ?

whats the most recent software install

how long has it been happening then you will find your anwser
2006-10-18 12:59:40 UTC
hi i know its bit of a read but this really helped speed my laptop up,

it tells you step by step what to do, like deleting unseen unused files etc, hope it helps.

there is also lots of other helpful things in sub menu on right side of screen,, check link
2006-10-18 12:52:46 UTC
if it is mainly slow on starting up you may want to try the following

>>>> start>>>>run>>>>>type in "msconfig" and then look for the startup tab>>>Under startup you will see a list of programs being loaded on startup of your computer...Uncheck unneccesary programs


in my computer right click your hard drive>>>>Properties>>>>tools>>>>run the error check tool as well as the Defragmentation wizard....

Get system upadates from microsoft

Also run antivirus/spyware checks

(the first two should solve the problem though)

Hope it helps!!!
2016-01-31 06:05:16 UTC

Cleaned up my free space and speeded my start-up back to normal
2006-10-18 12:49:43 UTC
Don't worry, your computer is just slow. There is not much you can do.
2006-10-18 12:55:46 UTC
by the time its booted in you've no doubt forgot what you went on for!!!treat yourself to a new one
2006-10-18 12:55:12 UTC
there might be too much memory on ur comp you might have to reboot it
2014-10-25 07:56:21 UTC
your pc is very slow! how to fix....

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