hey bernz, everything you told him is right... except one thing: the asker wants to copy (images) from a PDF file, not from any usual web page...
Adobe Reader version 6.x
To copy any range of text (part of a page, a whole page, or the whole PDF file) of the PDF file to Word, follow these steps:
1. Open the PDF file in Adobe Reader.
2. Click the Tools menu, select to display the Basic submenu, and then click Select Text.
3. Select all the text in the PDF file that you want to copy, or click Select All on the Edit menu to select all the contents of the file, and then click Copy on the Edit menu.
4. Switch to Word, click the location where you want to paste the text, and then click Paste on the Edit menu.
To copy a graphic from the file, follow these steps: 1. Open the PDF file in Adobe Reader.
2. Click the Tools menu, select to display the Basic submenu, and then click Select Image.
3. Locate the graphic that you want to copy. Right-click the graphic, and then click Copy Image to Clipboard.
4. Switch to Word, click the location where you want to paste the image, and then click Paste on the Edit menu.
How to copy images from a PDF file isn't obvious from the menus and toolbar. The steps below will show you how it's done. The copied image can be pasted into another document or saved to your hard drive.
Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: N/A
Here's How:
Open a PDF file and go to the area you want to copy.
Zoom in on the area to be copied until it's the desired size. Images can only be copied at screen resolution (72-96 ppi).
In Acrobat Reader version 4: Click and hold down on the Text Select Tool button. A toolbar flyout will appear with three additional buttons. Choose the Graphic Select Tool from the flyout (third button).
In Acrobat Reader version 5: Click the Graphics Select Tool on the toolbar or use the keyboard shortcut G.
In the document area, drag a selection marquee around area you wish to copy.
Right click and choose copy, or go to Edit -> Copy, or press Ctrl-C on your keyboard. (Command-C on Macintosh)
The selected area is placed onto the clipboard as a bitmap.
Paste the image into another document, or paste it to an image editor and save it to your hard drive.
To copy text from a PDF document, use the Text Select Tool and the text will remain editable.
If the text you wish to copy is in a column, choose the Column Select Tool. The column select tool maybe be in a submenu of the Text select tool.
You can also copy text with the Graphic Select Tool, however, it will be copied as a bitmap image and will not be editable as text.