Is there a way to detect bandwidth throttling by your ISP?
2009-07-07 08:05:02 UTC
I strongly suspect my bandwidth is being throttled when I use Bittorrent. My download speed normally is around 200-250KB/s and occasionally I'll get as high as 150 on Bittorrent, after a while though it always sinks to around 5-20 and never recovers.
Is there a way to know for sure if this is doe to bandwidth throttling on the part of my ISP?
Three answers:
2009-07-07 08:31:44 UTC
BT and Virgin media both throttle speeds of users who upload/dl a lot, especially in the evenings. It usually goes back to normal after midnight.
Make sure that when using bittorrent, you set your upload rate to no more than 80% of your maximum speed, otherwise there wont be enough bandwidth to send queries to other users bittorrent clients
2016-05-22 10:52:14 UTC
Open your firewall program and in the exceptions area add Limewire. This will then allow Limewire to connect to the internet. If you click on help in Limewire you should find a link that tells you in more detail how to do this with your specific firewall.