I have a somewhat modern Dell Latitude D620 which I upgraded to 2GB of RAM and it also has a Core 2 Duo processor with a clean install of Windows XP pro (as according to product key on bottom). This machine is really slow, I ran all of the updates, scanned for viruses which turned out to be nothing. I don't know what wrong. This obviously is not the newest computer in any stretch of imagination but why is Windows XP so slow. XP originaly shipped on machines with 128 and 256MB of RAM and I thought the 2GB was very generous. I defragged the hard drive to make sure nothing got placed in weird places during install but still runs very slowly. I want to give this to my mom for mothers day tomorrow as it is in perfect condition since she does not have a "modern" computer. She won't use it for the most intense things, she likes youtube but that has no problem once the machine is up and running since the processor is new enough to handle it (even in 720!). Ubuntu (it was actually xubuntu) linux worked great should I stick with that? Just please give me suggestions on what to do to speed it up when in Windows XP, I installed Chrome as main browser so its not ie as many people annoyingly told me it was. Any thanks in advanced!