2011-02-25 18:20:02 UTC
I make a large redundant /home volume when I build a server, AND /home is from where I want to back things up as well. But Ubuntu's Apache wants to use /var/www to put everything and so does PHP, MySQL and Drupal. /VAR is in a MUCH smaller /(root) volume that is usually also some form of FauxRAID, but definitely inadequate to be DocRoot for a bunch of websites.
Now I've already configured Apache to use /home/public_html for Document Root on all Virtual Servers that it spawns, but I've got a whole bunch of stuff in /var/www (about 2300 files and subdirectories) that if I move I'll also have to edit all the references in a couple of dozen configuration files in a half a dozen daemons. Back in my beloved DOS days I'd just put "subst p: c:\var\www" in autoexec.bat and let the file system take care of the corpses.
I want to do the same (well, similar) thing here with Ubuntu Server 10.4 LTS. Anything the server looks for in or tries to write to /var/www it will magically be in /home/public_html.