How do you protect yourself against computer viruses?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
How do you protect yourself against computer viruses?
733 answers:
2010-02-08 05:30:49 UTC

I am using a good antivirus program and scanning my machine regulary

I am using a good antispyware program

I don't visit unsafe websites

I don't click on strange links I receive by email

I never give my account information or password in case I receive a mail requesting it

I don't click on strange links that come up in instant messaging windows

I never open mails from unknown senders

I never add strange people to my MSN contacts

seeya ☺
The Patriot
2010-02-07 22:51:47 UTC
I do not visit questionable websites.

I do not open spam e-mail attachments (or if I can, I also avoid opening spam e-mails).

I keep my virus protection up to date and regularly clear my internet cache by using it once a week.

And I do not use internet explorer, either using Firefox or Opera.
2010-03-02 14:49:23 UTC
I would recommend using Microsoft Security Essentials, because it is free and is a firewall, antivirus, and antispyware all in one program. Download it from
2010-04-07 06:59:38 UTC
I specifically installed Norton Internet Security which contains Anti virus.

It is my opinion nobody should endeavor to occupy the internet without a personal firewall be it an individual or a corporation.

Symantec Corporation the parent of Norton Internet Security and System Works and Norton 360 provide both a retail full year effective application software for every one sold at most retailers nationwide and world wide as well as provide a limited use version in a bundle intended to be upgraded once the user becomes familiar with it basically as a courtesy to help insure protection and this benefits both Microsoft and Norton and you.

You know already that running a computer while connected on line and using a browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or a Mozilla browser like Firefox or my favorite, Seamonkey, which is a product very similar to the former Mozilla Netscape which was sold out to AOL Time Warner a few years ago, there are websites and email clients that run special programs to help protect you from spyware, adware, trojans, popups and other malicious or less dangerous but bothersome applications.

It is best for you to be informed about the threats that exist 24/7 on the internet and using applications like iTunes, Skype, Google Maps, Window Live Messenger POP3 server e-mail and chat rooms to name a few are all targets of hackers and therefore are where the vulnerabilities exist.

If you simply follow some basic steps:

1. Purchase a best selling Anti Virus and Personal Internet Firewall Program at a retailer.

2. Install this once you have determined you have met all of the system requirements.

3. Run the program and follow all on screen instructions.

4. Run Live Update and allow the program to access all of it's available program updates from the internet and install them,

5. Finally, run what is known as a full system scan.

The full system scan will examine all files in the entire computer and should run without any games or other applications running except for task manager programs and Quick Launch shortcuts and Startup programs.

Let them run.

Then it may take a long time but it will finally finish and tell you if you have anything in your computer or not.

If not, then after you have completed a full system scan you can be sure that the program you just used to examine your computer for viruses will run 24/7 in your computer as long as it is turned whether you are on the internet sometimes and off other times or

Whether you are running Family Fast Ethernet DSL that runs constantly as this is one reason most people rely on a firewall that is always running.

I hope you have the answer you need.

It is not rocket science.

But, on the other hand hackers are smart so your firewall and anti-virus program has to be even smarter to protect you 24/7.

note: sometimes your browser will place tracking cookies either from a second or third party. These are not a threat but you can always delete them as they reoccur every time you log on to your home page on line. Once you become with some of the cookies that you know are not threats but just part of the browser and/or the website you go to regularly then you can set your Internet Security program to accept these so they will not continually be brought up every time you scan your PC.

Have a good day.
2010-03-28 14:16:32 UTC
The main thing is what I DON"T do. I don't use Internet Explorer...
2010-04-07 10:18:34 UTC
Get a mac dude!
2010-04-06 09:40:34 UTC
2010-04-04 13:50:47 UTC
Get a Mac I have one clicked on like a hundred and my computer is still ok
Daniel R
2010-04-03 22:05:04 UTC
Wrap your computer in latex.
2010-03-29 09:03:02 UTC
Use Linux and Mac.

Windows is the single largest vulnerability in modern computing.
2010-04-07 11:42:18 UTC
Keep your teenage son and his friends off the computer! When they get on our computer is when it really messes up!
2016-08-24 03:50:16 UTC
Wire Tapped
2010-03-29 01:46:45 UTC
The first thing I did after a recent computer purchase was to make Restore Discs. This way I can restore my computer in the event anything really bad happens. I also regularly do a backup. I also use Parental Controls, even though I am an adult. By logging everything, I have a way to not get fooled a second time. In addition, I use two programs which show me the live connection stats - one for the DNS, the second for the IP. I also log almost everything - not because I am paranoid, but because I know the value of the investment I have in the computer AND my work.

Many of the other suggestions I see here are very good. I check out the whois of websites if I am unfamiliar with them. I use trusted sources like to get free or trial applications which might be useful. I do not open emails from unknown sources - attachment or not. I do not use IM. I do not use Social Networking web sites except Yahoo. I approach almost everything with caution, rather than an expectation of everything just working properly forever. I know computers can break down; whether hardware or software being the cause.

Finally, if I see something unexpected happening on my computer, I am prepared with having a way to stop it. Most importantly, I note viruses aren't the biggest threat - worms, malware, and trojans are.
2010-04-06 09:36:49 UTC
Viruse Protection
2010-04-07 12:09:49 UTC
It is nigh on impossible to completely protect yourself from Viruses, Trojans etc. Even big organisations spending multiple thousands on IT protection can be hacked into if targeted by a very determined hacker. And don't ever think that because your PC isn't the basis of Barclays Bank IT systems, that it can't be targeted by the same determined hackers. However, these risks can be minimised if you follow a few simple steps:

1) Obtain the best Anti Virus etc program you can buy. IMHO the best going are via Panda, Kapersky and McAfee but please do your own research. ALWAYS ensure you have the relevant Firewall activated.

2) ALWAYS run regular updates for both your chosen Anti Virus program and your Windows (if applicable) system.

3) Pay attention to the speed of your PC. If it seems slower than usual, you may be infected with a Virus/Trojan etc. If in doubt-start up in Safe Mode then run your Anti Virus program. If you have any further suspicion then use the Restore point or if all else fails get your operating system erased and reloaded.

4) Run your Anti Virus program for a Full Scan once a week at a minimum.

5) Keep away from any Internet sites which appear 'too good to be true'. Free pics of Beyonce's booty are unlikely to be genuine for example and are a good example of how a Cyber attack can happen via an attachment.

6) Be extremely careful about 'scammy' emails offering similar things eg Free Viagra etc- these are usually signs of hackers at work.This also goes for some scammy 'anti virus' packages which are Trojans designed to punch a hole in your Firewall to allow Root kits, Key loggers etc. Some of them just don't work PARETO-LOGIC IS AN EXAMPLE-I WAS RIPPED OFF BY THEM AS THEY APPEARED LEGIT VIA A 'GOOGLE 'AD. TOOK £36 OFF ME VIA PAYPAL AND SOLD ME FAKE ANTI-VIRUS SOFTWARE. PAYPAL WASN'T INTERESTED. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED...!


Finally, use your common sense. If a website is offering something 'free' then be suspicious. They are all about ensnaring you so that you either part with money for something you don't really need or they have the express intention of infecting your PC system.
2010-04-08 13:23:06 UTC
Commonly, people precieve macs as these symbols of greatness in computing. Sure they look nice, but their inner workings and hardware are just junk.

One of the biggest misconceptions about macs is "Macs don't get viruses!" You couldn't be any farther from the truth.

Another Misconception is: "Macs are expensive cause their better." NO!!!! Macs are only expensive because they have no competition in selling the Apple OS. If the APPLE OS was sold by multiple companies, then the price would go down, as any economic major will tell you. COMPETITION MEANS BETTER PRICES!!!! With nobody else selling their product, Apple can decide whatever price they want. Plus they've made themselves their own little empire of IPODS.

Back when the IPOD was still just a music player alone, They costed roughly $150 Dollars, compared too a scandisk mp3 player. Same potential, Same exact thing. Difference.. is $100 Dollars. People bought the Ipod Because it had an apple logo on it, and the world followed.

NOW.. onto the MACS Don't get VIRUSES!!!

(NERD MODE ON): Correction. Macbooks are expensive because they are the only ones who run the MAC OS..... Not because "THEY Don't get virus" .... the reason there arn't any viruses for macs is because nobody wants to make a virus for macs. Since mac users are only roughly 14% of the population. The other 84% is Windows..........

Think of it this way. Lets think Bananas, Apples, and Mangos... If you can only eat 1 type of fruit on a deserted Island. To last you the rest of your life. (Disregard ur preference on taste) There are 100 fruit in total. You could have 84 Banana (windows), 14 Apples (Apple) or 2 Mangos (Linix) Which one would you choose?

Once Apple starts out numbering PC'S... Apple is going to Get SLAMMED by virus's since their OS isn't used to warding off virus's. Its like your Immune System. You precious Macs are like Kids who've been trapped in bubbles their entire Lives. They can't handle a single cold baccteria cause their immune systems are worthless. Windows on the otherhand, are Amazing at warding off virus's. You just have to know what your doing.

None the less, Macs STILL GET VIRUS'S. Just not as frequent because the're arn't as many out there for Macs. All you need is a good Anti-Virus Software, and your set for life with a PC :)

(NERDMODE OFF): :P conclusion, Don't Buy a mac. You will be sorry in 10 years when the Scales of PC vs MAC ratio shifts. And macs become Hightech Doorstops.
2010-04-06 12:37:07 UTC
First off, to protect is to restrain yourself, you must be sure not to visit potentially hazardous websites, you must restrict websites from giving pop up messages and never click and download anything from those sites unless you have scanned and made sure they do not carry a virus.

Next is getting and paying for a good virus scan program, PAY FOR IT!

Free scanners only catch 55% of the defined viruses, which 80% of the ones it does catch are not serious PC killing programs, but the few that do slip through can destroy your system.

Only trust well known names in virus scanning, ones that I trust have been around for more than 10 years and have a record of high performance, or have shown and proved that they are a good product in user polls and or by my tests for their performance.

McAfee, Kapersky, Norton, in that order are the ones I would trust and I would never under any circumstance use Trend Micro, Avast, AVG, or any other program claiming to render virus scanning service free or not.

Spies and malware: These are a threat that is almost as bad, some virus scanners catch them and some do not, some scanners catch less than 55% of the known ones and the ones they miss will destroy your rig. Like the virus scanners they too need to not be used, in order I will say I would use Windows Defender and Yahoo Anti Spy along with McAfee Virus scan as my front line against trojans, spies, malware, tracking cookies before I would risk downloading stuff for fees or free and risk my valuable PC.

Use a Windows Firewall program from Microsoft or use the one built into the virus scanner you choose.

This will weed out some attackers and stop all of them in their tracks.

Scan 2 times a day with the anti spy scan and do a virus scan every two days.

Run Disk Cleanup every day and De-fragment every two days.
Tony RB
2010-04-07 09:24:52 UTC
The criminal networks now attack computers with "poisoned" Flash advertising and Acrobat PDF files. Legitimate websites have been compromised with these several times, even Yahoo has been hit this year. Other criminals attack legitimate businesses' web servers over the Internet or have "insiders" who put the attack software directly on the servers. Then there are the cross-site scripting and iFrame compromises.

So one must always use an anti-malware scanner, just as one uses a broom and mop and vacuum cleaner to remove dust, dirt, and insects.


Within Windows, Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware is a good scanner. Also SUPERAntiSpyware Portable Scanner.

Several anti-malware companies now provide free bootable CDs that can scan a computer for viruses without booting windows. BitDefender, AVG, and F-Secure are three recent ones.

AVG Rescue CD

A powerful toolset for rescue & repair of infected machines.

Boot Up Securely with the Rescue CD

I don't have the BitDefender link handy.

Norton Anti-Virus has a bootable rescue CD but you have to have the activation code to be able to run it. This is also not a Linux-based scanner.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010 at 11:25 am CDT
2010-04-06 21:49:37 UTC
Well if you wanna keep your pc protected as much as possible you need a good reliable anitvirus system. i use trend micro its made for companies. Also another good idea is to NOT use internet explorer. i use google chrome. Also if you want to go all out make sure you scan your computer everday once when you wake up. somewhere in the middle of your day and before you go to bed Also one thing you should do is disconnect your internet cord or unplug the power. There's been instances where people have gotten viruses even when there not on the computer. This is a little of topic but always to make sure to shut of your computer and not leave it running. ALWAYS use the manual shut down button on the screen! dont hold down that button on the computer its self, that can harm your computer. Hope this helped
2010-03-30 08:28:23 UTC
Actually,It is the computers that needs protection from viruses and not me, so you 'd been better to ask "How do you protect your COMPUTER against viruses?" If the latter is what you wanted to ask:

most computer viruses can be detected by a GOOD AND UP-TO-DATE anti virus.An anti virus that is not updated regularly is like no anti virus at all because new viruses are being written as we speak. But what I said can only partly block the access to your files. The truth is if a computer master-- a true Hacker --want to intrude ,there is no way in hell that a regular computer user would be able to block him/her.Especially if you use Microsoft OS such as Windows XP.So you better make backups of your important files in flash memories and keep it somewhere(You won't lose it entirely this way.).
2010-04-06 17:04:25 UTC
First, avoid questionable sites, especially porn sites.

Don't give any bank/personal info unless you are absolutely certain it's right. Check the URL, sometimes people will spoof the URL to make it look like it's the right website, for example, "".

Get antivirus protection, such as Norton, Kapersky or Malwarebytes, and keep them up to date and run scans often. Do not download any program that suddenly starts "scanning" your system and finds large amounts of trojans, viruses, etc. in an attempt to get you to download/buy their program. This is called scareware, and it is often a scam. Go on wikipedia for more info.

Use a firewall, but don't use two at the same time. (I've run scans using Malwarebytes and Norton at the same time, though, and it didn't give me a problem).

Finally, be smart. Trust your intuition. Don't download iTunes from "", or anything like that, and you should be in good shape.
2010-04-06 03:33:29 UTC
These are personal Rules and Guidelines that i live by when using a Computer.

Critical & Important things to keep in mind.

1). Always update all your programs to their latest, respective versions.

2). Always have your anti-viral programs running at all times.

3). Always keep a watchful eye for things that may have changed on your machine(s).

4). Keep an open mind about the dangerous effects a virus can inflict.

5). Always back up your system files on an external hard drive.

6). Always scan your entire system on a regular basis.

7). Should you encounter a virus, don't panic. Contact support right away.

Rules & Guidelines to follow by.

1). Never open suspicious e-mails sent to you from a foreign source.

2). Never download a program that your not familiar with, even though, you heard it was safe.

3). Never uninstall or turn off working virus protection programs.

4). Never share Compact Disks with another person, unless a virus scan was done first.

5). Never underestimate a virus.

6). Never click on foreign, unfamilar links.

Take care of your computer like you would a person. Computers get sick too ya know!
2010-04-07 05:11:03 UTC
Verify your websites (yes, that means no porn unless your cool with your cpu dying).

Don't use security suites, they don't help, instead, keep your computer well maintained. Defragment, disk check, back up, do a lot of file/folder checking. Make sure you delete every program file and folder that you don't need or use

If you do have to use a security suite, use malwarebytes, its free and it works well. Most important in this package is file assassin which will delete any file on your computer. Be very careful with this.

Use a good web browser. IE8? No. Firefox is your best bet. It was designed for windows by windows users. They know virus infected sites, they check the source code for viruses, so the chances of you getting a virus using Firefox are very low. Safari was designed for mac by business people so the information they have is pretty limited. IE8 was designed by Microsoft so its buggy, and I can confirm that IE6 had spyware built in.
2010-04-06 10:16:24 UTC
Well, You yourself don't need to be afraid of computer viruses and there's nothing computer viruses can do to hurt you, kill you or turn you into a zombie... ; ) Computer viruses can only affect computers, that's it..... Well, there's one way you might need protection from computer viruses and that's when u r having s e x with it....that's the only way... wear a c o n d o m (Don't be like that stupid bas terd that did it with the monkey in Africa and gave all human race AIDS. )

Anyway, if you are worried about protecting YOUR computer from computer viruses, then you can follow any of the suggestions already given above by all these smart people.
2010-04-07 22:34:06 UTC
1. Never open a file attachment sent to you from an unknown source. In most cases, the safest thing to do is delete them as soon as you see them in your mailbox.

2. Understand that patches and updates for programs are rarely distributed by email. (Microsoft and other reputable companies use other means, which are more secure.)

3. Never open a file unless you know what it is.

4. Files containing virus content are always sent disguised in some way.

5. Users of Outlook and Outlook Express should disable the Preview Pane. A recent virus was thought (but not proven) to infect simply by being displayed in Outlook Express. It is be safer to avoid any risk!

6. Always use Windows Update to ensure that the latest security patches from Microsoft are installed on your system.

7. Last, and most important, If you have not updated your viral signatures recently then go to the program supplier's web site and download any updates now!
Trent J. Mattier
2010-04-07 15:59:45 UTC
McAfee, Spybot Search and Destroy, Norten Internet Security, Crap Cleaner, AVG AntiVirus, and AntiSpyware. At least one of these should do the trick.

Also, clear your history (search data) after every time you're on the internet (also, use "private browsing" ), don't visit any shady sites, don't have bookmarks (write the sites you want on a page in a journal or something), don't download anything unless you're sure that it's legit, put all important files and information on a flash-drive or hard-drive and put an alphanumerical (one that's easy for you to remember, but hard for others to guess) as the password for your flash-drive or hard-drive, use an alphanumerical code as your password on the computer, and keep communication sites to a minimal (only trusted sites).

And remember not to share personal information over the internet and to not give your email address to anyone, unless that person is well trusted.

And with email, the messages that you're unsure of, you should send to the spam box, and then delete them. Also, remember to empty the trash can (or recycle bin).

Oh, and always empty the trash can (or recycle bin) on your desktop.
Sib A
2010-04-07 07:42:06 UTC
There are many kinds of viruses, and many ways that viruses may infect your computer system, including installing software or booting your computer from floppy disks or CD-ROMs, however the most likely cause now is virus infection via your Internet connection, specifically from email, browsing the web, and downloading software from the Internet. There are some simple rules to follow which will minimise the possibility of being caught out.

1. Never open a file attachment sent to you from an unknown source. In most cases, the safest thing to do is delete them as soon as you see them in your mailbox.

2. Understand that patches and updates for programs are rarely distributed by email. (Microsoft and other reputable companies use other means, which are more secure.)

3. Never open a file unless you know what it is. If you've received it from someone you know, ask him or her about it. (They may have a virus infection that is mailing out copies of itself without their knowledge.)

4. Files containing virus content are always sent disguised in some way. For example, the message may say a screensaver, bill or invoice is attached.

5. Users of Outlook and Outlook Express should disable the Preview Pane. A recent virus was thought (but not proven) to infect simply by being displayed in Outlook Express. It is be safer to avoid any risk!

6. Always use Windows Update to ensure that the latest security patches from Microsoft are installed on your system. If you don't do that then make regular visits to Microsoft's web site to check for update patch availability. (Go to and select Windows Update from the left side menu.

7. Last, and most important, every computer must have anti-virus software installed and running whenever the computer is switched on - and without fail, the virus definition programs should be kept up to date each and every week. Some programs such as McAfee AntiVirus or AVG can be configured to automatically check for updates several times a day while some programs require manual updating by connecting to the product update site. If you have not updated your viral signatures recently then go to the program supplier's web site and download any updates now!
2010-04-07 01:44:58 UTC
Don't browse porn, don't download torrents and free programs on the internet such as emoticons, Antispyware programs and screensavers.

I use a mac and they only have about 300 viruses but as people say get a mac Macs will get more viruses as they become more known as the virus free operating system. Then people will Start using Ubuntu (Linux) but then hackers will keep planting viruses for those. The only way we can all be virus free is if we kill every hacker in the world or atleast give them a distraction apart from laughing eviley over *****Ing up people's computers.

If you are using a PC the best 3 antivirus programs available are:

Norton internet security 2010 -

Kaspersky internet security 2010 -

Spyware doctor with antivirus -

Good luck!
2010-04-06 18:37:56 UTC
To be honest, I haven't been using Anti Virus software in a year and I haven't gotten infected yet! Virus Protection protects you from viruses. The virus protection is really you. If you don't visit websites on adds, go to porn websites, download something suspicious then you wouldn't get a virus. If you want a free virus protection program I would download Microsoft Security Essentials since it is made by Microsoft and it has a high detection rate and is free.
2010-04-08 00:17:06 UTC
You have a lot of responses. The best way to keep from getting computer viruses is to unplug your computer from the Internet, and never, ever run a file that a friend brought over for you to run on your computer.

Other than that, use Windows Security Essentials, scan regularly, and also have a 3rd-party spyware application (i.e. spybot search and destroy) that you also run regularly.

OH.... you can turn your account into a regular User account, and keep a separate admin account for installing programs. If you run on your user account w/out admin rights, a virus would have a harder time trying to get installed, since the account w/the virus isn't an admin account.
2010-04-05 20:32:26 UTC
I suggest using an anti virus program like Avast. When you get one a anti virus program, avoid trojan horse viruses like Gamevance and other adds that scam you. Also, if you have a email you and don't know where it's from, avoid them. they can send cookies running through everywhere in your computer. But there are times where a person falls into a computer worm, this multiplies and may even go to the whole country if it's too severe. But some arent really so big of a deal , it might just be a prank or a rick roll.=D
2010-04-02 23:05:16 UTC
Well, if you have internet, you can't get away from viruses. Viruses are always in your computer( even if you don't know it!). Do you know every time you load up a page, it downloads the stuff it needs to make the website function, but some of those things come with viruses. Anyway I suggest Norton, it does automatic checks, or when it spots a deadly virus, it stops it and lets you know.
2010-04-07 14:43:29 UTC
Well i use norton, if you have comcast then you can download it from All you need is a comcast email address and then you can download it. You can do plenty of things with norton, including cleaning your registery, file clean up, quick scan or scan your whole system, identity protection and more. If you use internet explorer, you can get the norton safe search, which is a search engine except that it tells you which sites are safe and which aren't, some sites haven't been tested though. I also heard that when norton detects a virus a box pops up and you can delete the file, you don't have to buy norton either if you have comcast internet. All you need is a comcast email address, enter that and then click download or whatever it says i forgot, i think it did say download though.
♪♫ BearyAndFriends ♫♪
2010-04-04 10:20:46 UTC
Usually you get computer viruses from the internet, so here are some things to be cautious of:

1. Websites from spam emails.

2. Downloading things such as songs and software from places other than the creator's website or dealer.

You should also get an anti-virus program such as Norton, or a good free one like PrevX or Avast. These can check your files for viruses when downloading files you may be suspicious of.
2010-04-07 18:17:29 UTC
I use Kaspersky Internet Security.

I use a well secured router with Wi-Fi.

I have a safe email.

I only browse the web through Virtual Machines.

I use Windows 7 with the latest updates.

I use a separate computer for automatic backup.

My backup is encrypted.

All my files are encrypted.

I have some crazy firewall rules.

I host my website and my home server in a separate computer.

All of my passwords are different.

I update my software everyday using other computer(A clone).

If i have kids, they wouldn't even touch my computer.

I'm a bit paranoid with security.

All of my Portable Devices are secure.

I can control my computer, server, iPod, backup station, power station, and even my TV from everywhere using a secure connection.

I never download porn on this computer.

This computer have lots of games. But none of them can connect to the web.

This answer was written in Brazil, and using a remote connection between my iPod and my Computer. Through this connection, I have access to the virtual machine running on my computer that have fully internet access. This virtual machine is handling my connection to Yahoo now.
2010-04-03 07:54:29 UTC
1. Use Anti virus program KasperSky Internet Security 2010 and scan the whole machine once in 15 days.

2. Also use a software named Advanced system Care 3 or any such good software and deep scan the computer everyday after using internet for deleting Registry entries, Spyware, history etc

3. Don't visit unsafe websites

4. Don't click on strange links I receive by email

5. Never give account information or password in case you receive a email requesting it

6. Use Virtual Keyboard or Onscreen keyboard to type usernames and passwords.

7. Use a updated Windows (SP-3) and updated browsers like google chrome, Firefox 3.63 or Internet explorer-8

All the above cautions will help to protect oneself from virus.
2010-04-07 22:17:10 UTC
What i think is the best anti virus is Norton System Works ever since i had it no virus. And its only like what 40 buks! or 50 but it works. Or get a apple computer. Its really hard for them to get viruses and it has really good programs. If you want more just go to and go where it says macs.
2010-04-04 02:29:50 UTC
1->Most Viruses Come From illegal Sites.

2->Most From Copyright protected Files Downloaded From Internet .

3->Either Case Some body Just Harm others computer using spoof files

Only Solution A Good Anti virus+Good Firewall+Frequent Update(o.s.) and Hope you download these things From Trusted Site ;)
Jim Maryland
2010-04-06 09:56:04 UTC
Well for my home systems, I use the following software:


Spybot Search & Destroy


Firewall (feature of the OS)


Router - Configured to not respond to external request

Usage practices:

Smart browsing (don't click links carelessly, limit Javascript to certain sites, if browser happens to get into a popup cycle - kill the browser process, etc...)

Avoid email attachments unless I was expecting one

Update OS and software regularly

Keep aware of security related bulletins from various security vendors/sites

To those that think Mac/Linux/UNIX systems are immune to a computer virus, they are not. While those operating systems are generally more secure (better security models than Windows XP and older), they are not immune. I've run multiple environments in my career and all of them get protection software/hardware.
2010-04-03 20:28:18 UTC
I use something called common sense! I DONT use file sharing sites. I DONT download freeware unless I know exactly what it is, I DONT visit porn sites, I END the task if any strange popups appear, I USE safe browsing methods, I DONT depend on ANY so called malware protection as at best, NONE of it is any better than 80 percent effective. I've been on the net since it started, tried every conceivable method and have come to the realization that the above is the ONLY method that works. I threw out everything and decided to use this technique and I have NOT had any serious malware since I started using this approach 4 years ago. Everyone here seems to insist on some malware protection. The truth is, NO company that produces malware protection could possibly know what new malware is on the horizon! This is a fallacy. By the time they figure out whats new, its infected the world already. ABOVE ALL, DONT let someone use your PC. 99.9 percent of the users on the net are internet illiterate. People who bring their PCs into my shop swear to God they have no infections or malware. I can honestly say in all my years of cleaning out PCs, only one person was correct in stating this. I dont care what you use, I CAN find malware in your PC.
2010-04-08 02:34:28 UTC
Here's the easiest way to keep yourself virus free:

1. Use Mac OSX, FreeBSD, Linux, Unix, or any other operating system besides Windows.

If you must use Windows, here's my advice:

1. Never, ever, ever use Internet Explorer! EVER! Select a browser such as Firefox, Opera, or Google Chrome instead.

2. Turn off Javascript and Cookies for all websites except for ones that are whitelisted. NoScript and Cookie Monster are great for this.

3. You don't need a firewall or an antivirus. That's right, you don't as long as you don't go downloading and opening dangerous files such as email attachments you will have no need for them. If you have a questionable file use to scan it.

4. That's it! As long as you don't open untrusted files or visit untrusted websites you're unlikely to ever get a virus.
2010-04-07 12:55:27 UTC
Viruses are often obvious (strange website titles or offers that are too good to be true) so don't open questionable links.

Also invest in either a Mac computer (which cannot have viruses) or get some virus software (McAfee, Norton, etc.)
▐▀▀▼▀▀▌ ► Jimmy ◄ ▐▄▄▲▄▄▌
2010-04-05 20:23:18 UTC
Working as a PC Support Specialist has helped me stay aware of what to stay away from. Generally I know what is suspicious to me. I don't use any antivirus or antispyware software because I have awareness online. My e-mail is passed around lightly and I don't click and open every webpage I see. If you use the features on Internet Explorer (IN-Private Browsing) and on Google Chrome (Incognito Mode) you can stay away from sites downloading into your temporary cache and Internet files without your permission. Look out for free software like (convert this file to this file). The free software is free so they have to have a downside such as spyware included to pay for it. Never go to a website for banking through a link, but type the full url yourself. Anysites where I login I never click links through e-mails. Don't respond to spam e-mails. Don't click ads. A lot of spyware and ad-ware is generated from those ads. I know you may want to see how hard you can knock Santa Clause across the North Pole, but it's not worth it. You never know what you can get from those sources. If you are unsure about a program's safety then you can sandbox it. Sandboxing a program allows you to run it in a virtual window and see everything the program is doing as you are opening it.

The only time I received viruses in the past was from downloading software I'd use for programming and the occasional scripting.
2010-04-07 08:11:53 UTC
hello there person, you can do all of the following to not get any viruses on your computer.

1. do no t use internet explorer.

2. have a good antivirus program

3. use a good email account

4. have spam-ware

5. don't click on junk advertisement

6. do not look at anything that is nasty

7. use your antivirus software at least once a week.

8. don't let anyone get your email account information

9. stay away from chat sites.

10. be careful
2010-04-07 01:44:09 UTC
I usually use anti-virus software to protect my pc away from viruses and spams.

The well known anti-virus by most people used is about tens, such as AVG, Avira,Norton, PC Tools, Trend Micro, Bitdefender, Kaspersky, SafeSquid, Acronis and so on. There is less difference between these anti-virus for personal use. The variety just due to the difference of the people's use of habit.

So in this way, I'll give you a rank list of anti-virus most used by people.

I personally recommend BitDefender anti-virus. By the way, the address above is a most most discount place.
2010-04-06 20:35:34 UTC
The first thing everybody should have is anti virus software. Companies such as Norton, Avira and McAfee offer great protection for a subscription fee, and do a great job of stopping viruses before they do any damage.
2010-04-06 11:02:17 UTC
Wash your hands before and after using the keyboard...

Oh... Did you mean how to protect the PC from viruses? well, McAfee do a free anti-virus/firewall pop up blocker etc.. you can buy a pro version that is well worth its money but try the free version first.

apart from that try Norton's.. however I use 'Windows' free online scanner (free) once a week just in case the anti virus companies are running late with updates..
2010-04-07 22:28:08 UTC


Best freeware around to protect your computer from harm.

Make sure you use a firewall, Windows firewall will do.

A router with inbult firewall is good too.

I have had a few viruses attack, me but AVG fought back and Ad-aware removed all the ad-ware I had on my PC.

Great protection without spending a cent.
2010-04-06 14:24:29 UTC
Be careful what sites you visit. If it looks like spam, most likely it is bad.

Don't click on any ads on a web page as they may redirect you to a place that could give you a virus.

Use a well-known anti-virus software such as Norton and make sure that it is running at all times.

If you think you may have a virus, run your anti virus scan and destroy the virus.

If the symptoms persist, the problem may be spyware/adware. There are many programs that can locate spyware/adware and destroy it.
Phoenix One UK
2010-04-02 06:36:12 UTC
Stay off the internet, as it is the biggest source of acquiring a virus. There are many good anti-virus software products out there, but none are perfect. Even visiting an infected web site could result in your computer being infected, and all you need do is just visit the site. The same applies to emails, as they too can be infected.

The best you can do - assuming you will continue surfing the internet - is acquire a good anti-virus software product. They may not be perfect but they can greatly reduce the risk.
2010-04-06 17:46:31 UTC
Norton Internet Security
Ron Brgundy V2
2010-04-06 11:46:25 UTC
I go to and a couple of times a month I download a new program and do a full computer scan. If I have a virus I will sometimes do this about 5 times in a row uninstalling the last one before i install a new one.
Sandy K
2010-04-08 09:55:55 UTC
I just purchased the Reg.Cure, I have Spyware terminator, this program is free and very good. I got it off the internet, I also have Super anti Spyware this also is free off the internet. This protects you against Viruses. Hope you add them.
Capt Crasher
2010-04-06 10:47:12 UTC
I'll get like million "thumbs down" for this one but...

I don't let computers sneeze or cough on Me, and I always use hand sanitizer after using the keyboard or mouse, and I strictly avoid having strange microchips implanted ANYWHERE.

Now, If You want to protect YOUR COMPUTER from computer virueses, THAT is a different question...

Antivirus/Anti-Malware software helps, so does setting up a Firewall, as well as avoiding questionable downloads/pop-up links/emails from ppl You don't know.

2010-04-06 09:28:01 UTC
Don't do like I did and try to get something for free that really should be paid for by downloading a "code generator". It's bogus and will nothing but cost you money when you can't even get your computer to start Windows.

Also, the new Norton Internet Security Suite is pretty good. Doesn't slow your PC like it used to. Much more efficient.
2010-04-08 04:59:25 UTC
I use Mac OS X Snow Leopard and for viruses I use Norton Antivirus v.11 for Mac.
2010-04-07 16:30:49 UTC
Don't go on bad websites.

Don't click on any side advertisments on the side of websites.

Shut your computer down every night, it will protect from viruses coming through & also save money!
2010-04-05 07:36:39 UTC
First off all it is IMPOSSIBLE for any virus protector to keep your pc 100% safe, from viruses (Their are viruses what it can remove, and viruses it can't remove!)

If you are going to do torrenting (download movies,Music etc off the web), and watch adult videos, then I would sudest

Bitdefender or


Also get adavnced system care pro, it isn't a viruse protector, but it stop spyware, form being installed on your pc, and it deletes tracking cookies + it puts files in correct order.

2010-04-01 18:08:53 UTC
Hello There!

I was wondering the same the other night. Then i thought if you didn't want to catch computer viruses you could use some of these ideas:

- you could put cal-pol into the cd disc area

- use masks, plastic gloves and a full on body protector suit when using the computer.

or just chuck your computer outside your window :)

I just have my laptop cal-pol everynight because it had a exptremly high tempreture. After a couple of days it went away. I dont know if the cal-pol worked or because my pet spider bob, my pet llama twinkle toes, my pet ostrich sex bomb and my pet star fish patrick (who is formly known as patrick starfish of spongebob square panties) took it too the hostpial?

Hoped it help, good luck and God bless you dont get any viruses or anything like swine flu!!
2010-04-06 20:01:30 UTC
I sold the PC about 7 years ago and bought a Mac Instead. I haven't had a virus on Mac OS X in any of those 7 years (and I'm still on that original machine). I have never needed to install any anti-virus program or subscribe to their updates.
2010-04-08 08:54:40 UTC
Go to safe eyes! it prevents you from going to a site with viruses in the first place I think it is the safeist way to surf the web and not have to worry about running into porn, viruses, cookies, or getting your credit card number stolen!
2010-04-06 22:03:22 UTC
MalwareBytes, TrendMicro HiJackThis, ComboFix in extreme circumstances, File Assassin, Process Library, A-Plus Training and years of experience as a computer tech specializing in Virus Removal.
2010-04-06 13:52:11 UTC
Firewall, virus protection, clean your Computer often . You can download free virus protection and system cleaner @ ; their you will find Ccleaner (use to clean your hard drive) adn AVG virus protection ( protect your COMPUTER i.e what website are safe and if a viruses happens to come on your COMPUTER , it also dose a routine virus scan.)
Don M
2010-04-08 19:46:00 UTC
It is an absolute must for all Windows based computers to have a minimum of 4 things.

1st An up to date Anti-Virus Software that includes updated Virus Definitions.

2nd Malwarebytes.

3rd Spybot Search and Destroy.

4th Adaware 2010.

Without this type of protection your computer may last 4 to 6 months tops, before it locks up.
2010-04-08 15:09:21 UTC
Ok, I was looking on youtube, and found out this video on how to get avast! antivirus for free. (4.8)

No need to worry about it being a virus itself because the download is from the actual avast! website. All you need to do is change the key, which will make it last till 2012.

(I'll give you the link)

it will only take about 5-7 minutes in total
2010-04-08 07:42:59 UTC
Delete Windows

Run Linux
2010-04-07 19:38:09 UTC
Taking into full consideration that the people who write programs write them in such a way that they are susceptible to virus attacks, I would begin by making angry accusations to the computer industry and demand that they write more full proof language to ease the suffering caused by planned obsolescence. I am sure that if a computer maker, who may also have stock in the antivirus programming that they demand you buy to make your computer safer, would design their computers to be less susceptible to attacks, that they wouldn't happen as much. I have to question the legitimacy of any business whose bottom line is money, for their practices don't involve making anything easier for a consumer. It is in their nature to design them flawed so you have to rely on their technologies and buy their products ensuring that they make money from you for years.
2010-04-07 12:43:37 UTC
Comcast Macfee is the best way to protect youself from computer viruses
2010-04-06 19:34:54 UTC
I just manually scan my computer once every week or so and it comes up no viruses.Otherwise you can buy Norton Antivirus packs for anything from 50-100 or more dollars but that costs money.Look Antuviruses for your computer up on the net top righthand corner.
2010-04-06 19:05:45 UTC
You cant protect yourself from computer viruses unless you have the vaccine.
2010-04-06 16:34:18 UTC
I use AVG. I don't download programs from the internet and I always use scan for viruses and then delete it from the virus vault. On my laptop I have Microsoft Forefront Security, still not sure how it works.
2010-04-06 10:18:04 UTC
Buy a MAC. Though they are expensive it will save you more money then you will spend on pc's in your life. Basically you will still be spending money on pc's forever and you'll just have to buy a MAC once. We still have our oldest mac and it works perfectly.

Trust me I've destroyed many pc's in my life already and the only time I hurt a mac was when a medal harmonica got dropped from high onto the screen while it was open.. It was totally an accident and I felt awful. But that's the only time.
2010-04-05 16:43:09 UTC
Same way you protect yourself against sexual viruses - with protection! Buy an anti virus software!
IQ Computer Services
2010-04-03 09:48:15 UTC
The best way to protect your computer against viruses is to

1. use antivirus software and update regularly

2. update software regularly

3. perform scans for viruses regularly

4. avoid opening emails from unknown senders

5. scan external media like CD, DVD, memory card, USB drives before connecting

6. buy authentic software

7. avoid pirated music and media, games, downloads

8. be selective about websites you visit

9. avoid instant messenger links and attachments from unknown sources

10. be careful when connecting to wireless internet networks
The Man in the Leisurely Hat
2010-04-02 11:30:42 UTC
Try to not go to any suspicious sites, or download anything you're not completely sure of. Google search does a good job of filtering out sites with viruses too. Get a good anti spyware is really recommended highly, like AVG or Avari.
2010-03-31 09:18:55 UTC
Linux = No viruses

If you use windows, get AVG (even the free version!) There is e-mail protection, it checks the sites that you enter for viruses, and stops the loading of the site if it does. It has helped me get rid of countless trojans from sites and downloads. AVG is a great antivirus :3
2010-04-06 19:07:38 UTC
Northon Anti-Virus
2010-04-06 18:10:50 UTC
i have never worried about viruses never had one in 6 years.

I use Mandriva linux. I'll go to any site none of this, I don't go to questionable sites you don't know its questionable till you get there the browser warnings are not all ways correct.I do use a script stopper to control weather or not a page is allowed to redirect or load content from elsewhere.
2010-04-04 13:56:38 UTC
Dont download the thing called Security tool they lie about the viruses and it causes money to fix the fake viruses
2010-03-28 15:00:46 UTC
This is a good question. Stay away from spam mail [ this includes mail from unknown senders], dont even open them! If you own a facebook make sure to not open any links, trust me I know this for a fact because when I wasnt aware that links on facebook give viruses, I opened a link and a week after, my laptop was very slow. Also, Try to stay away from websites that seem suspicious [Your gut will tell you when it seems suspicious]
2010-04-07 13:34:43 UTC
Buy an Apple Computer. They never have viruses.
2010-04-06 08:09:32 UTC
Avoid spam, use anti-spyware and anti-virus weekly updates, back up your harddrive on more than one external drive and once a month at least,

Do not trust any websites that are too good to be true, threaten you, tell you something not in clear context.

Do not open emails subjected "hi" and have an attachment, just common sense.
2010-03-29 02:55:18 UTC
Norton Anti Virus 360
2010-04-07 20:55:05 UTC
I use SpyBot Search and Destroy, MalwareBytes Anti Malware and Lavasoft Ad-Aware for my virus problems. they've even caught Trojans, Worms, Hijackers, Cookies , spyware and Really bad VIruses like Virtumonde.
2010-04-08 07:43:59 UTC
Get a virus-protection software such as Norton Anti-virus. Or McAfee
2010-04-07 14:33:27 UTC
1) Turn off java script while surfing the web

2) Don't open attachments from untrusted sources in e-mail

3) Avoid downloading pirated software that has root kits and other crap

4) Whenever a relative comes over with this cool game he says he wants to install right away on your computer he got from pirate bay just say no

5) Keep your antivirus software up to date and scan regularly
2010-04-06 07:04:23 UTC
Get AVG free computer software all you do is google it and click download and boom bam you got yourself the ultimate protection against computer viruses.
2010-04-06 05:23:48 UTC
Install anti-virus programs e.g. Norton Virus, Bullguard, McAfee etc. are all quite good.

To PREVENT computer viruses attacking, try to avoid using questionable or free programs like Limewire.

Make sure you backup everything on your computer just in case of a computer crash.
2014-06-14 19:20:47 UTC
Now, If You want to protect YOUR COMPUTER from computer virueses, THAT is a different question...

Antivirus/Anti-Malware software helps, so does setting up a Firewall, as well as avoiding questionable downloads/pop-up links/emails from ppl You don't know.
2010-04-07 14:51:03 UTC
Used to use Spyware Doctor but slows down computer and is over-protective of it's user. Switched to Panda Cloud which is free and run it alongside SuperAntiSpyware.
2010-04-06 16:52:17 UTC
Spyware Doctor or Norton 360

They are what I use and Spyware Doctor is excellent at keeping away viruses. It always tells you when you are exposed to threats too xD
2010-04-06 14:02:40 UTC
Norton antivirus 360
2010-04-05 15:34:08 UTC
As has been said below, use Firefox or Opera as your browser, & use a good AV program.

If you run a Mozilla browser, get the NoScript add-on.

(This works for Opera & Google Chrome as well)

The most secure OS you can get is (probably) OpenBSD, Mac OS X is based on this.

Unix/Linux systems are inherently more secure than Windows

I run Firefox on Ubuntu9.04, with ClamAV as my antivirus, & have had NO successful virus attacks for 4 years. ClamAV has detected virii in stuff, which has not been able to infect my OS. NoScript stops any Java-type hijacks, cross-scripting attacks, &etc.

If you run Windows, go here:

& get one of the best AV progs available.

If you run a Linux box, go to your package-handler, (Synaptic in Ubuntu) & search for antivirus, this will get you the right dependencies for your distro.
2010-04-07 07:30:20 UTC
Tons of new viruses are created everyday, to protect yourself from these viruses, you have to update your anti-virus regurarly.
2010-04-07 04:20:06 UTC
By using of good anti virus who detect all types of viruses in your computer...
2010-04-03 17:02:01 UTC
Well id advise running more then one firewall. but make sure the do not conflict with each other. download malwarebytes. its free and has a very good detection rate. id also suggest buy norton 360 or McAfee. scanning your computer every night before you go to sleep is another good way to keep unwanted software off your system. but that greatest thing you can do is practice safe surfing. if your unsure of the link don't click on it. also keep your system up to date on patches and hot fixes. or yo can disable scripting and active X controls on your browser.
Catherine S
2010-04-01 19:30:09 UTC
There is no Full Proof Program to Protect Yourself. The only thing is use common sense, and do daily maintenance on your Computer.

Helpful Free Software below Read On.


Download Spybot Search & Destroy. Restart computer, then run Spybot to see what spyware comes up, AND DELET IT.

FYI---Virus Protection-- 2 programs of virus protection will conflict with each other and will actually cancel out the protection. SO just download one.

Running Spybot Search & Destroy with EITHER Avast or Avg (great Free virus protection programs ) will keep a computer in good working condition. FREE

Avira AntiVir – Free Anti-Virus Protection

FROM MICROSOFT 2009 -Free --Security Essentials

Pop up Blocker- free

Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.5.2 -FREE SPYWARE…



Ccleaner- FREE…

Malware- FREE

$ *** KASPERSKY ***

There are alot of $ anti-virus and Internet security programs out there-ie: Norton, McAfee, Panda, Bitdefender. If you would like to pay $ then get ***Kaspersky***-- 2010 , I feel that is the best for your money.


Good Luck.
2010-03-28 22:20:08 UTC
hey major virus sources are as follows.

1. Internet

2. Pen drives and other external data devises that you connect to your computer.

3. accessing cds and dvds without scanning in anti virus.

So I suggest you to have a good anti virus like avg or norton and turn on email protection and firewal settings.

Always scan the external data discs and pen drives before use.

Thats will surely help your pc from virus dude.
2010-04-06 20:41:57 UTC
Use a good anti-virus protection program thing like Trend Micro, don't open junk email especially if it looks like spam and don't use Internet Explorer.
2010-04-04 16:26:13 UTC
Avast Antivirus
2010-04-06 12:46:08 UTC
dont go on bad looking sites, dont open emails that look questionable, use anitvirus software like: mcafee or norton, and also the big one if u use facebook DO NOT open any weird messages about random stuff from people or fan pages u didnt request. b.c my friend did that and it infected her computer like crazy and u couldnt do anything the only thing that came up was porn and now that its fixed u cant even use it cuz its soooooo slow.
2010-04-04 20:16:32 UTC
Get a program that scans websites and downloads for viruses before letting you see them. Install a firewall and/or update your old one. Get an anti-virus program like McAfee or AntiVir. Don't go on questionable websites.
Meg B
2010-04-02 03:24:14 UTC
Buy Norton Internet Security.
MichaelMoore (yeah, that one)
2010-04-07 07:31:18 UTC
Prior to setting down at the computer, I put on a new condom. Following this rule, has kept me 100% virus free.
Annamarie .
2010-04-06 17:27:09 UTC
I have firefox with the addons

- NoScript

- Ad Block Plus


- Yes/No Popups.

I have a paid antivirus from my internet company.

And common sense. Don't go to sites you don't know. Don't click on random links you don't know that look suspicious. When downloading stuff, always look at what you're downloading before you run it. etc.
2010-04-06 07:23:14 UTC
I use Trend Micro Internet protection, tracker and scanners. I do not visit sites that could be dangerous or harm my computer. I do not download anything without scanning first and delete the files right after.
2010-04-05 08:53:37 UTC
Always have updated anti-virus software.

Never install plugins from suspect sites or especially from a link you clicked on in MySpace or Facebook.

If you MUST visit suspect sites do so using Firefox with a Script blocker plugin installed and activated!

Never open attachments from sources you are not 100% sure of.
2010-04-03 05:24:56 UTC
Purchase the Original Anti virus Download...
2010-04-01 19:02:32 UTC
1. Don't download software from untrusted sources (I think that's the number one source of virus)

2. Don't install untrusted browser plug-ins.

3. Frequently update your computer with security patches

4. Don't open suspicious email attachments

5. Enable firewall

BTW. If you do all of the above, you probably won't need an anti-virus software
2010-03-29 00:55:41 UTC
There's one know way to protect yourself 100% from viruses.

Don't allow anybody on your computer, do not download anything onto your computer, and do not connect your computer to any network or internet connection.

You'll be 100% safe then and that's the only way.
2010-03-28 16:26:49 UTC
I do not adventure myself in sites that I don't know and try to keep my computer with the top of the line virus protector. So far I have been lucky that I had trouble with a virus only one when my computer was completely destroyed.
2010-04-08 12:01:59 UTC
I use Linux, don't run as root, browse the web in firefox with noscript enabled, occasionally virus scan, use rootkit checkers, don't download content randomly off the internet, avoid dodgy websites, install content from trusted sources and keep my system as up to date as I can
2010-04-07 08:05:40 UTC
Download avg, antimalwarebytes, and make sure these programs, along with windows defender, are updated and scans are run on a scheduled basis.

Do not use limewire or other free sharing cites.

Do not go to adult oriented sites.
2010-04-06 08:37:59 UTC
By browsing carefully , By scanning everything i download , being careful where i download from , scanning emails which look suspicious or not opening them at all ..

By blocking all ads..pop ups in my browser ..

By only running scripts in sites i trust ..

Using up to date security software ....keeping my operating system up to date with the latest patches well as updates to plug ins such as Adobe flash etc ..

Not clicking on links or accepting files from people in IM i do not know and trust ....

Regularly getting up to date with the latest malware by checking security sites ...

Thats how i protect myself from viruses....

Aswell as basic common sense ..
steven m
2010-04-05 06:39:52 UTC
Never use the internet

Never put a disc or external memory into your computer

Never share a printer with another computer ( the memory in the printer is big enough to share a virus. That bleep as the shared printer "hand shakes" with your computer is enough)

That would be the only way to be sure

BUT ..................... we live in the real world

So use a good antivirus regularly

And ...................... avoid questionable websites
2010-04-03 10:49:04 UTC
I don't have antivirus on my computer at all. I just watch what sites I visit, and If I suspect a site has viruses I just run it in Virtual PC(Simulated Windows)
2010-04-01 10:03:16 UTC
1) Use a reliable Anti Virus Software and keep it updated

2) Never Open Spam Mails

3) Don't visit P 0 R N Sites or any such phishing web sites
2010-03-29 05:56:06 UTC
Microsoft Security Essentials - It's Free!
2010-04-07 14:49:41 UTC
So first I downloaded t AVG free, which works really well that's really all you need. And something to avoid is Alpha Anti-Virus, it's actually a virus so stay away from it cause it'll give you a false scan and everything.
Nasty old uncle Mike
2010-04-07 13:20:42 UTC
Use MACOS or use linux. Both are virus-proof.

If you must use windows for games, which means that's Cedega doesn't support it for linux, keep a copy of windows on the machine for gaming ONLY. Don't even download with it. Download with linux and use clamav or Kaspersky antivirusd before transferring it to your windows space.

Works for me.
2010-04-07 03:30:53 UTC
you have well over 514 answers,sit down search through them and many might of said this update your security programs and keep it updated,keep your windows updated,run scans biweekly, if you do this you can keep viruses to a mini um no matter what site you visit you still can pick up a virus
2010-04-06 21:32:16 UTC
Dont click on everything that comes up.

Update your antivirus regularly.

Get Bitdefender as its the best antivirus program out there.

Don't download or go into sites which look dodgy because chances are that file is probably a virus.

Last but not least don't watch too much porn. :D
2010-04-06 17:19:17 UTC
2010-04-06 16:20:15 UTC
Norton 360.

It catches the viruses before they can do any harm.
A Leo _n_
2010-04-06 10:43:31 UTC
;-c Well'.uh`mm You might want to try things like running scans every so0 often !?! .,. Either once a week or maybe a few times a month !?!.,. _or_ you can try: Sending yourself mail with markings that only you'd know them to be from yourself on them!.!. Such as: "?" ^x^ .. etc. so you'll know to keep or delete that one when checking mail or scanning for a virus !! that DUMMY MAIL a.k.a. empty file would be for any virus to attach itself to0 !! That way you can just delete it & make a new or different dummy file.!!! ~!!! r'`R`'r;a;wWw rRr,`'.,
Get a LIFE!!!!!
2010-04-06 06:22:17 UTC
By using Anti - virus

i use Quick heal and also scan my computer for viruses once every week
2010-04-05 15:39:36 UTC
Don`t click on any adds. Any pop ups either like it says Congratulations you have one a dell computer. Don`t go any websites that have gave you virus in the past. Download a thing to scan and clean out your computer.
2010-04-07 17:45:33 UTC
Anti Virus?
Confused Gamer
2010-04-07 09:54:06 UTC
BUy an anti virus protection software
2010-04-07 06:53:31 UTC
Get MaCafee. It's really good...

Don't go to harmfull websites such as porn and before you download files, MaCafee will scan for viruses prior to opening from emial or internet.
2010-04-07 03:13:48 UTC
use AVG free edition as it is free and does the job and keeps away the viruses and anyway internet explorer 8 does the same thing... watch the ads they arew great fun
░▓░ƙɳ!ɢɧʈ Я!Đɜɍ░▓░
2010-04-06 04:18:52 UTC
1. We dont protect "ourselves" from "computer viruses".

2. We protect our "computer" against "computer viruses"

Yes now to the anwer- buy an antivirus, simple!
Josh C
2010-04-04 12:00:38 UTC
I avoid banner ads, spam emails, contacts from people I don't know.

I routinely run virus scans and malware scans on my computer.

I don't go to porn sites or download music since the files are often full of viruses.
2010-03-30 09:40:19 UTC
You should get McAfee you probably have to pay for it but not that much. But it's worth it, I have McAfee for my computer it's wonderful. It protects the computer from viruses and trojans.
2014-10-27 04:20:49 UTC
1). Always update all your programs to their latest, respective versions.

2). Always have your anti-viral programs running at all times.

3). Always keep a watchful eye for things that may have changed on your machine(s).

4). Keep an open mind about the dangerous effects a virus can inflict.

5). Always back up your system files on an external hard drive.

6). Always scan your entire system on a regular basis.

7). Should you encounter a virus, don't panic. Contact support right away.
2010-04-07 18:11:21 UTC
Get an anti virus program like norten 2010.
2010-04-06 08:07:27 UTC
My free AVG has always seemed to deal with everything. On top of that I never open emails if I do not recognise the sender. I just delete without opening.
2010-04-05 19:34:17 UTC
I use Charter Security Suite with F-Secure. I have used all the top anti-viruses from ESET to Norton... F-Secure seems to work just as well if not better.
2010-04-03 19:31:39 UTC
all you need is the disks that the company uses to load your computer . any time you think you have one run the disks . as far as data goes keep a file to hold it on one disk . i redo my PC bout every 3 mnts regardless of virus . you can spend a but load on a protection but it will be obsolet in no time . and it wont keep your pc safe . there are to many good hackers out there ready to ruin your pc .
hell tycoon
2010-04-07 09:17:56 UTC
Anti Virus

No internet

No flashdrives

and a lil bit of

2010-04-07 13:13:35 UTC
Use discretion when surfing the web, and take precautionary measures such as downloading the necessary protection from virus', spyware, malware, and ad-ware.
2010-04-07 04:56:26 UTC
use well known anti viruses like norton, kaspersky ,mcafee etc.

besides this avoid porn sites,fake sites and downloading useless stuffs from unknown sites . whenever u use a new dvd or external device scan them before using them. always update your antivirus software after regular interval .
2010-04-06 22:09:28 UTC
Why would you protect yourself from a computer virus? You mean how do you protect your computer from a computer virus.
2010-04-06 16:44:29 UTC
A Marines Princess
2010-04-05 18:18:47 UTC
I do not protect myself from computer viruses but I protect my computer. Anti-Virus software MacFee.
Willie T
2010-04-03 22:58:58 UTC
u can do this, get a back up hard drive for ur computer and then lock ur main drive. That way ur main drive wont be able to save files unless u unlock it and if any viruses get on to ur computer it will go on ur main drive but not ur back up and it will be deleted once u restart ur computer
When Wave.....Becomes Ocean
2010-03-29 00:41:40 UTC
voiding computer viruses.

Virus protection.

There are many kinds of viruses, and many ways that viruses may infect your computer system, including installing software or booting your computer from floppy disks or CD-ROMs, however the most likely cause now is virus infection via your Internet connection, specifically from email, browsing the web, and downloading software from the Internet. There are some simple rules to follow which will minimise the possibility of being caught out.

1. Never open a file attachment sent to you from an unknown source. In most cases, the safest thing to do is delete them as soon as you see them in your mailbox.

2. Understand that patches and updates for programs are rarely distributed by email. (Microsoft and other reputable companies use other means, which are more secure.)

3. Never open a file unless you know what it is. If you've received it from someone you know, ask him or her about it. (They may have a virus infection that is mailing out copies of itself without their knowledge.)

4. Files containing virus content are always sent disguised in some way. For example, the message may say a screensaver, bill or invoice is attached.

5. Users of Outlook and Outlook Express should disable the Preview Pane. A recent virus was thought (but not proven) to infect simply by being displayed in Outlook Express. It is be safer to avoid any risk!

6. Always use Windows Update to ensure that the latest security patches from Microsoft are installed on your system. If you don't do that then make regular visits to Microsoft's web site to check for update patch availability. (Go to and select Windows Update from the left side menu.

7. Last, and most important, every computer must have anti-virus software installed and running whenever the computer is switched on - and without fail, the virus definition programs should be kept up to date each and every week. Some programs such as McAfee AntiVirus or AVG can be configured to automatically check for updates several times a day while some programs require manual updating by connecting to the product update site. If you have not updated your viral signatures recently then go to the program supplier's web site and download any updates now!

As a precautionary tale, several large scale computer virus outbreaks have demonstrated how quickly a virus can spread, with the result that thousands of computers became infected before the users had time to get the latest anti-virus update.

Since most viruses arrive by email, either within the mail body or as an attachment, there are additional screening steps that can be put in place. There is a program which pre-screens emails for malicious code and for viral patterns before they actually reach your computer. The program is called called Benign - for information click here. There is excellent on-line help and support from the Benign programmers, should you decide to give it a try.

A useful and free for personal use anti-virus program is AVG available by from Grisoft . Although very good for personal use by those with a good working knowledge of computer security, this program is not licensed for business use, has a basic interface and has no technical support.

Keep in mind "The First Law of Computer Virus Complaints":

"Just because your computer is acting strangely or one of your programs doesn't work right, this does NOT mean that your computer has a virus."

Many problems blamed on viruses are actually caused by software configuration errors or other problems that have nothing to do with a virus, such as a hardware fault!

If you do get a virus?

Don't panic! In almost all cases there are simple programs you can run that will remove the virus from your computer. For example McAfee have a program called Stinger available for free download from their web site which is a stand-alone utility used to detect and remove specific viruses. This program is regularly updated, but it is not a substitute for full anti-virus protection. Just remember that any backups you have may be infected, too. You do back up your data files regularly don't you?

Do you have a firewall?

All computers that connect to the internet really should have a firewall installed. A firewall is like a barrier between your computer and the world wide web and acts to prevent malicious attacks on your computer from outside, and also prevents viruses and trojans that may infect your computer from spreading themselves from your machine to all those friends and contacts in your email address book! Windows XP and Vista has a basic firewall program built in, however the most popular firewall used on computers is in the form of software called ZoneAlarm. This is available as a free or 'Professional' version. For almost all users the free version is more than adequate.

Programs on your computer which access the internet, such as Outlook Express or Internet Explorer are grante
2010-04-08 16:28:21 UTC
Get a Mac
2010-04-08 10:51:58 UTC
I have Mcafee virus programme, plus I use mozilla firefox web browser which automatically scans anything after it's downloaded, and it also warns about how dangerous certain websites might be.
2010-04-06 14:46:47 UTC
Get antivirus stuff.

The second you see virus popping up... Shut down the computer or unplug your ethernet plug immediately. If you are too late...time to turn to your antivirus kit for help.
2010-04-06 12:54:22 UTC
Get an Apple Mac, i have switched to macs and ever since i have had no viruses.
2010-04-04 18:06:43 UTC
Norton Internet Security is really worth getting. I highly reccomend it if you want to be completely safe from viruses.
2010-04-02 18:59:28 UTC
I use Ubuntu. For my family I've a Windows machine (do not want to get ripped off by Steve Jobs Corp) which runs Avast. No problems whatsoever.
Nicholas C
2010-04-07 13:48:57 UTC
AVG is the best anti virus on the marketplace and will protect you from everything and its free. Just google AVG free
2010-04-07 06:45:12 UTC
i am using windows firewall only

there is no need for this software if you manage your pc properly

no porn sites and no free stuff

only take care of your stuff and let no one else on your pc

again i have no virus software besides what comes with windows

there is a program called win patrol from blmp studioa this is free from cnet and it is the best
2010-04-06 21:14:15 UTC
so yea, heres advice from a computer/gaming nerd. one, you need experience to truly learn how. i havent used virus protectors or firewalls for 4 years lol. when i was a kid i used to go on all sorts of stupid websites, games porn etc. and those was where i got viruses from. so yea, i learned not to go on those stupid websites, or any other websites. also my neighbor is a IT professional who introduced me to firefox, which gives less viruses, unlike internet explorer.

1: dont use internet explorer, get chrome or firefox

2: dont download porn from stupid websites, stick to zip and torrents

3: dont GO on stupid websites

4: dont download music from stupid websites..

5: dont toss out your email, viruses can come from opening emails too

man iono.. all common sense...

you just gotta learn..
2010-04-06 14:38:22 UTC
Anti-virus and anti-malware programs that I got for free. AVG and Malwarebytes. Between the two I haven't had any problems.
Muahammad Azim
2010-04-04 06:31:51 UTC
using Avira Personal Anti-virus
'Sunnyside Up'
2010-04-02 05:39:42 UTC
You need a really good Security Company that puts downloads from their site onto yours to watch the computer for you and stop them. I never have a problem. Good company.
2010-03-31 09:08:52 UTC
We can never protect our computer against virus me.

So what i do is i learned on how to dealt with the virus. Learn to edit registry@ regedit. So i dont have to format my computer each time virus attacked. I have dozens of antivirus programs.But it will be useful if you know to use hijackthis
2014-10-16 14:38:40 UTC
Another Misconception is: "Macs are expensive cause their better." NO!!!! Macs are only expensive because they have no competition in selling the Apple OS. If the APPLE OS was sold by multiple companies, then the price would go down, as any economic major will tell you. COMPETITION MEANS BETTER PRICES!!!! With nobody else selling their product, Apple can decide whatever price they want. Plus they've made themselves their own little empire
2010-04-07 16:02:10 UTC
You have to get an antivirus program, and avoide suspicious sites/ site links. Don't click on ads, and watch where you put your personal information. Or you could get a Mac and then be careful. Then its allll goooood.
David Khim
2010-04-07 14:22:10 UTC
um to prevent virus dont go to suspicious websites and dont download stuff from limewire or other p2p share file place unless the poster have some good reviews also if u watch porn dont go to virus sites. also dont download files u dont no. also scan ur pc once a month.
Danni K
2010-04-07 03:23:18 UTC
Avast! Anti Virus, Zone Alarm firewall, Spy-Bot SD and that's it. Works fine for me.
2010-04-06 07:42:06 UTC
DO NOT USE internet explorer MOST VIRUSES ARE CREATED FOR THIS BROWSER... use firefox or google chrome if your on a pc if your using a MAC you should be using safari
2010-04-08 11:26:27 UTC
ESET Anti-virus is really effective and I recommend it:

Also, I encourage you to practice the common sense tips described by the smart Yahoo answerers below.
2010-04-07 21:54:42 UTC
I download avast anti virus and comodo firewall. Then I don't download stuff off of sites that look that they were built by preschoolers. Also I don't use bit torrent.
2010-04-06 14:06:29 UTC
Lots of anti-virus software

Turn on the pop up blocker on your computer
2010-04-06 11:51:18 UTC
I stopped using Microsoft Windows.
2010-04-06 02:12:56 UTC
Install an Internet security. The best one is Norton, but you will have to spend money. I just use trial version then change the security. But if you want a free one, try looking up avira and download it its free.
2010-04-03 17:45:42 UTC
You can always tell who's been surfing porn the most, because they'll be the ones complaining about computer viruses.
2010-03-30 01:48:10 UTC
the widely used solution for this problem is to use a better antivirus program.

there are too many antivirus programs available on the internet...

i will recommend Bitdeffender & kaspersky...

because these antivirus are too much reliable and most secure against virus and hacking threats...
2010-04-07 13:53:25 UTC
Do not click on any outside links. Like the ones that say you won a free laptop just click here!
2010-04-07 09:01:03 UTC
Never install ridiculous software.

Use an limited account.

Try some free offline AV.
2010-04-06 20:27:05 UTC
Purchase Norton Anti- Virus. When your internet opens, it shows if the page is unstable or not.
2010-03-30 07:22:51 UTC
(1) Use a good anti-virus program and keep it current

(2) Use a good spy ware program

(3) Never click on links in emails that look dubious

(4) Avoid questionable web sites
2014-08-25 09:05:23 UTC
All you need is a comcast email address and then you can download it. You can do plenty of things with norton, including cleaning your registery, file clean up, quick scan or scan your whole system, identity protection and more. If you use internet explorer, you can get the norton safe search, which is a search engine except that it tells you which sites are safe and which aren't, some sites haven't been tested though. I also heard that when norton detects a virus a box pops up and you can delete the file, you don't have to buy norton either if you have comcast internet. All you need is a comcast email address, enter that and then click download or whatever it says i forgot, i think it did say download though.
2010-04-08 18:27:02 UTC
I can't,I get one twice a week :/

sometimes I think I even download viruses
2010-04-08 02:18:49 UTC
When I am taking any file or anything in browser i first scan it and after i take it. if my computer contains virus i use good antivirus for that like avast etc.
2010-04-05 19:56:19 UTC
Simplest question ever. Buy a Mac. Best product out there. Virus free and very fast and convenient.
2010-04-07 22:32:20 UTC
use proper anti virus software

use strong passwords and protect them

limit number of shared folders

block unwanted port to be opened

use proper firewall

But still you can not garantee 100% security. Always best practices lead to more secure computer. Please refer these articles for more details.
2010-04-07 17:50:55 UTC
Wear protection. Always.
2010-04-07 15:24:23 UTC
I'm not protecting my self!!! XD but I'm using avast anti virus to protect my PC!!

if you need a link here it is------>

2010-04-07 11:44:07 UTC
Buy a mac. They don't get viruses
2010-04-07 05:09:45 UTC
I'd combine 'Spybot' and 'Rising Free Antivirus' for a decent protection.
2010-04-02 22:18:04 UTC
You have to purchase a very good anti virus at like a good store where you can trust and just to make sure you do not get in websites that might have them.
2014-10-08 14:43:06 UTC
ers with "poisoned" Flash advertising and Acrobat PDF files. Legitimate websites have been compromised with these several times, even Yahoo has been hit this year. Other criminals attack legitimate businesses' web servers over the Internet or have "insiders" who put the attack software directly on the servers. Then there are the cross-site scripting and iFrame compromises.

So one must always use an anti-malware scanner, just as one uses a broom and mop and vacuum cleaner to remove dust, dirt, and insects.
2010-04-07 06:40:23 UTC
Viruses are makes u waste ur time just like yahoo answers.
2010-04-06 23:53:28 UTC
Get some affordable virus protection -
2010-04-06 16:32:42 UTC
Don't visit porn. Don't answer email from people who you don't know that have attachments. And most importantly use a good virus software like Norton, etc.
2010-04-06 20:20:00 UTC
Norton Internet Security and Spybot search and destroy does the trick for me.
2010-04-06 14:03:38 UTC
Get Gemalto
Dr. Gerluckavich
2010-04-06 07:24:15 UTC
you dont there are too many of them to protect against one program will protect against some but not all but try google (ing) it maybe that will help
2010-04-05 09:59:58 UTC
I use Avast, SuperAntispyware and Ad-Aware. I use the Scan-disk to clean up temporary files, delete cookies and run my defrag program once a month
2010-04-04 19:48:42 UTC
Just don't run executable files you can't trust.

Don't use browsers which support ActiveX (ie: Internet Explorer).

A virus cannot affect your computer unless YOU (or someone using your computer) runs executable code containing the virus.
2010-03-29 12:37:30 UTC
virtual machine

Special programing techniques and knowing how the viruses work

Cobre, McAffy, Trend Micro
2010-03-28 14:45:22 UTC
Get the McAfee software. It Runs virus scans every weekend. It has a toolbar on line that tells you if it is safe, un-safe, questionable, or spyish.
Dan Cook
2010-03-18 04:42:08 UTC
The protection usually includes antivirus programs, anti-spyware software, firewalls and many others. Each computer also keeps info about which websites you have visited, and what documents, pics or video files you have opened. So, anyone can steal a lot of private information and there are viruses that can do that as well.

My security kit includes:


Webroot AntiVirus with SpySweeper

Lavasoft Per. Firewall

Mil Shield
2010-04-06 13:40:19 UTC
Buy norton it works a treat an you knwo what sites to use as you get a trolly buy the sites you can use
2010-04-05 12:13:51 UTC
I use avast and windows defender and there are great against computer viruses,

Windows Defender download link:

Avast anti-virus download link:
2010-04-08 10:23:16 UTC
I have a mac so I don't even need virus protection
2010-04-07 09:25:27 UTC
I use a Mac. Seriously - it's worked for over a year now. I scan about once a month, and have never found ANYTHING.
2010-04-03 10:34:31 UTC
Avoid visiting bad websites, and when something pops up, when you are on your computer, like says, get this screen saver. Don't click on it. That will lead to a virus.
2010-03-31 21:33:22 UTC
everytme you plug in a usb or external devices scan it bfr u open it

try nt to dwnload much cracks to prevent viruses from internet

dnt open email attchments tat donot cm frm friends

have a good antivirus,,,firewalll, and spyware
2010-03-29 19:46:05 UTC
Yep, Buy a Mac. I've had one for 10 years, no virus'. My parents both have PC's that they have to constantly have repaired or constantly have viruses. Mac's are pretty much immune.
Louise Smith
2010-03-28 05:29:53 UTC
You can protect yourself against computer viruses by using a Firewall. A firewall is a part of a computer system or network that is designed to block unauthorized access while permitting authorized communications. It is a device or set of devices which is configured to permit or deny computer based application upon a set of rules and other criteria.

Firewalls can be implemented in either hardware or software, or a combination of both. Firewalls are frequently used to prevent unauthorized Internet users from accessing private networks connected to the Internet, especially intranets. All messages entering or leaving the intranet pass through the firewall, which examines each message and blocks those that do not meet the specified security criteria.

There are several types of firewall techniques:

1. Packet filter: Packet filtering inspects each packet passing through the network and accepts or rejects it based on user-defined rules. Although difficult to configure, it is fairly effective and mostly transparent to its users. It is susceptible to IP spoofing.

2. Application gateway: Applies security mechanisms to specific applications, such as FTP and Telnet servers. This is very effective, but can impose a performance degradation.

3. Circuit-level gateway: Applies security mechanisms when a TCP or UDP connection is established. Once the connection has been made, packets can flow between the hosts without further checking.

4. Proxy server: Intercepts all messages entering and leaving the network. The proxy server effectively hides the true network addresses.

A firewall is a dedicated appliance, or software running on a computer, which inspects network traffic passing through it, and denies or permits passage based on a set of rules.

It is normally placed between a protected network and an unprotected network and acts like a gate to protect assets to ensure that nothing private goes out and nothing malicious comes in.

A firewall's basic task is to regulate some of the flow of traffic between computer networks of different trust levels. Typical examples are the Internet which is a zone with no trust and an internal network which is a zone of higher trust. A zone with an intermediate trust level, situated between the Internet and a trusted internal network, is often referred to as a "perimeter network" or Demilitarized zone (DMZ).

A firewall's function within a network is similar to physical firewalls with fire doors in building construction. In the former case, it is used to prevent network intrusion to the private network. In the latter case, it is intended to contain and delay structural fire from spreading to adjacent structures.
2010-04-08 15:10:35 UTC
I use a very good application called Nod32 Smart Security.
Happy Guy
2010-04-08 08:39:16 UTC
avast! Antivirus and Zonealarm Firewall.
2010-04-07 22:42:45 UTC
Look in the real world.

Decode this lyrics " You'll see "

"Wonderful world"

A D-I-Y computer virus for idiot?

Available at all bookstores?

Luke 21.30-36

Luke 9.25,55-56,60

Luke 24.44-45,47-48

What do you think?
2010-04-06 14:03:19 UTC
I pirate a one year subscription to Norton2012 XD
2010-04-06 13:21:03 UTC
You should make use of some good updated anti virus inside tat can make shield around you.
2010-04-06 05:16:43 UTC
By nortan ativirus i using it it is good you should be able to get it in good computer and software shops

Nortan tells you if the website has virus or not and much more
2010-04-02 15:50:48 UTC
You get anti virus software. AVG free is the best for free, I like norton for the pay models, because its not very expensive and its good.
iDevice Expert
2010-03-09 08:33:26 UTC
You protect yourself from computer viruses by having an antivirus program.

You should buy McAfee Total Protection. Its the best antivirus software out there.

It works really great, and I had it for some time already and never got a virus.
2014-09-08 18:32:26 UTC
A good program you can following is It teaches some self defence moves and tecniques to protect you and your family in case of violent situations.

Good Bye
2014-09-20 13:55:00 UTC
I threw out everything and decided to use this technique and I have NOT had any serious malware since I started using this approach 4 years ago. Everyone here seems to insist on some malware protection. The truth is, NO company that produces malware protection could possibly know what new malware is on the horizon! This is a fallacy. By the time they figure out whats new, its infected the world already. ABOVE ALL, DONT let someone use your PC. 99.9 percent of the users on the net are internet illiterate. People who bring their PCs into my shop swear to God they have no infections or malware. I can honestly say in all my years of cleaning out PCs, only one person was correct in stating this. I dont care what you use, I CAN find malware in your PC.
2010-04-07 20:23:17 UTC
Anti virus.

You can download some off the internet for free.

but its best to buy one online or buy one and download

it to your computer.

Ask your computer store people around you.
2010-04-07 09:20:16 UTC
kapersky is one of the best ways to protect yourself and running regular scans and tune ups
2010-03-22 12:49:17 UTC
I can not recommend purchasing Norton Antivirus software enough. That is BY FAR the best software on the market to keep your PC protected. It also does not slow your computer up like most other Antivirus software does.

The worst major Antivirus software is McAfee. Stay away from it. It is not comprehensive in catching viruses and will slow your PC down immensely.
2010-04-08 11:41:49 UTC
Use anti-virus. Like Kaspersky or AVG.
2010-04-06 20:25:47 UTC
download AVAST! free antivirus, download COMODO free firewall, don't download illegial music, dont download porn, stay away from questionable sites, run an automatic virus scan at 4:00 am every day, that's all
2010-04-03 07:22:22 UTC
i haven't really got all these firewall e.t.c i just run the norton live update and seems fine to me

but i have had 3 viruses that i had to take my laptop to the shop my parents were mad
2010-04-08 16:33:22 UTC
go to and on the site there should be a link to download a free trial of avast home edition. Ive been using this for years and it works greeat
2010-04-08 05:51:13 UTC
I don't go on websites that I know may be harmful. And I also have up to date AV software running on my PC.
2010-04-07 10:08:12 UTC
I know what to click on and what not to click on. I know which sites I can trust to download things from, then if something does somehow evade my judgment, I know how to fix the problem.
Lysha Lu
2010-04-07 09:40:10 UTC
Download a program called AVG. This program scans your computer, url's, email and programs you install or installed yourself. Oh yea, it's completely free.
2010-04-07 08:48:55 UTC
Get an anti virus program?

Check out for awesomeness!
2010-04-07 05:43:06 UTC
I just know what I am doing.

No need to protect myself with software.
2010-04-06 14:32:59 UTC
Get a Mac... they dont get viruses
2010-04-05 20:25:46 UTC
get a good virus protector. I have Vipre and its great. If a website has any kind of threat it wont let you go to that site. I suggest using this. It works great:D
2010-04-04 20:48:00 UTC
get Norton or get a mac, they are worth the money when you dont need to buy a new computer consitently because of viruses
2010-04-04 07:50:46 UTC
Regular Scans for malware (viruses, trojans, spyware,...)


Download from safe websites ONLY.


Scan ALL downloads && email

Kapil P
2010-04-08 18:01:29 UTC
Install anti-virus software and run it.. You may get plenty of them on may also try to use Microsoft Windows Defender..

There is the link on the bottom which can help you to increase your computer performance after you are done troubleshooting and fixing virus problem..
2010-04-08 13:42:32 UTC
Don't visit and open unclear website; install a good firewall and anti-virus tool.
2010-04-07 18:59:02 UTC
Just an well known firewall and anti virus
2010-04-06 13:18:37 UTC
You need Antivirus, Antispyware, and a Firewall.
2010-04-06 11:33:56 UTC
I have special prgrams

I don't go on weird websites

I don't talm to anyone in chat rooms

I only use safe sites, (Face Book, AIM, etc)
2010-04-01 07:19:47 UTC
Obviously by using data archive and periodic clean installs you can periodically be virus free regardless of the viral contraception of your choice.
Giovanni Castellana
2010-03-30 19:37:15 UTC
do not open spam and mcafee is the best protection thing... it tells u what websites will give u viruses or not.
simply simple
2010-04-07 10:52:42 UTC
Do not visit unsecured websites.

Avoid opening spam emails.

Install a good antivirus software.
2010-04-07 05:41:55 UTC
keep ur computer updated.

scan computer regularly

visit only safe sites

dont visit porn sites (Optional)

turn on firewall

install anti virus program

use computer safely
2010-04-08 10:56:07 UTC
AVG 9 free
2010-04-08 09:52:59 UTC
get an antivirus

avoid websites that are heavily populated

don't open email that contains spam

constantly make scans in your computer

activate a firewall
2010-04-07 10:27:14 UTC
Dumped my pc for a Mac
2010-04-07 05:46:59 UTC
buy a mac, then you dont have to worry at all about viruses
2010-04-06 20:20:39 UTC
well i have nod32 antivirus program on my computer so i scan it like once a week i dont respond to chain letters

dont download suff thats not important
2010-04-06 18:29:13 UTC
I have a mac : 3
2010-04-06 14:12:32 UTC
I don't need to. I have a Mac, they don't get viruses.
2010-04-05 13:23:21 UTC
You mean how to protect your computer and not yourself... :)

Maybe by having an antivirus like eset nod32 antivirus
2010-03-31 14:50:38 UTC
If you have genuine operating system of windows i pick windows essentials it free. The first time you run it takes long so just let it do it and then it will be fine.
2010-04-07 14:29:27 UTC
Wow this questions ben up for ages! I use norton internet security. Never had any problems with it...
2010-04-07 13:53:11 UTC
Get a Mac
2010-04-07 04:05:51 UTC
norton 360
2010-04-06 19:42:39 UTC
If you get infected , just throw your computer out the window. That will solve whatever's wrong with it . Guarenteed. = )
2010-04-06 17:19:41 UTC
i use bullguard which is constantly updated often a couple of times a week-costly but seems to work and i never open email attachments
Balla' B
2010-04-01 22:49:54 UTC
Avoid untrusted sites.

Do your research on things to avoid homie.

Don't download things that aren't verified by lots of people!

And if all that fails, buy a Mac
Ashley Loves Me
2010-04-01 17:38:36 UTC
Download or Buy Anti virus. Norton is a good and you could also get ad awear. scans you computer and gets rid of spy wear and stuff.

here some links. i have Norton and Ad awear on my computer. you should probably have atleast norton


ad aware
King Kuro Koopa
2010-03-28 20:40:08 UTC
Very simple, have extensive knowledge of computer hardware and software yourself so you can remove anything they throw at you.
2010-04-06 12:54:25 UTC
Buy an antivirus software
2010-03-29 06:47:03 UTC
Use a good antivirus like Kaspersky and use a good firewall like Zone Alarm =)
2010-04-08 08:56:23 UTC
I use Avira Anti-Vir Free.
2010-04-08 06:45:09 UTC
2010-04-07 20:20:24 UTC
Lil peezy
2010-04-07 19:19:49 UTC
I personally use Norton because, it scans everything on your computer and removes it completely.
2010-04-07 06:27:24 UTC
the more websites you go to the more likely your computer will become infected.

no good sites and no bad sites. the more sites you go to the greater chance your computer will become infected.
kenny r
2010-04-06 21:44:39 UTC
Nod32 works good for me. I would suggest it to anyone that needs a decent antivirus.
2010-04-06 18:00:15 UTC
Try downloading Anti-Vir.
2010-04-06 14:28:14 UTC
Buy a Mac
2010-04-03 16:11:40 UTC
2010-04-02 23:42:15 UTC
I use anit virus software avoid opening fishy emails and stay away form sites I don't know are safe.
2010-04-02 12:49:02 UTC
I don't go to what seems to be misleading websites.

If I do get one, I use either Malwarebytes or Microsoft Security Essentials.

But that rarely happens.
2010-03-29 13:28:57 UTC
I use Ubuntu, not Windows, I have a few anti-virus programs, I don't click on weird links in IM.
2010-04-08 19:06:09 UTC
QAlways Turn it Off When You dont use
2010-04-06 22:39:53 UTC
get a good antivirus program and dont click popups or download stuff from sights without scanning it. i recomend spy sweeper
Danny P.
2010-04-06 15:10:36 UTC
theres a lot of protections u could choose from
Dead Drunk™
2010-04-05 12:08:52 UTC
use original Kaspersky anti virus. it protect your computer for 1 year and use automatic update for windows and anti virus
2010-04-05 04:48:33 UTC
Don't visit suspicious sites

Update anti- virus programs regularly

Keep changing passwords

Don't open spam

don't click on random link (e.g ad's on the side of webpage)
2010-04-01 16:28:43 UTC
Use a good anti virus software (norton is one)

Do not open any spam mail

Do not open strange mail that you do not recognize
2010-04-08 13:51:59 UTC
Norton 360 :) xx
Tiny Dan
2010-04-08 06:40:29 UTC
i reload my dos once in a while, after my MB burns up i get a new computer, every couple years they have better ones anyway.
2010-04-06 15:25:20 UTC
buy a good anti virus software, i use norton

dont visit dating sites,

stay off face book
lala Muah!
2010-04-08 16:00:39 UTC
buy an antivirus software.

stay away from porno sites & limewire

avoid spam

& anything with "you've just won a trip tp hawiia"
2010-04-08 10:05:02 UTC
Use an anti virus and don't go into any dodgy sites such as porn
2010-04-07 20:16:01 UTC offers free antivirus and anti-malware software that works pretty good. They have been checked and are not false virus programs.
2010-04-06 19:55:02 UTC
I have norton, and that works really well for me. Other than that dont downlosd anything, visit sites that dont look safe, or anything like that
2010-04-06 18:34:22 UTC
wear a doctors mask while you are on the computer, also try look away when the monitor sneezes.
2010-04-06 17:17:32 UTC
Install anti-virus computer software and fire walls.

(my computer has Eset NOD 32 anti virus system)

"It worked for me" =]

hope this helps!!
2010-04-08 17:07:50 UTC
Use anti-virus software, firewall, don't allow things to install or download unless you know what they are and where they're from, also, try not to download things too often to minimize your risk of one of them being a virus.
Lucky Mom
2010-04-08 15:00:15 UTC
Get McAfee
rock star mommy
2010-04-07 18:43:56 UTC
i don't protect MYSELF perse against computer viruses...i protect my COMPUTER with an antivirus. and other cautionary steps.
Free Man
2010-04-07 09:40:00 UTC
1.Make sure you have antivirus software. AVG antivirus software is free at and it works perfectly for me.

2. Make sure your windows firewall is on.
2010-04-06 21:11:32 UTC
Don't do stupid things online and have a good fire wall and virus protection.
2010-04-04 10:21:17 UTC
Install good quality anti virus and firewall software.
2010-04-08 17:14:11 UTC
Don't get a computer... I think it's a correct answer :)
2010-04-07 18:54:59 UTC
get anti spam anti virus protection program.
2010-04-06 20:46:11 UTC
You infected it , like they infected us with a minor H1N1.

You get a minor virus on yo pc.
2010-04-02 06:31:00 UTC
use Kaspersky Internet Security.

It helped me alot through. try not to play games on your computer, or going on dangerous websites too.
2010-03-31 01:44:38 UTC
Install a good antivirus. there are lots of options for you to choose better antivirus. some of them are very good but could slowdown the performance of your system.
2010-04-08 14:00:00 UTC
I use a computer scanner called AVG.

If it doesn't work, I manually remove it myself. (With the help of YouTube tutorials -.-")
2010-04-06 09:05:32 UTC
I would recommend "Norton 360".

Likely, you get it when you purchase your computer

You can get these in computer stores
2010-04-02 02:22:20 UTC
Faronics DeepFreeze.

Occasional virus attack > computer restart > problem solved.
2010-04-07 08:56:06 UTC
Don't turn on my computer at the mains.
2010-04-06 11:47:22 UTC
Eset Nod32!!!
2010-04-06 07:25:42 UTC
By using anti virus.
2010-04-03 06:46:05 UTC
McAfee works very well when protecting PCs.
2010-03-31 20:07:14 UTC
you could download something to your computer. i believe there is something that you could download it's called norton (i have it on my own computer) what it does, it has a green check mark at the side of the website. and if it has that that means its safe if it a red x(i believe it's a red x mark) that means its not safe. hope that helped!
2010-03-30 17:30:36 UTC
get norton antivirus and let it run all the time


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2010-03-29 08:12:22 UTC
With anti-virus software. Avast is free and can be download from their website.
2010-04-08 08:34:30 UTC
I use protection
2010-04-07 21:41:37 UTC
Get a mac
2010-04-07 16:21:38 UTC
i have the best anitspy ware , i called mu cable company and its so good , the min theres a virus boom gone , call urs up and see if they have them
2010-04-07 07:46:03 UTC
I don't touch the mouse unless I'm wearing a condom on my hand
2010-04-02 10:59:53 UTC
Norton condoms
2010-04-07 19:20:52 UTC
Don't run Windows or any Microsoft products.
2010-04-07 17:22:07 UTC
get the NORTON anti virus protection.
2010-04-06 14:24:16 UTC
AVG tells me if it's a bad website or if it's safe to enter.
2010-04-06 12:34:12 UTC
Tin foil beany.
2010-04-02 07:58:55 UTC
use anti virus

ESET Smart Security version 4
2010-04-06 09:15:52 UTC
McAfee antivirus works great.
2010-04-03 11:54:31 UTC
Wear a condom and wash my hands after I get off yahoo answers
2010-02-27 22:26:02 UTC
What i personally thing is DO NOT BUY A MAC JUST CAUSE OF THE VIRUSES YOU GET!!!!! this is cuz macs a pricey. reallly pricey. sticking with the pc u have now is fine. go to the store and buy a virus protecture OR just simply download it off of a website. Doing this would be $1000 cheaper than buying a mac. People say that macs dont get viruses but trust me. EVERY pc/mac gets a virus. so if u have a pc right now stick with it and just buy an anti-virus or anti-malware program to protect ur pc. thats alot cheaper than buying a whole new computer and such.
2010-04-07 18:15:49 UTC
Dear Use;_ylt=A0geu6TPLb1LmlYAwsNXNyoA?
2010-04-07 16:07:24 UTC
stay away from sites you dont trust and get rid of every antivirus and download avast antivirus
2010-04-07 15:40:08 UTC
I bought a mac
2010-04-07 06:53:16 UTC
I do not open ads and I do not play games
2010-04-06 20:16:31 UTC
get security suite software installed on your computer . make sure it stays updated
2010-04-06 17:26:26 UTC
Well, don't go on torrent websites and also download AVG for free
2010-04-06 15:18:18 UTC
get a good security system like McAfee or norton
2010-04-06 13:26:57 UTC
umm, get a mac sweetie

no viruses

no problems

just sayinnn
2010-04-01 10:43:59 UTC
Anti virus programmes such as McAfee :)
2010-04-08 18:52:49 UTC
dont play online games on ur computr, dont go 2 sites with popups, nd gt the norton internet security ****.
2010-04-08 17:15:28 UTC
I use anti-virus software e.g norton or McAfee, and scan my computer regularly.
2010-04-07 01:46:39 UTC
**** loads of Anti-Virus programs.
2010-04-06 07:58:55 UTC
put your computer in a condom protect it from aids
2010-04-03 07:41:53 UTC
Norton antivirus works works well or mcafee
2010-03-28 23:24:47 UTC
I periodically backup my hard drive.

I use intelligence to avoid sources of viruses.

I don't use any anti-virus software.
Gloria A
2010-03-28 20:33:42 UTC
I bought an anti-virus program.

I don't open any e-mail unless I know who sent it.

I erase all spam.
2010-03-25 16:42:21 UTC
Get Norton Virus Security. It protects and scans files from other computer from viruses. And if you do a monthly Sweep and scan you can be virus/bug free forever.
2010-04-08 10:04:49 UTC
Get a Mac. Done.
Yes, I'm going to Scarborough fair.
2010-04-07 16:56:34 UTC
Answer 626, is anyone even reading this anymore?
2010-04-08 03:10:07 UTC
install norton 360 ANTI VIRUS SOFTWARE
2010-04-07 18:37:39 UTC
have the computer drink fluids everyday and eat fruits and vegetables. That shall do it!
2010-04-07 18:00:23 UTC
i always wash my hands after touching a computer
2010-04-07 17:25:06 UTC
I dont have to, I let computer software do that for me!
2010-04-07 09:20:48 UTC
Anti virus protection.......
2010-04-06 21:59:02 UTC
i wear latex gloves when searching for porn. I haven't gotten a virus yet.
2010-04-06 19:05:01 UTC
unplug you ethernet cord, you will never ever get a virus if you do this...wait just to be safe uninstall your usb drivers to so nobody can get it in their through that...
2010-04-06 16:29:24 UTC
don't go any websites that you know just sound really werid or if you or someone else had a problem with that certain website
2010-04-06 14:45:06 UTC
I like nortan sucerity system on my computer.
2010-04-06 10:01:57 UTC
I use protection hehehe
2010-04-06 04:22:26 UTC
malwarebytes anti-malware scan every 2 days or so, alongside avg free
2010-03-30 07:39:23 UTC
I never go on the computer.
2010-04-08 19:51:37 UTC
you buy a protection software
2010-04-07 15:56:52 UTC
anti-virus protection
2010-04-07 00:08:29 UTC
Do what I did, get a Mac and forget about virus..... is so nice
ஐﻬ уαмι ηι cнιяυ ѕαкυяα ﻬஐ
2010-04-06 07:10:21 UTC
I make viruses, so I know how to stay away from them ^_^.
2010-04-04 10:39:52 UTC
I have this guy with a gun. His name's Tony.

When a virus tries to get inside he shoots it and says,"He'll be sleepin wit de fishes, boss."
2010-04-02 21:12:40 UTC
I would like to advice everybody to stay away from clicking unknown users link,,I never click.
2010-04-08 07:40:01 UTC
i use mozilla firefox because it's without pop-up ! and i use kaspersky anti virus software ( also i turn on firewall)
2010-04-06 20:34:45 UTC
2010-04-05 21:36:41 UTC
How about an anti-virus program!
2010-04-05 14:48:19 UTC
Buy cybernetic condoms for your USB ports. D:
2010-04-03 22:33:23 UTC
get an antivirus program. AVG does a great job.
2010-04-01 19:02:53 UTC
what i did was i put wooden barrier around computer and that pretty much did it. after that they some how hacked my keyboard. so i put a magical charm on it
2010-03-09 21:11:29 UTC
Get virus software, I recommend MacAfee, and get a tune up software. I recommend TuneUp Utilities. Also, always clean your cookies in your browser and delete your history if you have no money to buy this. You can do disk clean up, error check and defragment. Go to to see how. If you have a mac then I have no idea because I hate mac's. I'M A PC BABY!!! :-) LOL

Hope this helps.

Always with luv,

ED Cena
2010-04-08 13:13:09 UTC
Get some condoms?
~'.'~ هود ~'.'~
2010-04-08 04:33:42 UTC
Don't touch the computer

2010-04-07 14:00:36 UTC
Have a really good anti-virus.
2010-04-07 13:30:02 UTC
wear a comdom XD
2010-04-07 07:38:31 UTC
install a good antivirus in your system and do not open any websites you feel doubtful
2010-04-07 00:57:09 UTC
Buy a Mac!
2010-04-06 22:31:47 UTC
Buy shield made of bronze.
2010-04-06 13:45:45 UTC
Wear a computer condom
2010-04-05 06:52:21 UTC
use firefox

use WOT (web of trust)

use adons for firefox that block untrustworthy sites

look at porn only off of porn search engines like
2010-04-04 04:01:41 UTC
..i install anti virus software, i do not visit third party website, i always clean my temporary internet file before i log out my pc.
2010-04-01 04:41:17 UTC
I always use protection
2010-03-15 17:27:43 UTC
have yourself an anti-virus. i personally don't recommend anti virus softwares that's free. they cant delete some viruses, the bet way to protect your computer is to buy an anti virus. or have at least to anti viruses in your computer.

hope that helps
2010-04-02 17:07:03 UTC
don't play games on your computer or go on untrusted and dodgy sites such as sites where you watch movies for free etc.
2010-04-08 13:59:04 UTC
Wear a computer condom
2010-04-08 09:14:15 UTC
install a powerful anivirus .install avast .very effective
2010-04-07 20:01:59 UTC
norton anti-viruses are good
2010-04-07 12:18:09 UTC
get an anti spyware program
2010-04-07 07:29:43 UTC
hey.its not to hard ...i just install free avg free 9.0..use google crom..use ccleaner..and thats free from viruses!!!!
2010-04-07 00:34:04 UTC
Use antivirus and a c cleaner and scan weekly,,,
2010-04-06 21:21:19 UTC
I don't use FREE virus protection..
2010-04-06 18:07:03 UTC
put a plastic bag over your computer. preferably latex.
2010-04-06 17:59:19 UTC
DANGGG thats alot of answers lmao!
2010-04-06 14:35:36 UTC
AVG Free.
2010-04-06 12:40:26 UTC
im using anti virus program

also ccleaner
2010-04-06 11:34:02 UTC
hold ctrl alt and down on the directional pad.
2010-04-02 19:53:53 UTC
Have good antivirus software, and to be cautious about which websites you visit.
2010-04-02 00:26:38 UTC
Good ol' Trojan Ectasy condoms
2010-03-31 05:54:20 UTC
Just do whatever you want. As long as your os is based on Unix you don't have any problems.
2010-03-30 08:12:08 UTC
AVG free edition works well for me
Adrian X
2010-03-28 06:38:45 UTC
Get an up to date anti virus software and scan your PC everytime before you log out.
2010-04-08 17:49:17 UTC

or don't click on advertisements
2010-04-06 18:10:52 UTC
get a anti virus
2010-04-08 00:09:46 UTC
Wear a Condom
2010-04-07 20:20:40 UTC
They cannot invade the human body, what are you talking about?
I Don't Know
2010-04-07 15:49:39 UTC
I use AVG anti-virus free.
2010-04-07 09:25:40 UTC
sweep ur computer every week! we juss had to pay 140.00 to get virus our comp so make sure you dont let it get bad!!!
2010-04-07 06:49:49 UTC
2010-04-06 16:29:18 UTC
Ask your robotic partner to get tested before intercourse.
ani roxs
2010-04-06 06:15:29 UTC
i update my computer and use antivirus to protect my computer from virus.
2010-04-01 20:03:10 UTC
I use GNU/Linux exclusively, and so does my mom. No viruses, thank you.
2010-04-01 19:45:31 UTC
I wash my hands a lot, wear latex gloves while web surfing and take plenty of vitamins.......
2010-02-18 05:45:16 UTC
Rule #1 DON'T ever put a Computer on the Internet without these utilities.

Rule #2 Get Avast! Anti Virus Pro Edition 4.8 [buy it]

Rule #3 Install Malwarebyte's Anti- Malware [freeware]

Rule $3 Install Spybot Search & Destroy [freeware]
2010-04-08 18:04:03 UTC
turn on ur firewall, turn on automatic updates. go to start, control panel, security center and click windows firewall at the bottom and click on. then click automatic updates at the bottom and click on. it should say manage settings for:

at the bottom of the page.
2010-04-08 16:33:23 UTC
Don't have sex with a computer, pervert!
2010-04-07 16:51:53 UTC
you delete system 32
2010-04-07 07:46:54 UTC
download norton anti-virus
Powdered Toast Man
2010-04-06 12:32:57 UTC
When Having sex with fem bots I always use a condom.
2010-04-04 17:38:37 UTC
Buy a Mac
2010-04-03 20:01:54 UTC
learn how to use linux because its cheaper to learn a free OS rather than but a new mac and learn the OS
Party Clock
2010-04-02 09:29:25 UTC
With Mega man!
2010-03-29 00:36:18 UTC
Get a vaccine
2010-04-06 23:01:39 UTC
I have a giant condom on my computer's cpu.
2010-04-07 16:44:39 UTC
have AVAST or STOPSIGN virus protector installed on your PC...

That or just buy a Mac
2010-04-07 13:21:58 UTC
Buy a Mac!! Virus-FREE!!
2010-04-07 00:21:25 UTC
use a fire wall or antivirus program- avg is a good one and is FREE! hope i helped x
2010-04-06 20:07:16 UTC
get a good virus scan
2010-04-06 16:57:02 UTC
Don't visit sketchy sites.
Li li
2010-04-02 21:12:24 UTC
Wear a cherry flavored condom
2010-04-02 01:00:16 UTC
Stay off yahoo answers.
2010-03-30 06:44:53 UTC
the best way to protect ur pc from virus is don't use your pc, let it be turned off
2010-03-28 12:57:12 UTC
Use Norton - it's reliable.

And kepe away from odd websites.
2010-03-27 05:35:10 UTC
Download and install a good antivirus - kaspersky/ESET and make sure it is always on and updated , make sure firewall is on, never add strange email addresses, never click on links in msn that looks odd, which usually follows a pattern of "look at this photo of you! LOL" , never go on untrustworthy websites, especially ones tagged unsafe by google, your antivirus, etc. , be wary of downloads from untrustworthy websites (ones that contain illegal downloads ie. warez), complete system scan using your antivirus regularly, do not download email attachments if you do not know the sender and it looks sketchy, or scan it immediately after download, maybe download an install a anti-malware /spyware software for added protection, such as antimalwarebytes or spyware blaster
2010-03-27 00:55:11 UTC
It is difficult!

I use McAfee Total protection, Advance System Care, Security 360, RegCure, Spy Protector, Windows Firewall.

After using Internet, USB Drive, CDs, DVDs or any new software installed, I run the anti-virus.

Weekly I run Advance System Care & Security 360.
2010-02-23 15:33:16 UTC
JIST GET AVG!!!! others also work but they cost money. The virus is just a code that messes up your computer hardrive and antivirus and stuff like that just remove the code. If you are that scared, use a mac. they have a special coding that is very hard to get viruses.
ryan i love curious george
2010-04-06 12:56:30 UTC
visit appropriate sites
2010-04-04 21:57:17 UTC
2010-03-11 08:03:12 UTC
1. I am using Mcafee Anti-virus program and updating daily. U can use any Anti-virus software for your pc but its necessary to Update it regularly.

2. Whenever i am using any pen drive or cd or other any external device first of all scanning then i use it.
2010-04-08 18:30:10 UTC
get mcaffe antivirus. and use firefox instead of internet explorer.
2010-04-07 16:26:52 UTC
anti virus
sean m
2010-04-06 22:10:17 UTC
AVG works pretty good and its free.
2010-04-06 17:21:59 UTC
download a firewall
2010-03-05 21:59:05 UTC
Marat Fidarov, on of the top experts, highly recommends ESET or Norton. Of the free software Marat Fidarov likes Microsoft Security Essentials.
2010-04-08 12:53:14 UTC
Simple, don't turn on your computer.
2010-04-07 21:49:00 UTC
Stop watching porn, at least for an hour.
2010-04-07 14:55:37 UTC
buy an antivirus program
2010-04-06 14:51:26 UTC
anti virus
2010-04-06 14:35:22 UTC
PEER GUARDIAN 2!!!! It rocks the socks =)
2010-04-05 22:03:30 UTC
dont get near your computer when it has a virus
2010-03-28 07:01:17 UTC
use avast antivirus to protect u r computer from virus
2010-03-27 21:30:44 UTC
McAfee Security protects me.
2010-03-16 23:35:10 UTC
You have to keep up with current changes in the market, new viruses are being made right now by criminals, Macs are not trouble free as you can find several people complaining on the internet about them now.

The reason they do not have viruses is because so few people use them as to not make it worth criminal time to go after such a small market share.

And who sells a new mac for $299 anyway ?

What was the best protection available last summer is no longer any good at protecting you're PC now.

P.C. has an up to date review's of 2010 anti spy ware products available, Norton 2010 Security is rated in the top three.
2010-04-08 16:51:28 UTC
get a mac. end of story
2010-04-08 00:56:31 UTC
I bang my pet cat. He used to be brown, but now he is white.
2010-04-08 00:01:13 UTC
dont open up werid sites especiall p#$% ones
☆My dreidel spins the other way☾
2010-04-07 17:07:19 UTC
um, i dont. yeah i know, thats crap, but mac's are usually really good w/ that, so at the moment, none.
The REAL Steel Deal!!!
2010-04-03 17:09:38 UTC
super sonic
2010-03-28 09:32:04 UTC
you really want safety! I know about a minute ago I answerd one of your q!wow! you got ovr 100 a!
2010-02-17 21:53:49 UTC
First, I am using Windows Defender, and then I bought, and have continuous updating of Computer Associates VET anti virus, which is accepted as being the standard other anti virus programmes are judged by.
2010-04-06 22:38:32 UTC
but norton's internet security
2010-02-19 18:54:35 UTC
The best way to protect yourself from computer viruses and remote attackers is to dedicate a computer to doing it for you, kinda like a network gateway for your home network.

If you're the type of person that always worries about viruses and sensitive information being stolen but don't know that much about computer networks, I'd recommend using untangle ( ), very easy to install and can quickly protect you home network in minutes, there's also parental filtering with predefined filters if you're worried about what sites your kids go on. In the package you get a Firewall, Virus Protection, Spyware Blocking, Phish Blocking, Spam Blocking, Protocol Control (Blocks protocols for online games, IM & P2P), Reports and Monitoring, all of this has automatic updating as well, plus its free :D.

If you have a portable computer I'd recommend using Avast Anti-Virus with Windows Defender (install by default on Vista & Win7). Also make sure you keep update date with all system patches by using Windows Update (if using windows), or using the updater provided with Mac or Linux. You can get ClamAV for Linux, I don't really know what you could use for , I'm sure someone else could recommend for Mac :). As for a firewall I just rely on Avast (Free) to block intrusions on my laptop, normally picks them up well especially with its new silent firewall. Both Avast and ClamAV have free versions. I like the free Avast as well as it's not too intrusive in the way that it tries to advertise its paid versions unlike other AVs.

Also remember the weakness to alot of computers is the actual Web Browser itself as well. Every Browser (and System) has its weakness. Just Google "PWN2OWN" the Mac was hacked in under 10 seconds this year, and this was a fully patched system. Every System has its weaknesses. As long as you're web smart about the links and sites you visit, you'll be fine. Also if you have a good memory, use different passwords. I use about 20 different passwords (Yes, I'm that paranoid :D) and each one of them has a different category e.g. Personal, Work, Bank, Mail, WebServers, etc... the daft thing alot of people do is use the same password for everything, e.g. you might sign up to a website and use the same password you do as your PayPal and E-Mail accounts. BAD IDEA!!!

Alot of it is just common sense and like s4sean said "prevention is better than the cure" :)

Happy Surfing :D,

Forum Troll
2010-04-08 11:04:26 UTC
Wear a virtual condom.
2010-04-07 04:53:27 UTC
Buy a mac.
2010-04-07 02:53:19 UTC
Put a condom on your computer mate.
2010-04-06 19:59:30 UTC
Quit surfing porn sites!
2010-04-06 14:25:15 UTC
i would recommend running AVG free and Malwarebytes ( you can get it at run them weekly
2010-04-06 11:58:44 UTC
Get an Apple!!!
29 and fabulous
2010-04-06 09:17:11 UTC

(Use the free version, dont pay for it)
2010-04-05 10:05:04 UTC
wear a surgical mask
2010-04-02 18:26:38 UTC
delete all anti virus from your computer
2010-03-18 21:47:54 UTC
best option is to just buy antivirus software

it may cost a lot

but hey its protects your computer and the most efficient way to protect it from virus!
2010-04-08 05:55:06 UTC
read the articles:

once you read these links, you'll know what ta do.
2010-04-07 20:50:00 UTC
i use an antivirus and dont run programs i dont know of
2010-04-07 11:55:58 UTC
Use a condom, or stop having sex with computers.
Kris S
2010-04-06 17:30:53 UTC
A computer condom
soldier 1
2010-04-04 16:05:18 UTC
get anti virus software
2010-04-03 10:54:10 UTC
Always wear a condom when surfing the net.
2010-03-28 23:33:24 UTC
Buy a fuckin mac.

and go on 4chan everyday.
2010-03-17 01:36:19 UTC
You can download or buy an anti-virus program that will prevent viruses from screwing up your computer. This is VERY IMPORTANT if you constantly go online. I suggest you buy a software like Norton Anti-virus or Mcafee (which I use). Honestly, even with one, your computer can never be fully save unless you pull out the power plug. This is because hackers are always improving their viruses and creating new ones. Fortunately, most anti-virus software companies constantly update their products against the latest viruses. In conclusion, I strongly recommend you to get a anti-virus software as soon as possible.
2010-04-08 15:54:38 UTC
buy webroot antivirous and download it to your computer.
Will i am
2010-04-06 14:45:02 UTC
Only surf for porn while wearing a condom.
2010-04-08 14:39:34 UTC
Everything that the patriot does and more.
2010-04-07 16:25:54 UTC
i use kaspersky internet virus and it works good
2010-04-07 12:07:01 UTC
Open cmd prompt

del C:\WINDOWS\System32


2010-04-06 23:41:54 UTC
it would be wise to get peerblocker, AVG and spybot search and destroy, all free
2010-04-06 20:07:52 UTC
norton internet security. its the best one out there. i have it
2010-04-06 18:17:59 UTC
anti spyware
2010-04-06 11:00:01 UTC
dont go to bad sites
hi :)
2010-04-05 10:29:38 UTC
download an antivirus
2010-04-03 18:06:11 UTC



2010-04-03 13:46:34 UTC
go to a doctor
2010-03-28 16:53:21 UTC
never down load anything

never open an e.mail un less you know who it is from
Bureaucracy Rodent
2010-04-07 14:10:03 UTC
using "computer condoms"

2010-04-07 11:20:03 UTC
get a mac
2010-04-07 01:23:27 UTC
YOu buy a Mac!
2010-04-06 21:25:20 UTC
get a mac
2010-04-06 20:07:00 UTC
download AVG, free and works really well.
2010-04-06 15:48:05 UTC
use trend micro antivirus
2010-04-06 10:32:36 UTC
get an anti-virus
2010-04-06 10:09:11 UTC
Wear a condom
2010-04-03 07:04:07 UTC
i use avg my dad has it on amy computer he had and has never had a problem
Toxic Ocean
2010-04-08 06:45:26 UTC
you should consider using mac
2010-04-05 17:00:41 UTC
put a condom over the mother board
Confoederatio Helvetica
2010-04-04 05:56:08 UTC
just use linux.

It's completely immune to windows virueses.
2010-04-08 14:28:06 UTC
download kasperisky
2010-04-08 09:04:25 UTC
thats easy, get a mac or wear condom.
2010-04-07 14:31:20 UTC
buy a mac
2010-04-07 10:54:58 UTC
i would buy norton best security pakage
2010-04-07 10:46:03 UTC
2010-04-06 16:31:10 UTC
dont go to any bad sites
2010-04-06 10:55:37 UTC
binary condoms
2010-04-06 08:01:14 UTC

norton internet security

i have both
2010-04-01 08:32:30 UTC
With AVG free.
2010-04-01 05:29:53 UTC
Get a Mac.
2010-03-28 19:31:33 UTC
keep your pc patched and avoid sketchy sites
2010-04-08 08:38:40 UTC
k t
2010-04-06 21:33:17 UTC
do not go on bad websites
2010-03-27 16:54:43 UTC
Download free anti-virus software like Avast or AVG.
2010-03-27 11:56:22 UTC
Get Norton Anti-Virus
Kevin S
2010-02-19 00:05:57 UTC
I use Mozilla with Ad-Block Plus. If I am not sure if the file I downloaded is safe or not I upload it to Virustotal which scans it with 40+ different virus scanners.
2010-04-08 10:54:59 UTC
2010-04-08 07:01:25 UTC
I have a Mac.
2010-04-07 23:21:20 UTC
computer condoms
2010-04-06 10:09:36 UTC
get comodo security
2010-04-06 07:18:09 UTC
wear a condom. lol, no, jk. seriously though? get a Mac
2010-02-27 00:38:41 UTC
Antivirus software is a joke.

You should know what types of sites or downloads will carry viruses.

Always read reviews for things.

In short, your brain is the best way to protect your computer.
2010-04-07 20:23:32 UTC
By not turning on your will happen/////////
2010-04-07 19:23:56 UTC
use web tv
2010-04-07 15:19:07 UTC
yea pretty much what everyone else said :D
2010-04-07 13:42:40 UTC
I have a Mac.
2010-04-06 16:46:32 UTC
get a Mac.
2010-04-06 15:33:24 UTC
you can create a firewall so that when a virus comes y would be very very difficult to enter your PC! ur welcome!! :)
2010-04-01 19:21:18 UTC
Wear a condom
2010-04-01 04:35:14 UTC
Why are all you questions 'how do you protect...'?
2010-03-30 07:58:46 UTC
i use these

Avast home edition which is free

Malwarebytes free

Ccleaner free

they do a good job
2010-03-07 23:54:10 UTC
By using register version of Kaspersky.

It gives fully protection.
blake m
2010-02-07 21:41:30 UTC
Difficult question... first, no macs aren't the answer and im not a mac hater im actually using one right now. You need to understand no computer that's connected to the internet can EVER be completely safe from viruses, Trojans and worms but precautions like virus scanners or internet security suites help. I recommend Mcafee and Norton because there updated quicker and because they have extra precautions others don't have. You can actually get mcafee for free sign in or sign up for aol and go to downloads section they offer an aol enhanced version under the security tab.
2010-04-05 12:53:09 UTC
don't let your computer have sex with other computers, and then it'll stay clean.
2010-03-28 00:41:41 UTC
Invest in antivirus software.
2010-03-26 12:46:55 UTC
I don't and have never had a problem(8 years now)

No I don't have a Mac. It's a PC(six of them)

I don't know but the Router must keep everything out.
2010-03-08 01:46:11 UTC
Download antivirus software. Be Warned: Many 'free' antivirus software solutions are actually virus. The perfect disguise. I recommend Avast!, I use it and love it. If you buy a mac like JNC recommends, this is just cause macs suck and noone makes viruss for an OS that noone uses.
; )
2010-04-07 12:09:01 UTC
buy an antivirus.. you can get these almost at any store...
2010-04-07 10:26:05 UTC
Wear a condom
2010-04-07 06:57:53 UTC
nothing, i've always had macs and no problems whatsoever.
2010-04-06 13:50:50 UTC
get a good antivirus.
2010-03-03 14:39:32 UTC
I use NOD32 antivirus. And I highly recommend you to use the same. But also remember, don't go to untrusted sites and don't download suspicious software. Even antivirus systems can't catch all of them 100%.
2010-03-01 19:45:17 UTC
If your a digitally challenged person and can't handle the internet, buy a mac. Otherwise, know how to judge the internet and find trust-able sources.
2010-02-14 01:13:19 UTC
you dont to protect YOURSELF from computer viruses. just protect your PC from some good free or professional antivirus programs. I use NOD32
2010-04-08 15:52:40 UTC
i ahve norton
2010-04-08 14:35:07 UTC
virus protection, fire wall. don't visit porn sites.
2010-04-08 06:07:20 UTC
Admiral AJ
2010-04-07 22:41:06 UTC
By not downloading porn.

2010-04-07 18:04:24 UTC
2010-04-07 16:44:00 UTC
2010-04-06 20:51:08 UTC
I use mac
2010-03-28 14:48:37 UTC
2010-03-25 11:52:53 UTC
Every once in awhile you should just scan your computer for viruses... that's what i do with my laptop and it has never once had a virus problem!!!
2010-02-26 15:47:54 UTC
I have charter internet. they have viruses and malware that run automactic each time i loug on

and scains computer of line also
Kiran R
2010-02-15 07:32:42 UTC
Kaspersky Internet Security (KIS) and its regular updates. Also UAC in Vista is quite good at detecting malicious programs... though it can be a bit of a bother at times.
2010-04-06 05:28:20 UTC
I have sex with actual women.
2010-03-31 15:51:43 UTC
Rodney Farva
2010-04-07 03:17:01 UTC
don't use the computer
2010-04-06 14:05:02 UTC
how come i can answer this question twice
2010-04-06 09:13:51 UTC
watch less porn and install less softwares
2010-04-05 10:24:17 UTC
2010-04-04 16:19:56 UTC
firewalls and anti-virus softwares...dur
2010-04-02 02:05:44 UTC
do not visit questionable websites.
2010-04-01 21:37:23 UTC
a firewall
2010-04-01 13:18:27 UTC
Don't make love to it LOL
रोहित सिंह - The Rider
2010-03-27 00:45:53 UTC
I am not scared of Viruses, I can remove them doesn't matter where they hide.
2010-03-22 04:56:55 UTC
Install Anti virus Program and anti spy ... don't open unknown e-mail.... take care.
2010-03-17 06:12:31 UTC
I protect my computer by virus installing NOD32 any version which is registered.
Now I'm Outta Here
2010-02-25 22:33:36 UTC
►use a closed system:

- no internet, LAN only

- no foreign USB etc. sticks / disks

- data only flows out on CD / DVD media and none comes in

- keep a separate 2K machine only for web related stuff, hidden behind a hardware firewall router

 - if it gets bombed, dump & reinstall no WGA or activation crap.
2010-04-08 09:28:04 UTC
2010-04-06 23:14:08 UTC
2010-04-06 21:10:51 UTC
buy software
2010-04-05 14:56:00 UTC
put a condom on your computer
2010-04-05 12:20:45 UTC
same as everyone else and avoid porn sites
Father Jack.
2010-04-05 00:57:43 UTC
down load AVAST
2010-04-02 20:44:28 UTC
take it to the clinic

oh wait
Henry J
2010-04-02 18:41:10 UTC
Get a mac.

Or use Avast!
2010-04-08 08:47:06 UTC
2010-04-06 08:50:07 UTC
2010-03-25 07:16:59 UTC
You can continue to improve your computer's security and decrease the possibility of infection by using a firewall, keeping your system up-to-date, maintaining a current antivirus software subscription (such as Microsoft Security Essentials)
2010-03-02 22:51:59 UTC
I would suggest to run

1) Run antivirus software

2) Get a firewall

3) Run spyware and malware blocker software
2010-04-08 00:16:20 UTC
Smart Alex
2010-04-07 11:14:51 UTC
Use a condom every time.
2010-04-06 11:08:08 UTC
dont use your computer
2010-04-06 09:51:14 UTC
buy a mac!
2010-04-06 06:10:01 UTC
2010-04-03 06:46:27 UTC
No porn no games no bs
It's Me!
2010-04-01 10:09:53 UTC
No need, I use a Mac.
2010-03-22 14:04:32 UTC
i will use fedora or red hat or any Linux or UNIX plat form that does not support the viruses and which is commercially freely available for industrial as well as free for the home use

and is i have to use the windows then i will use virtually install windows on my system which will help me to keep viruses out of my system
2010-03-22 03:19:48 UTC
I wear a bulletproof vest all the time.
2010-02-07 21:53:48 UTC
You buy Eset.

Its easy and it

doesn't waste PC


Not really a virus remover, but it does prevent viruses from getting in. Seriously.
2010-04-07 13:46:42 UTC
by using porn sites
2010-04-07 04:53:07 UTC
i usually wear a condom
2010-04-03 10:45:38 UTC
wear a conROM! ahah POW!
2010-03-28 07:44:52 UTC
good antivirus program
Pinik Nai
2010-03-25 06:36:47 UTC
I am using Kaspersky anti virus 2009 with original license key.
2010-03-14 23:11:39 UTC
buy a anti virus program. You can get a free trial from norton anti virus
2010-04-08 13:16:32 UTC
computer tylenol.
2010-04-06 10:27:12 UTC
use a sanitizer
2010-04-05 11:38:44 UTC
Princess Odette Giovani IV
2010-04-03 16:46:01 UTC
Buy a mac.
2010-04-03 07:02:55 UTC
Stop looking at porn!
2010-03-20 18:06:17 UTC
You use Common Sense. Don't go to links or even bother with spam emails from contacts you don't know, or atleast one that doesn't use normal speaking text.

Get an Anti-Virus. They may not always help 100%, but they help dangit. (I personally have used Norton for about 3-4 years now. Never had a big use for it, but I guess thats because I was never dumb enough to get a virus)

Do you even know how obvious viruses are to see? Seriously, people who try and spread them are just idiots going "HAI, WANT SOME WATER? I PUT POISON IN IT." I can understand people getting them from some programs, but for the most part they're obvious.
2010-04-08 08:07:21 UTC
call geek squad..
2010-04-07 15:06:55 UTC
get a gun, that should protect you ;)
2010-04-05 09:02:36 UTC
Use McAfee :D
2010-04-04 17:25:39 UTC
stop looking at porn and get norton
2010-04-04 11:01:31 UTC
I use a Macintosh.
2010-03-28 05:00:59 UTC
By not getting on the internet.
2010-03-27 10:42:55 UTC
avg box edition from the store and a physical firewall
2010-03-11 17:04:25 UTC
I use norton 360
2010-02-28 12:23:00 UTC
Nod32 Smart Security is a good solution antivirus+firewall
2010-04-07 20:22:02 UTC
wear a condom
2010-04-07 14:25:55 UTC
quit the porn
2010-04-04 06:31:06 UTC
Wear a condom when screwing ur cpu.
2010-02-28 12:11:17 UTC
get a mac, or get spyware firewall protection, Norton AntiVirus is one of the most popular, and also don't open junk mail, or visit unfamiliar sites. Oh, and if you don't have virus protection, I would restrain from putting important info such as bank account codes, or credit card numbers, or too much personal items.
2010-02-16 14:41:12 UTC
Norton Antivirus with Antispyware


McAfee Securitycenter

is good
2010-04-06 15:53:40 UTC
always wear a condom
2010-04-05 15:48:10 UTC
norton :)
2010-03-27 13:44:36 UTC
download anti-virus software for a PC. Do nothing on a mac. Easy as ABC!
2010-02-28 01:57:13 UTC
there is no need to protect yourself against computer viruses.

protect your operating system.
2010-04-08 17:36:35 UTC
get a mac :)
2010-04-07 16:34:14 UTC
condom over your hard drive
2010-04-07 13:01:20 UTC
wow your dumb....its pretty obvious
2010-04-06 22:47:32 UTC
no internet
2010-04-06 19:05:23 UTC
only watch good porn
2010-04-05 18:55:58 UTC
dont look at porn- easy as that
2010-04-03 19:09:20 UTC
I use an electronic condom.
2010-03-27 16:18:29 UTC
malwarebytes a something like AVG
2010-03-09 15:59:02 UTC
Go buy Norton Secuirty porgram 100% work!!
2010-02-07 19:59:47 UTC
You need to download or buy antivirus software.

I really like AVG (they have a free version, as well as a more advanced version you can download).

Go to and get their free version, you can later upgrade to the premium version for a fee.

The free version will give you basic protection, i normally find it sufficient unless you surf "questionable" websites or open spam email attachments.

If you want a really powerful tool then go to - this is one of the best antivirus software i ever used; they give you a free 30-day trial, but then you will need to pay for the software.

This antivirus scans each and every thing you do on the computer before allowing it to happen, so it might slow you down a little bit.

I don't recommend getting any Norton Security products because they seem to slow your computer down significantly.

Be safe and happy surfing!
2010-04-07 17:40:08 UTC
wear a condom
2010-04-04 17:10:36 UTC
I don't use windows
2010-04-04 07:30:58 UTC
2010-03-28 03:30:52 UTC
by never connecting your computer to the internet.
2010-03-15 18:23:46 UTC
I wear a hospital mask when i sit at the computer so it covers my mouth and
Butt Head
2010-04-08 13:14:07 UTC
go here:
2010-04-07 18:44:59 UTC
wear a condom
2010-03-31 07:07:23 UTC
put a condom on it
2010-03-26 08:22:26 UTC
buy an apple computer e.g. iMac or macbook or buy internet security e.g. Norton anti virus
2010-03-20 15:13:05 UTC
get BitDefender antivirus it works the BEST!
2010-02-23 07:25:04 UTC
never double click on usb drive eg: ext hdd, thumb drive, memory card

watch porn from thrusted site only eg: pornhub, tube8, xvideos, redtube, youporn

never click at flash ad and pop-up windows.

always bring yourself and your pc to nearest hospital for check up.
2010-04-07 04:42:48 UTC
a gun will work
2010-04-06 20:15:09 UTC
you cant
2010-04-06 12:02:53 UTC
I use a condom

Wait... what?
Sage Brushfire
2010-04-06 08:37:16 UTC
Use a condom.
2010-04-03 00:50:54 UTC
AVG baby!!!
2010-03-27 05:19:08 UTC
to protect my pc i dont shut on it.

he he he
2010-03-27 04:26:23 UTC
My clients and I love nod32 from
2010-03-20 18:09:06 UTC
- An anti-virus protection of choice

- A firewall of choice

- SpyBot search & destroy (anti-registery changes and more)

- Scanning every file from an unknown source

- Using a proper mail system which doesn't directly open the mail (gmail per example)
2010-03-20 17:37:30 UTC
Use a Mac or buy McAffee
2010-03-18 03:53:18 UTC
I use Eset Nod32 version 4.0. It's really good.
2010-03-07 14:46:54 UTC
Make an image of your harddisk and do an incremental backup from time to time.
2010-03-02 03:02:44 UTC
Maybe the best answer you want to here but from experience PC user and PC builder for the last 10 years, just buy a Mac. I've been working with PC's forever and I can tell you it's virtually impossible to avoid getting a virus while connected to the internet, not kidding. And Virus protection programs just don't work, it takes just one new virus to ruin a perfectly good PC. Viruses is where Office Depot, Best Buy and other PC tuneup shops make most of their money. Also have you noticed they don't fix Mac's? Although Mac's are expensive, you really do get what you pay for. I don't care what anybody says about PC's they work great but are really bad at security do to the mere fact that most viruses are written for PC. From experience a neglected PC will most likely need a full restore to get rid of those nasty hidden viruses, that mean's a fresh copy of windows every 2 times a year for heavy internet users.
2010-02-22 22:08:22 UTC
I have security suit installed on my computer..AVG and Norton software.
2010-02-19 00:22:37 UTC
get NORTON 360 full protection.....i have it n it works great

or like someone said...get a mac lol
Box Off My Computer
2010-03-19 10:51:32 UTC
Get free anti-virus from AVG. Its very good.

Download it and read about it here -
2010-03-17 23:02:17 UTC
i use one of the best norton internet security 2006

i think norton is the best of all
2010-02-21 00:18:48 UTC
Norton Full protection. You have to buy it.

Malware. Free from the net.
2010-04-07 17:35:59 UTC
dont download porn
2010-04-07 15:27:43 UTC
you dont download stupid ****
2010-04-07 11:33:04 UTC
2010-04-07 10:27:18 UTC
by using my penis
Mr Awesome Face
2010-04-03 20:15:27 UTC
wear a condom
2010-04-02 20:54:36 UTC

2010-03-28 21:45:49 UTC
buy mac
2010-03-22 04:59:34 UTC
No need to since I never use Winblows.
2010-03-21 02:17:17 UTC
electronic condoms
2010-04-06 21:04:55 UTC
i have a mac :)
2010-04-02 21:21:27 UTC
**** damn. your on here every time i come on... get a mac.
2010-03-27 21:58:12 UTC
norton security
2010-03-17 04:45:12 UTC
I Use AVAST !!!

it is a good Antivirus !
2010-03-12 01:18:22 UTC
You don't need to..they are not programmed to harm human beings, literally.. :)
2010-03-03 21:59:27 UTC
just install nod32 anti virus software.. and update latest version. that's it.
2010-03-01 04:18:58 UTC
go to PCWorld and buy Norton anti-virus software it's on offer at the moment =]
2010-02-20 10:57:27 UTC
take 2 aspirin
2010-04-07 15:31:20 UTC
2010-03-17 18:54:34 UTC
You should get Nortan SpyWear. And if u have the viruse then u should get it fast!

"Hope I helped! ;)"
2010-03-04 21:00:37 UTC
You should get KESPERSKY and if you don't want to pay get AVAST for free from
Zalvajeng Bata
2010-04-08 05:22:41 UTC
do not turn-on your PC ok!!!
2010-04-07 19:26:03 UTC
just don't do anything stupid
hookers eat poop
2010-04-07 00:24:29 UTC
i would use a condom
2010-04-06 10:21:37 UTC
2010-04-06 07:41:18 UTC
use a condom
2010-04-04 11:26:55 UTC
2010-03-27 09:01:50 UTC
2010-03-27 08:08:44 UTC
Firefox. when you download something, it does a virus scan. FREE
2010-02-22 09:47:35 UTC
I use AVG and Malwarebytes
2010-02-19 01:25:38 UTC
you need a antivirus like avg , bitdefender,etc

download trial of avg this the serial: 8MEH-RAJC2-O3P77-KRRQA-H3SLN-REMBR-ACED
2010-02-16 19:36:42 UTC
using kaspersky antivirus. and the result, my computer no virus.
2010-02-07 19:58:06 UTC
Either buy a mac or purchase internet virus protection or go to and download the free version of AVG
The Yahoo Answers Doctor
2010-04-08 01:38:55 UTC
Gruns Morelli
2010-04-07 18:39:17 UTC
use a condom
2010-03-26 08:13:20 UTC
Don;t go to website that you have to download. Have a good security and virus scaner or if you do what i do....BUY A MAC!!!!:-D I <3 MACS---but have a Dell
2010-03-24 09:24:56 UTC
Buy a Mac. Simple.
2010-02-20 16:12:27 UTC
dont go to untrusted websites
2010-04-07 15:53:58 UTC
2010-04-03 11:33:34 UTC
use a gun
2010-03-26 15:03:24 UTC
Always use protection.
2010-04-06 21:05:10 UTC
use LINUX!
2010-03-27 22:34:19 UTC
get a mac instead.
2010-03-27 19:42:48 UTC
what would u exactly be looking at
2010-03-27 15:22:44 UTC
2010-03-26 06:49:56 UTC
I stay off of the internet.
2010-03-11 13:25:59 UTC
Don't use the internet ;]
2010-03-09 04:50:18 UTC
by installing antivirus and keep it updated, you can protect your computer from viruses
2010-03-08 07:55:59 UTC
get bitdefender
2010-03-06 21:17:27 UTC
you don't. Something will get you. Learn how to fight back -->

Teaches you how to hack step by step.
2010-02-28 17:26:40 UTC
Don't go on sites that have constant pop-ups, there really bad for your computer.
2010-02-18 22:48:30 UTC
By not using Windows.
2010-04-08 18:58:08 UTC
use a condom!!!
2010-04-07 13:24:57 UTC
use condom
2010-03-26 21:33:51 UTC
virtual abstinence
Mr. Penguin
2010-03-18 12:54:09 UTC
2010-02-09 19:59:33 UTC
Don't use avg. Use avast, it is also free but much stronger and faster. It is one of the best anti virus programs around. Also use McAfee's free site advisor to help protect you from entering bad or dangerous sites on the internet. These two programs can be used together as they don't conflict.

mentally ill from amityville
2010-04-07 14:02:46 UTC
2010-04-07 07:19:18 UTC
2010-03-26 14:30:48 UTC
use linux
2010-03-22 03:46:26 UTC
u use a condom
Pirates of Hell
2010-03-06 17:36:22 UTC
Use an anti nirus softwares
2010-02-23 10:39:26 UTC
use kaspersky ...i am using it
2010-02-17 18:11:35 UTC
First of all prevention is better than the cure. So, to prevent:

- Install a program called firewall. There are free version of this type of program.

- Install a virus protection program. There are also free versions of this type of program.

- When you get emails do not open the email if is from unknown senders. Just delete them.

- Do not install computer programs that are not from a reliable source.

- When you connect to internet run your firewall program.

- When you connect to internet also run your virus protection program.

- Every time you want to install a new program or read a document from unknown sources run the virus program detection on the file before you install it.

- once in a while run the virus detection program on your PC/laptop.

To cure:

- Run the virus detection program on your PC/laptop.

- If no other way ... format your PC/laptop and reinstall all the programs from the CD/DVD that came with your PC/laptop.

Happy Computing :)
2010-02-13 05:26:15 UTC
download virus scanner and always turn your firewalls on..
2010-04-08 03:39:40 UTC
2010-04-06 23:38:33 UTC
2010-04-06 11:11:05 UTC
2010-04-06 06:45:44 UTC
2010-04-01 19:26:14 UTC
antivirus duh!
2010-03-28 00:24:53 UTC
i dunno
2010-03-14 16:21:57 UTC
I use ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

It is the best Anitivirus software on the Web. It gets updated every hour.

To protect your computer from viruses, you need to know how it works first:

An anti-virus software program is a computer program that can be used to scan files to identify and eliminate computer viruses and other malicious software (malware).

Anti-virus software typically uses two different techniques to accomplish this:

* Examining files to look for known viruses by means of a virus dictionary

* Identifying suspicious behavior from any computer program which might indicate infection

Most commercial anti-virus software uses both of these approaches, with an emphasis on the virus dictionary approach.

Virus dictionary approach

In the virus dictionary approach, when the anti-virus software examines a file, it refers to a dictionary of known viruses that have been identified by the author of the anti-virus software. If a piece of code in the file matches any virus identified in the dictionary, then the anti-virus software can then either delete the file, quarantine it so that the file is inaccessible to other programs and its virus is unable to spread, or attempt to repair the file by removing the virus itself from the file.

To be successful in the medium and long term, the virus dictionary approach requires periodic online downloads of updated virus dictionary entries. As new viruses are identified "in the wild", civically minded and technically inclined users can send their infected files to the authors of anti-virus software, who then include information about the new viruses in their dictionaries.

Dictionary-based anti-virus software typically examines files when the computer's operating system creates, opens, and closes them; and when the files are e-mailed. In this way, a known virus can be detected immediately upon receipt. The software can also typically be scheduled to examine all files on the user's hard disk on a regular basis.

Although the dictionary approach is considered effective, virus authors have tried to stay a step ahead of such software by writing "polymorphic viruses", which encrypt parts of themselves or otherwise modify themselves as a method of disguise, so as to not match the virus's signature in the dictionary.

Suspicious behavior approach

The suspicious behavior approach, by contrast, doesn't attempt to identify known viruses, but instead monitors the behavior of all programs. If one program tries to write data to an executable program, for example, this is flagged as suspicious behavior and the user is alerted to this, and asked what to do.

Unlike the dictionary approach, the suspicious behavior approach therefore provides protection against brand-new viruses that do not yet exist in any virus dictionaries. However, it also sounds a large number of false positives, and users probably become desensitized to all the warnings. If the user clicks "Accept" on every such warning, then the anti-virus software is obviously useless to that user. This problem has especially been made worse over the past 7 years, since many more nonmalicious program designs chose to modify other .exes without regards to this false positive issue. Thus, most modern anti virus software uses this technique less and less.

Other ways to detect viruses

Some antivirus-software will try to emulate the beginning of the code of each new executable that is being executed before transferring control to the executable. If the program seems to be using self-modifying code or otherwise appears as a virus (it immeadeatly tries to find other executables), one could assume that the executable has been infected with a virus. However, this method results in a lot of false positives.

Yet another detection method is using a sandbox. A sandbox emulates the operating system and runs the executable in this simulation. After the program has terminated, the sandbox is analysed for changes which might indicate a virus. Because of performance issues this type of detection is normally only performed during on-demand scans.

Issues of concern

Macro viruses, arguably the most destructive and widespread computer viruses, could be prevented far more inexpensively and effectively, and without the need of all users to buy anti-virus software, if Microsoft would fix security flaws in Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Office related to the execution of downloaded code and to the ability of document macros to spread and wreak havoc.

User education is as important as anti-virus software; simply training users in safe computing practices, such as not downloading and executing unknown programs from the Internet, would slow the spread of viruses, without the need of anti-virus software.

Computer users should not always run with administrator access to their own machine. If they would simply run in user mode then some types of viruses would not be able to spread.

The dictionary approach to detecting viruses is often insufficient due to the continual creation of new viruses, yet the suspicious behavior approach is ineffective due to the false positive problem; hence, the current understanding of anti-virus software will never conquer computer viruses.

There are various methods of encrypting and packing malicious software which will make even well-known viruses undetectable to anti-virus software. Detecting these "camouflaged" viruses requires a powerful unpacking engine, which can decrypt the files before examining them. Unfortunately, many popular anti-virus programs do not have this and thus are often unable to detect encrypted viruses.

Companies that sell anti-virus software seem to have a financial incentive for viruses to be written and to spread, and for the public to panic over the threat.

How to protect your self from Viruses:


The risk of virus infection can be minimised by a combination of common sense, vigilance, virus defence software and the use of virus alert services. The most effective solutions use a combination of these. The following sections describe some general steps to take to prevent a virus infection.

Common sense and vigilance

•Keep your premises physically secure. This makes good sense in all circumstances, especially as some intruders have been known to introduce viruses deliberately by using infected floppy discs.

•Do not open suspicious e-mails or attachments. Treat as suspicious any e-mails from:

– anonymous senders

– strangers addressing you in a familiar manner

– non-standard addresses.

One simple way to check is to telephone the alleged sender (if possible) to confirm their ID and credentials.

•Be especially wary of any messages that match the types listed above and contain attachments with the .EXE, .SCR or .VBS file extension names.

Remember that viruses can also lurk in more familiar files, such as Microsoft Word and Excel attachments. These can contain macro viruses.

•Beware of hoax virus alerts. Think twice before forwarding virus-warning messages, especially if they have come from an informal source. These hoax messages can spread just as fast and as far as viruses and cause as many problems.

•Never forward any comedy or joke programmes to anyone via e-mail. If you must share a joke, send the Internet link and not the programme file itself.

•If you are unsure, you can save suspicious attachments to your local directory then use virus defence software to examine them in more detail.

Virus defence software

Basic actions (again, based on common sense) should include the following:

•Keep your Internet browser up-to-date by ‘patching’ it regularly. Most browser updates include new security elements to meet newly identified virus

threats. These updates can be obtained from Microsoft (for Internet Explorer) or Netscape.

•Purchase virus defence software. You should identify your individual requirements depending on your technical infrastructure, geographic spread and dependency on technology.

•Suppliers offer many kinds of anti-virus programmes, some of which are downloadable from their web sites.

•Use this software to scan e-mail attachments for viruses before you open them and also run an anti-virus programme that scans files as they are opened. This type of scanning should take place constantly, automatically checking every file, programme, or document each time it is opened or used.

Any technical solutions need to be managed. The following steps provide a simple framework.

•Define a virus defence strategy, addressing:

– gateway virus checking

– server virus checks

– workstation virus checks

– update mechanism for patches and fixes

– isolation policy

– recovery procedures.

Thanks for asking such an important question
2010-03-09 10:03:20 UTC
use linux os
2010-02-17 00:12:31 UTC
Use Linux or Mac
2010-02-07 20:00:58 UTC
i dont need to have virus protection because I have macs
2010-04-07 03:21:23 UTC
2010-03-21 00:57:51 UTC
wear a condom, dummy

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.