It's gone forever sweety. Sorry to be the one to tell you that.
First off: Trendmicro is good software. I recommend the free online scan to people here all the time. As far as having it on your pc as a full time anti virus--nope. I tried it and didn't like it cause it slowed down my XP...with 2 full 2 GB of memory and ALL Windows bloatware removed from my program files.
What your uncle didn't do was go through and read what each infected file was... I'm sure of that. What he also didn't do was become an actual computer wiz before calling himself a computer wiz...
There are some files you cannot just go in and delete with an anti virus program. Files that end in the extension exe are core program filesp; they make your computer go...the way the battery, gas and engine make your car go--remove any one of the 3 and something ain't gonna work right.
He messed up by simply "wiping" the computer clean.
Your documents and stuff are gone. You can always re-install the WOW, UTorrent and such... but any songs/videos/pictures you lost are gone.
Sorry to say that. Seriously. I lost an entire novel in my old pc and let me tell was then and there I decided to try and learn at least the basics of computer security and such on my own...
There are some things you can learn about to help avoid this is the future: what anti virus to use, what anti spyware to use, how to configure them, how to back up your files...and, especially, how to "fix and clean" an infected exe file.
If you ever need any help or suggestions about anything feel free to message me...I'm no computer wix but, I have some friends that are.
You know, I didn't even think of that Brian F!!! That's exactly why I uninstalled that program. I was thinking "Insufficient system resources" meant too many of her data files were wiped out...
That's a good point you made.