UPDATE: To see the the link for Other and how it out gained Windows 10 by 200% last month just click and remove the version of Windows and Mac.
Here is the link for Windows market share. Down to 88.77%. It has been falling steadily since the release of windows 10. Last month M$ Windows lost a whopping 1.68% of the OS market share. The largest one month loss ever for them. All thanks to Windows 10.
The truth doesn't change just because it hurts someone feelings. In fact, the truth typically offends those it applies to.
We are M$. Resistance is futile. Your puters and lappies will adapt to service us. We will add your technology to our own. M$ has announced that Windows is NOT a top priority. Pushing people to use the cloud and mobile has become their main focus now. Now the truth about 10 is coming out.
It is easy to toss out numbers that M$ releases, but since the release of 10, M$ total share of the OS market has dropped below 90% for the first time in many many years. The biggest clue that people are very unhappy with 10 can be seen in the chart below. You can see that 7 dropped roughly 4% of its market share. 10 only rose 1.2%, meaning those who system broke and could not find a 7 system did not run to 10. 8.1 actually gained .3% and the rest went to other OSes. Meaning Linux grab a big share of those who left 7 and did not and would not use 10. M$ should but wont see how bad 10 is. The people are speaking with their feet and running away from it as fast as they can.
You have to asked, why is it they claim its on "devices" and not puters and lappies. They are counting smart phones and tablets to pad the numbers. What they do not tell you is that millions tried it on puters and lappies but do not tell you that many went back to their original OS and many more were prevented from going back to their original OS because M$ deleted their recovery partition. Numbers claimed by M$ have always been misleading. They also keep referring to the numbers by using the word activation and not how many are really using it. LOL Keep in mind to that M$ had to GIVE IT AWAY FOR FREE to get any where near what 7 did and they had to pay for the upgrade. They have also missed that magical mark of having it installed on 1 Billion "devices" in a year. They have also given up on getting Android APPS to run on 10 and it wont be long before they give up on getting the Apple APPS to run on it. The real failure of M$ is the last 4 releases there has only been one that was successful, 7. Vista failed so bad that they had to rush 7 to the market. 8 was even a bigger failure and they had to rush 8.1 to the market to try to save it. The only thing that saved 8.1 was the release of 10. Windows 10 is going to go down as the biggest failure yet. The chart below proves it. M$ Windows 10 is FREE and the other OS (Linux) out gained it by close to 200% in the last month. There will be those who claim that Vista, NT, 2000, 3.1, makes up "other". LMOMBO that is a real stretch when trying to defend on how bad 10 is failing. Vista maybe but we all know none of them have grown their OS market share. Only Linux is growing and that is because 10 is such a failure.
Before downgrading to 10, you should know what you're getting into.
Windows 7 and 8.1 is far better than 10. Windows 10 is far better at being spyware then any OS previously released to date. I find that people who are blinded by loyalty to M$ know little about Windows 10 and the spyware in it. They base their opinion on second hand knowledge and propaganda spread by M$.
With Windows 10, M$ owns your system.
YOU can no longer pick the updates you want installed.
THEY can choose which drivers are installed.
THEY can choose what THEY want on your system.
THEY even installed a backdoor in it so THEY can SPY on you at all times.
We all thought Windows 8 would be the worse OS M$ would release and they learned there lesson. They made some good improvements in 8 when they released 8.1. At that point we thought M$ was on the path to redemption. Then they come along with 10 and proved us wrong. People who make a profit off spyware and love the government knowing what you do on a daily basis are truly in love with Windows 10 and think it is the best OS M$ ever released. You got to admit tho, they thought this out. They first developed a OS so bad that just about every one hated and only got 23% of the user to move to it, Windows 8. Most of them had no choice when buying a new puter. With everyone thinking that M$ couldn't make one worse they release Windows 10. People hated 8 so bad they jumped on the FREE OFFER for Windows 10 before they realized that it is spyware masquerading as an OS.
M$ is pushing 10 hard because it means a big increase in their profit margarine when they sell the info they collect on you. That is why it is FREE. If you're not paying for it, you’re not the customer, you’re the product being sold. They have seen the profits that the smart phone makers are raking in by spying on their user so M$ decided to emulate that and cripple the desktops, laptops so they can do the same. That's why they built a back door in it so you can stop the OS with a firewall from phoning home. They spend years coping anything that Apple did. Hence we got Windows 8. Now they are going copy the smart phone industry and and force everyone to use APP.