Wow that's an old OS. Back in them the browsers were just mainly browsers without nowhere near as much scripts and features as they have now.
If you want a browser that runs smoothly with your OS your going to find it hard because you'll need to look backwards.
Around the time of your OS, windows released an ADD-ON package called Plus! which was for Windows 95, this included a browser.
Also this was the early days for firefox which had an application called Mozilla Suite which also included a browser called Navigator.
If you used any of these browsers they would be better suited for your OS.
The problem is the internet has changed. Web site's today require all the heavy scripting included in modern day browsers so if you did look backwards for a browser and used it with your OS it would struggle to load most websites. It would also be very unsafe because every new browser release has security fixes and patches to deal with the latest threats. Using an old browser would leave you wide open to viruses and Malware and hackers.
Current day OS have so may scripts running in the background which are communicating with your browser all the time. Having such a old OS it probably doesn't understand some of the requests sent by your browser. It's like trying to put a DVD inside a VHS player, there just not compatible.
I don't know what to recommend because you seemed to have tried most of the current popular browsers. How about Google Chrome? Google do say it's the quickest browser (but they would say that!) I just think your going to continue getting problems when the browser communicates with your OS.
I don't know if Microsoft still provide updates for this system but if they do, are you up to date? This may help but probably not.
Good luck..and sorry for waffling on a bit!