My computer got a blue screen?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
My computer got a blue screen?
65 answers:
2008-07-20 01:31:17 UTC
It appears that something has overheated and died.


Your data is still in tact and fully recoverable. As other have suggested, installing the drive in another PC and recovering your data that way is a good idea, unless you have no other PC to connect it to, or you don't have the required knowledge to do so.

If a component has overheated, in this scenario it is most probably the CPU, which is a vital component.

I'd suggest you take your PC to a reputable service centre/repair workshop and have the guys there take a look at it.

Hope this helps.

I Love Ubuntu
2008-07-20 04:28:20 UTC
for later reference: ALWAYS write down the BSOD's stop error. there are web sites where you can look it up and find out what went wrong.
Darth Redoncooni
2008-07-20 02:35:09 UTC
first unplug it

hold power button down for 20 sec

plug it in and turn it on

it should start up

if it keeps happening

turn power off

take the cover off and clean the fans and heat sink

then pop out the little flat battery out...go to walmart and buy a new one its likely a CR2032, or a CR2035 or a CR2025

that will probably solve the problem

it is not the power supply, it would not turn on...even then sometimes its that battery not the power supply.

if this is the frist time its likely nothing is damaged

if it continues and says hard drive imminent failure then you need to leave it off until you are ready to back up

when u clean it use compressed air

NOTHING TO DO WITH THE RAM!!! how could dust get in the ram slot if a ram chip is in there...its common sence

if it continues call a neighborhood geek they are cheaper and just as good as most shops...well i am anyways
2016-04-06 06:52:25 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

Those blue screens are alos known as the 'blue screen of death', a.k.a. bsod. When you are getting a lot of these it's often hardware related. First, I'd check the BIOS at startup (press 'F8' or 'Del' key to get there). Head for the 'System memory' or 'RAM' section of the BIOS menu and look for anything that it may list as incompatible or not working. Flaky RAM is often a culprit behind bsods. If you've recently added some new hardware and noted that your system is now crashing, then remove that hardware. Otherwise, it could be a dying Windows install and it's asking for a cleanup. Your choice would be to do a fresh install (reinstall over the old Windows system install and keep the data files) or a clean install (erase the hard disk along with the data files). In both scenarios back up your data.
2016-03-18 10:17:57 UTC
Hello, (ANS) OK! what you are describing in the classic "Blue Screen of Death" (BSD) this happens when the operating system (windows NT, XP & Vista) encounters a system critical error. This is a fatal error, meaning that windows cannot self heal or self correct this problem. Windows is damaged & needs repairing or re-installing. **NOTE:- The Blue Screen of Death is also called a STOP ERROR!! **The error code/s that are associated with the Blue screen of death will tell you what is causing this error. The vast majority of Blue screens of death are in fact caused by software and NOT hardware problems. **A very common cause of the BSD is in fact device drivers i.e. system drivers required by windows & are normally loaded at start up. **The solution is a) Trying to diagnose from the error code what is specifically causing the system to crash with a blue screen. OR you can try rebooting & when you see the windows logo press F8 and from the menu you can try x2 things no.1 select boot logging (this will help you identify which files or drivers are causing the crash) or No.2 Select the option called "Last Known Good" this will load the back up copy of the windows registry & reboot the machine without it crashing i.e. a normal windows loading. **NOTE:- if No.1 or No.2 above fail to solve the problem you may need to fully re-install windows from fresh, so that the missing drivers are reinstalled as required. Hope that helps? Kind Regards Ivan computer veteran,MCSE trained.
2008-07-20 17:58:44 UTC;_ylt=Ak2uwT3qswkfwxxQ1ZGElEUazKIX;_ylv=3?search=compaq+presario+6000+troubleshooting&ei=UTF-8&fr=ks-ans&*
2008-07-20 17:57:01 UTC
The same thing happened to me and I had all the usual comments 'dumb ****- lost it etc' Do not try to fix it yourself. It may cost you some money but take it to a competent tech guy, who will not only sort out you blue screen but probably save all your hard work.
ahmad c
2008-07-20 14:07:13 UTC
Sound like you may have a video card issue. You can retrieve you files by taking out the hard drive and putting it in someone elses computer as has second HD
2008-07-20 12:08:35 UTC
something went wrong dude just go to and send theme a report on this problem.
2008-07-20 07:57:11 UTC
Tap F5 or F8 on boot and go to safemode it should load up lots of writing then give ur login screen but bigger then usual and click no when it asks u to continue in safemode an it brings up system restore which lets u choosehow far back to take the computer.
2008-07-20 20:28:53 UTC
i think your RAM has broken.
2008-07-20 19:15:25 UTC
If absolutely nothing appears on the screen check that all the wires connected at the back of your PC are firmly connected and not loose.

If you still have the problem. . .

If at any moment you do not understand what the h..l I’m talking about don’t take chance and bring your PC to a repair shop. There you can ask them to check your PC or ask them to put your hard drive in a “USB hard drive enclosure case”. With the USB enclosure case you can plug it to any PC and retrieve your data.

If you have some knowledge of computers try the following.

Grab your PC motherboard manual and try to locate the “clear CMOS” jumper on the diagram. Unplug the power cable of your monitor and PC, looking at your computer from the front removes the left side panel of your case. On the mother board remove the battery and wait 10 minutes. Reinstall the battery and move the “clear CMOS” jumper from pin 1-2 to pin 2-3 and wait 10 seconds. Move the jumper back to pin 1-2. Leaving your PC case open plug the power cable to your monitor then plug the power to your PC and then start your PC.

If your PC woks then shut down you PC once inside Windows and put back the case side panel.

If your PC is still not working try to find if the CPU and video card fan are working. Some video card do not have or need a fan. The component that the fan is not working is fried. If fans are working then something else is probably fried.

Hopefully your hard disk is OK and can be used in a “USB HDD enclosure case”.
Richard O
2008-07-20 15:52:05 UTC
Yes, unscrew the screws in the corner of the back of your case (top/bottom) once those are out, take off the door and look inside. towards the bottom of the tower case, near the front, the Hard Drive should be there. Either unscrew the screws there (all the while making sure you have no static by touching the ase every once in a while) then unplug anything that is on the Hard Drive. Take it out very carefully, because a Hard Drive is very delicate, with many small parts inside that could break if you rub them the wrong way. Try to get your friend to come over your house with his comp, because he hard drive could break if you go over any hard bumps. simply do everything i just said, but in reverse, to his computer. hopefully he has the right plugs, and you can recover your files. If you want to repair your computer, you can try to replace either your RAM or your Power Supply. You could also just buy a ne computer :P
2008-07-20 11:58:30 UTC
Well there could be several things wrong. First off when you boot it up, is there any beeps? There are beep codes for your bios.

Could be your RAM went bad, there is a way to test your RAM with your CDROM.

If you have a meter you can test your votages on your power supply, but does not sound like a power supply problem.

Now about saving your data. Your computer is five years old. You are really out of date. I don't know what you use your computer for, but if it is for games or business, go invest $600 and get an AMD Duo Core 2.0 or higher system, with at least an 6000 or 7000 series nvidia video card. If you got vista you will need 2 Gig of RAM.

Some RAM has a lifetime guarantee. Take a look at your RAM and see who the manufacturer is.

Now as far as the hard drive is concerned, most likely your data is fully secured. All you need to do is to make it a secondary hard drive. If you check Hard Drive only have a life of five years. So probably your Hard Drive has errors on it. That what it really sounds like to me. So if you purchase a new hard drive ( and put it in and use your restore disk and load up the system and drivers. Now that your are up and running, just load your data on the old drive. Do a disk error run on that drive. Go to my computer, right click properties, tools disk error, check the box and reboot. Do this after you transfer you data. If it is bad, then take a large magnet and put it over the drive and throw it out. I completely destroy my harddrive and take out the disk and magnetize it.

Hope all this helps.
2008-07-20 10:09:41 UTC
Hey has anyone thought that it could be the monitor, you said your pc powered on but nothing happened, check the monitor make sure its working well. If its not that, i would open up your tower (power off obviously) before you open up the tower touch something metal to get all the electricity and static out of your body and check for any loose ram modules, loose hdd, loose wires, dusty fans, dusty/loose processors. If they are all ok then i think you may need a new tower. Also by just turning the power off instead of restarting, the pc might have blown something because the pc didn't actually power down it went from full power to absolutely no power that can be a shock to the system (no pun intended), you should have a restart button on your tower, next time press it and don't use the main power plug.
2008-07-20 17:49:53 UTC
And I'm responder #55

What, some of you non-geeks got nothing better to do today?

What a mismash of misinformation.

If I were you, I would take my computer into a local computer repair shop (one that comes recommended by others and not the "chain stores" like Bestbuy) and have them check it out.

If the information can be recovered (and it should be) they can do it for you or advise you on how to do it. They will also be able to figure out what has caused the problem.

I get a kick out of the person who claims that it couldn't be dust in the ram slot if the ram is in there... obviously this person hasn't had that much experience working on other peoples computers.

The most common problem is dust accumulation inside of the case, mainly in the cpu heatsink & fan. I have had computers back up and running in just a few minutes after blowing out the dust from the "whole machine" and also removing and reseating the ram. With any good tech shop, cleaning out the dust from the computer is the first step one takes when a computer comes into the shop.

And on the power supply situation - YES, Never Take It Apart. You can blow the dust out of it without opening it up the power supply.
2008-07-20 13:10:41 UTC
Hopefully your hard drive is not fried.

But I would NOT try restarting your pc anymore, because it's already telling you there is a MAJOR problem.

Hopefully the problem is (only) your power supply is dieing. If it "shorts-out" it could take harddrive and more with it.

So, remove the hard drive NOW. Assume the problem is your power supply. Remove that too, and get it tested.

A new power supply cost is not too bad.

But I'd have the hard drive tested in another machine too.

Because if you've lost your power supply AND your hard is prive prohibitive to "replace" them....better it would be time to get a new pc.

Tip: When your machine starts running hot, shut it down. The heat is very hard on electrical components. Your pc is mostly all electrical components.

Be especially aware of heat issues when gaming intense games.

Scott M
2008-07-20 20:44:22 UTC
First and foremost some answers here are correct for the right scenario. Removing your hard drive and slaving it to another computer will work...if you didn't get a bad surge from your motherboard or power supply that has gone bad. I have found that compaqs have poor power supplies so you can get that checked easily. The main board however is not that easy to check but save yourself allot of aggravation and take it to a shop that displays A+ certified computer technichian. They will tell you what is wrong and how to fix it or how to get your files back.

You can even slave it to your USB port on your laptop with the right adapter.

Good luck

ScottM A+ certified
2008-07-20 10:21:33 UTC
Does your computer have a reset switch?

If so use that! If you're using Windows.. you might get a dos screen.. all you do is choose.. run windows normally! Some have a Y or N. Click on the Y. Some computer systems don't let the mouse work in that dos area (black with white print).. in that case the up and down arrows will work and you can highlight run windows normally

highlighting will result in white bar some computers will go automatically after that others you will either have to press return or else the space bar!
2008-07-20 15:02:56 UTC
If you have a "boot disk" that you either got with the computer or that you were prompted to make (and you actually DID) then put it in the floppy/cd drive whichever you have media for. Then restart the computer and hopefully it will boot from the floppy/cd instead of the C: drive. Typical settings for any computer are to start at the floppy drive, then the CD drive, then the hard drive just for this purpose. That's why you see those light up first when you start your computer. Once you get booted from the floppy/cd you can cruise the menu for a "repair" option or re-install. Good Luck.
milli a
2008-07-20 07:14:51 UTC
This op really gone the only way you can do is format the hard drive and install new OP.Now the main how you can retrieve your files if your hard drive had a part ion and you know where you save it it is easy when you install the new OP with out formated that partion you can get all file in your new Op other wise all will be lost .

If so you have the possibility to take out your hard drive put it in other PC before that in your hard drive change the jamper from master to slave when you connect the power you can see it in your computer then you can transfer where ever you want and return it to your PC you can formated and install a new one or if you cann't get other PC the only option you have buy a new hard drive formated install a new OP system and you can put your old one as I said connect it as slave you have your file copy it to your new one and paste it well always better one or two partion to make your file safe well have good one
2008-07-20 06:06:37 UTC
yup, just take the hard drive out and stick it in another computer. You'll probably need to change the jumpers on it from 'master' to 'slave' before you put it in, and may need to go into the bios to set it up, but the files will all be fine. As for fixing it, sounds like something went pop. But, as someone else posted, try resetting the CMOS first, then use a process of elimitation to find out what went, see if it was the power supply (what it sounds like) or something else.
2008-07-19 22:45:10 UTC
Hey Jack... prior to removing the harddrive, try this first. Remove the CMOS (mobo) battery for about 10 minutes. While the battery is removed, go get a cup of coffee and a doughnut, or a cup of milk and a cookie (whichever)--- this is a wating game, so do what you'd like. After those minutes, replace the battery (make sure you're grounded properly). Start your sys back up, and keep an eye out for the system's "BIOS/CMOS" selection. Enter that option. Go thru all of the settings' screens, making the appropriate changes. Save and Restart. Hopefully, this will be a resolution. It beats having to take your PC apart, for starters.
2008-07-20 11:39:35 UTC
It seems like your power supply may have short circuted when you flicked the main power switch, tho i havent ever had that problem when i flicked it.. as for the blue screen of death i dont know of any way to get out of that never have been able to get it back when a comp goes to TBSD (the blue screen of death) exept for reformatting but sence your computor wont turn on maybe try replacing the power supply
2008-07-20 09:41:17 UTC
Well the best way is just to format your system dtrive and delete the other partitions and use the software "File Scavenger". to get your files back

the same thing happened to me and i did format my computer but yea that was i formatted all 3 drives and do this ONLY IF U HAVE NO IMPORTANT STUFF ON UR SYSTEM DRIVE becuz then u wont be able to retrieve them.

only format the system drive delete the other partitions and leave it like that

once your system is back up get file scavanger and do a long search with *.* in the search text field

and then u can choose the files tht u want back and leave the rest. saved the files on ur drive pr external hardisk then format the other drives and ur system is as ggod as new and ur files r safe
2008-07-20 11:26:03 UTC
Ahh the blue screen of death...

My computer has gotten this screen sooo many times, and it was partially because my dad had overclocked it and it was driving my computer crazy i guess.

Well from what you have said, it sounds like your computer didnt have enough power or memory or your hard drive wasnt a good one, and your computer cant escape this "death". We were always lucky enough that my dad gave us unbelivably nice things in our computers (he makes computers) and so my computer has always made it thru this kind of meltdown if you will. And it sounds like your computer is going to have to undergo a huge repair and i dont think you can get anything back. Sorry but you are going to have to get a new computer. You can always go to bestbuy and they can try to fix it, but i dont think there is any hope. I am sorry.
Nicole G
2008-07-20 06:21:31 UTC
Ahh, the first part happened to me, i was about to view a vid on youtube and my screen froze, then went to my first ever bsod. i restarted my pc and it was fine.

You should be able to retrieve your files of coarse. Oh and a few weeks later, i weent to start up my pc and it said i had a fan overheat or something? Probably something to do with the bsod but my comp seems to run slightly slower and keeps not responding.

Best Wishes and Good Luck with That

Nicole G

2008-07-20 19:40:27 UTC

Change the power supply. When a computer shuts down, itis because of a faulty power supply. Get onefor $20.
2008-07-20 00:54:11 UTC
This sounds like a possible component failure. First you need to try a repair install, booting from the OS disk and selecting the repair option. This will work if the problem was caused by a bad driver update or even virus damage. It will get you to a running state and then you can take on fixing the problem. If it does not work it could be the drive has failed, in which case you will probably NOT recover your files. There are companies who will try to for you they charge $1000 plus for TRYING with no guarantee of success. Always keep a backup.
2008-07-20 00:45:48 UTC
If your system powers on, but it won't POST, it could be one of a few things, but it's not your power supply (if it was, it wouldn't power on period):

1) More than likely one or more of your RAM modules are dead.

2) Your CPU is dead.

3) Your video card is dead.

To test this, start by replacing the RAM with known good modules of the same type and speed (e.g. DDR 400, DDR2 533, DDR2 800). If this doesn't work, replace the CPU with a known good one of the same core and similar speed/FSB (e.g. P4 Northwood 2.4 @ 800FSB). If this isn't the culprit, replace the video card. Make sure it uses the same slot as the one you're using (If you're using on-board video, look on the bottom left of your motherboard by removing the side of the case. If the top-most slot is brown, it's AGP. If it's another color, and looks similar (but not exact) to the other ports, it's PCI-Express. If it's neither, it's PCI. If you're unsure, download the manual from Compaq's website.

I hope this helps.
2008-07-20 00:41:06 UTC
Your data is safe if the hdd didn't die.

Your options now would be :

1. Open up the tower cabinet, see if any loose connections are there. Take out the connections and reconnect them.

2. Remove the ram sticks, and plug them again after cleaning them

3. see if the fan is working ok.

4. Restart your computer.

I think it is some dust in the RAM slot, so cleaning it and putting the sticks again would solve your problem.
2008-07-19 21:39:34 UTC
your power supply probably went... it supplies all the power to the pc, compaq does not use ones with enough "umph" or watts to power the pc, thus they fail in a few years. for example they put a 200watt power supply in a pc that requires about 250watts.your hdd should not be harmed. simply take side off tower, find hard drive ( shiny square thing located at front bottom or top back). it will be mostly flat and have 2 wires coming out. remove wires, take to friend ( kiss him if u like whatever ). reconnect wires while pc is off. turn on. my computer>hard rive letter. (e,d,h,etc)
2008-07-20 13:15:40 UTC
Heres what to do

1.Backup and remove all information from computer

(To fix blue screen of death)

2.Start up computer

3.Press this key (

4.Unistall windows


6.Should Work now link for more info open up some and read

Rachel P
2008-07-20 10:58:33 UTC
You should try taking it to maybe a friend you know who does well with computers. b/c my computer does the blue screen thing but it works fine. but try taking it to a place to fix it. hopefully they can fix it. if they cant then ur computer is shot and i dont think u will be getting those documents back. p.s. it doubt its the screen so i dont think u can unplug it and hook it up to your friends
2008-07-20 18:20:22 UTC
try pressing enter,,or you may need a new power supply for the computer,but i would take out the hard drive and put it in a new computer and your files should still be there!!!!!!
2008-07-20 18:45:11 UTC
if you want to save your files then

(A.) get a u.s.b.

(B.)get a floppy disk

after that you should get your computer fixed or buy a new one. Then put the floppy or the u.s.b. in the computer and a box will pop up and u click it and hit save or drag it out then you will have your files back.
2008-07-20 17:25:09 UTC
2 points!
2008-07-20 08:01:04 UTC
Well first try bringing it into a tech expert. You could take out the hard drive.
i'm bored
2008-07-20 09:13:12 UTC
i think u will om not sure

but thats what happend 2 me once i think its infected or something

get something like norton 360 or kapersky like i have and it wont come again and it will disinfect ur comp

i hope it comes bak 2 life again


good luck xx
cheese toast
2008-07-20 08:07:59 UTC
I dont know the correct termanology , But you ran a few disks when you first set up your computer... Play back these disks and they will instruct you on what you should do. It worked for me on my e machine....good luck...
2008-07-19 23:06:21 UTC
okay well anyways a REALLY good computer is only supposed to last around3-4 years. but anyways to retrieve your files, open up the computer, find the hardrive(should somehow say on it like you know how much memory is its max) and then take the cable thats connecting it to the mother board and disconnect it. well thats where EVERYTHING is so just plug it in to another computer! or buy a usb harddrive enclosure(around $20.00) and run it on a laptop too. also it might be a virus that is on the hardrive which caused it. if so then your kinder stuck. see if itll start up.
yeayea shoushou
2008-07-19 21:29:31 UTC
retrieving the data should not be a problem. simply take out your hard drive(s) and connect them to another computer (with it off of course). boot up the other comp and you should find the hard drive in the "My Computer" list.

either that or try testing your power supply. it almost sounds like that is what went south.
2008-07-20 16:08:21 UTC
the monitor cable might be unhooked

try to wiggle it around and see if that works if not u better take it to best buy geek squad
2008-07-20 19:14:35 UTC
could be a virus. run a free online scan from Trend Micro it cured my BSOD
2008-07-19 21:53:40 UTC
Well all isnt lost..Yes you can retrieve your data using another computer or if you know how to reboot the pc usinga boot cd,you can restore the corrupted windows files.Use the most recent good configuration that works when you get to the windows choice of rebooting.
2008-07-19 22:37:49 UTC
well buddy ur hdd is surely safe all u need to do is take it out of ur pc and plug it into another friend's pc

there are two main wire connections to the hdd one is to the motherboard and other small one to the power supply of pc (i don't remember its technical name-located upwards opposite to slots for cd\dvd roms )

connect the two wires of ur friend's pc to ur hdd and ur hdd will show up in his "MY COMPUTER" and u can copy ur stuff in his.

well bro i myself had that problem my cpu broke and i did the same i have told u
2008-07-20 20:33:42 UTC
Yes. you can still recover the files. just slave the hardisk to another computer.
2008-07-19 22:54:24 UTC
open up your tower, take your power supply out and open up the power supply and clean ALL the dust out of it and also find the cpu fan and clean all the dust out of it and that should fix it...something like that happened to my computer and i done that and that fixed it...hope this helped
2008-07-19 21:37:33 UTC
Could be your power supply has crapped out ----- not sure -- might be other things too ?? --- like a dirty cpu fan and tower >clean it out.

Yes -- you can take your hard drive out --- hook it up to another computer as a "slave" , and pull up all your data -- transfer it to another , or do just about anything you wish .

Post another question about setting up a hard drive as a "master , and a slave".

2008-07-20 20:13:57 UTC
if you do end up Formatting the thing, i suggest the best file recovery software i know.
2008-07-20 11:10:51 UTC
try getting a copmpueter doctor to fix that
Luis R
2008-07-20 11:47:30 UTC
if your sreen is blue with white letters it mean your computer crash you need to put windows xp pro disk.
2008-07-20 20:34:27 UTC
you can always change the color by manipulating through menu as well selection?
2008-07-20 02:56:27 UTC
Is the problem in pc, or monitor? Plz check.
2008-07-20 02:01:45 UTC
Hi friend your data is safe .The main problem is that your RAM died not PC Heheheheeee.Go change your RAM all things will be normal .ENJOY.
2008-07-20 09:24:55 UTC
Yeah you can still recive data, it's no problem
2008-07-20 15:32:46 UTC
I think it is just a virus.
Archie Bunker
2008-07-20 12:13:03 UTC
A compaq?

Well, there you go .
2008-07-20 00:38:04 UTC
You had better take your computer to IT professor and check your harddisk.I think the data will come back if your harddisk is not bad.
2008-07-19 23:59:08 UTC
Lol, just give it a good scan of registry mechanic... if you need the code email me to get it for free.
2008-07-19 23:22:23 UTC
dont worry , u just need to install o.s once again without formatting H.D .Caution dont format just reinstall o.s in same directory
2008-07-20 18:55:31 UTC
my guess is that the moniter died -_-

like i said... just a guess...
2008-07-20 00:02:05 UTC
check out for your RAM card
2008-07-20 17:09:20 UTC
you fried your computer dumbass
2008-07-19 21:27:24 UTC
Oh.. the lovely blue screen of death...

Yes, you can retrieve your files, don't worry about that!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.