2009-12-07 04:29:06 UTC
I'm compling a video with all my clips and I'm going to add my own music that'll sound much clearer than the music already on the clips. However I'd like to leave my friends voices on the clips and merge the sound of them with the music I'll be adding. Is there any software on the Market that'll easilly let me do this?
Ideally, the software would let me fade one song into another song, can handle batch files and will let me add all my video clips with the music. The video clips are .mp4 format and I'd like to keep them that way so as not to degrade the quality.
Also the editing program I'm seeking would be very helpful if it enabled me to improve the video quality that's already on my clips. The clips where taken from a mobile phone so they're all a little blocky, so If I could improve there quality somehow that would be brilliant!
Thanks and I hope u can help :0)