Removal or Unistall: to remove your unwanted programs. click on start, click control panel, click on add or remove programs, in the menu that pops open, look for the programs you want to remove, click on it and follow the instructions..
Start up only, does not remove or uninstall your program:
click on start, it's in the lower left hand corner of your screen, look for RUN then left click, type in | msconfig | click ok... In the window that pops up click on start up. Un check the boxs you wish to remove from start up, click ok and restart your computer
( the boxs you see checked in here runs those unwanted programs when you start your computer )
to remove the icon with out removing the program ... right click on icon and click on delete in the menu that pops up
you may want to invest in a program for spyware and adware detection and removal