2007-01-29 19:36:41 UTC
Here's my problem. My Samsung MP3 player is acting up. For some reason, the Samsung Media Studio program will no longer allow me to refresh my library nor safely remove the portable device. The only options it's allowing me to choose is a general refresh F5 (which does nothing) and the format option, which I have tried. I deleted everything on the MP3 player using the format option and reloaded, but I still cannot refresh my library nor safely remove my portable device. I'm not so concerned with refreshing the library as I am with removing the MP3 player from my computer safely. I've even tried going the "my computer" route. Nothing. There is no option to remove portable device on my menu bar on the desktop neither.
I've tried restarting the computer. I have the most current updates. What else can I do? Should I just keep unplugging it with out removing the portable MP3 player device safely? Have I fried my poor MP3 player beyond repair?
Please Help!