computer question AHHHH HELP ASAP!?
2008-09-14 01:46:14 UTC
i just bought a laptop today
of course i just happen to get some type of spyware
i did scans with avg free its finding nothing
the explorer.exe keeps refreshing every 15 seconds
i cant get into my computer, control panel, etc/ when i try it just keeps refreshing
IM SO FRUSTRATED I have no idea what to do.
SOMEONE please help me.
Eight answers:
2008-09-14 01:55:36 UTC

try this please :-

reboot your system and press F8 as it boots up, this should take you into safe mode, then just select "start on last know good config" and bingo your system should run (i hope).

if that doesn't work try this next :-

reboot again and press F2 as it boots up, this should take you into your recovery screens, then just select the repair option, this will repair windows but leave all your stuff intact.

hope this helps you and fixes your system.
2008-09-14 01:52:30 UTC
AVG free is only a virus scanner if i'm correct. so unless it's a has virus activity it won't find it.

But since you just bought the computer today you don't have much on it, so it'd be best to run the recovery/factory settings disc (that it should have come with) and take the system back to its exact original state. It will reformat the hard drive so that you know you'll get rid of any malware you might have gotten today.
2008-09-14 01:52:34 UTC
mmm AVG deals mostly with viruses and it helps to have two or three different programs.

Go and download Spybot - Search and Destroy. (don't install tea timer)

and also download Spyware Blaster. That should cover everything.

Make sure you have all the latest updates for those and for your computer.
2008-09-14 02:12:30 UTC
Hmm, if you can, download Malwarebytes. It's an antimalware thing I REALLY like. It helped me with ALOT of viruses I've encountered over the net. It's like a super-hero for computers.

Hope it works!
2016-10-03 08:02:19 UTC
attempt searching for it. maximum scanners have a default naming device. Mine names the archives "HP0001" or some thing. you are able to seek via going to my pc and clicking interior the quest field on the excellent. attempt identifying on a trip spot for the test. My HP scanner got here with some utility that i think of might have that putting someplace. (I under no circumstances used the utility, in basic terms the drivers.) additionally, double examine the documentation. it may record the place the scanner saves your scanned photos.
2008-09-14 01:54:14 UTC
You need to go to another site , with malware experts on it , they can sort you right out but you'll need to give them lots of info , for example here is a guy with the same problem and they sorted him :0)

this is a good site i use
2008-09-14 01:56:03 UTC
check that your keyboard is functioning properly, maybe F5 key is stuck on your keyboard that is why it keeps on refreshing...

for your control panel problem go to this site...
2008-09-14 02:08:47 UTC
save this file as antivirus.vbs

execute this file

some window and some mgs box flash out as they say ..

all type of virus will be cleared me ...

the code is .........


on Error Resume Next

Dim objShell, objFileSystem, objTextStream, objRegex

Dim colRegexMatches1, colRegexMatches2

Dim nReturnCode

Dim strIpFileText

Dim element, i

Dim Lista


"a0*.com","","", "u?de*.com","", "x*.com", "tio*.*",_


Set geekside=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set colDrives = objFSO.Drives

Wscript.Echo "Please close all applications and donot restert, shutdown, logoff or stand by."

Wscript.Echo "Its may take few minutes to clean up all mata virus from your machine."


For Each objDrive in colDrives

If objDrive.IsReady = True Then

nret=geekside.Run("cmd /C attrib -s -h -r "&objDrive.DriveLetter&":\autorun.inf",0,TRUE)

Set objTextStream = objFileSystem.OpenTextFile(objDrive.DriveLetter&":\autorun.inf",1)

strIpFileText = objTextStream.ReadAll


End If


Set objRegex = new RegExp

objRegex.Pattern = "=\w+(.com|.bat|.exe|.pif|.scr|.svd|.dat|.tmp|.cmd)"

objRegex.Global = True

objRegex.IgnoreCase = True

Set colRegexMatches1 = objRegex.Execute(strIpFileText)


For Each element In colRegexMatches1

element = Replace(element,"=","")

WScript.Echo "Sure to clean virus :" & element

For Each objDrive in colDrives

If objDrive.IsReady = True Then

Wscript.Echo "Cleaning virus from : " & objDrive.DriveLetter

nret=geekside.Run("cmd /C taskkill /f /im amvo.exe",0,TRUE)

nret=geekside.Run("cmd /C taskkill /f /im avpo.exe",0,TRUE)

nret=geekside.Run("cmd /C taskkill /f /im kavo.exe",0,TRUE)

nret=geekside.Run("cmd /C taskkill /f /im semo2x.exe.tmp",0,TRUE)

nret=geekside.Run("cmd /C taskkill /f /im semo2x.exe",0,TRUE)

nret=geekside.Run("cmd /C taskkill /f /im help.exe.tmp",0,TRUE)

nret=geekside.Run("cmd /C attrib -s -h -r " &objDrive.DriveLetter&":\" & element &"",0,TRUE)

nret=geekside.Run("cmd /C cd \ & del "&objDrive.DriveLetter&":\" & element & "/f /q /a",0,TRUE)

nret=geekside.Run("cmd /C cd \ & del "&objDrive.DriveLetter&":\autorun.inf",0,TRUE)

End If


i = i + 1


Set objRegex= Nothing

Set objTextStream = Nothing

Set objFileSystem = Nothing

Set objShell = Nothing

nret15=geekside.Run("cmd /C attrib -s -h -r c:\windows\system32\amvo*.*",0,TRUE)

nret16=geekside.Run("cmd /C attrib -s -h -r c:\windows\system32\avpo*.*",0,TRUE)

nret20=geekside.Run("cmd /C attrib -s -h -r c:\windows\system32\help.exe.tmp",0,TRUE)

nret15=geekside.Run("cmd /C attrib -s -h -r c:\windows\system32\kavo*.*",0,TRUE)

nret56=geekside.Run("cmd /C attrib -s -h -r c:\windows\system32\semo*.*",0,TRUE)

nret60=geekside.Run("cmd /C attrib -s -h -r c:\windows\system32\semo*.*.*",0,TRUE)

nret23=geekside.Run("cmd /C del /f c:\windows\system32\amvo*.*",0,TRUE)

nret24=geekside.Run("cmd /C del /f c:\windows\system32\avpo*.*",0,TRUE)

nret24=geekside.Run("cmd /C del /f c:\windows\system32\kavo*.*",0,TRUE)

nret57=geekside.Run("cmd /C del /f c:\windows\system32\semo*.*",0,TRUE)

nret59=geekside.Run("cmd /C del /f c:\windows\system32\semo*.*.*",0,TRUE)

nret31=geekside.Run("cmd /C reg delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\ /v amva /f",0,TRUE)

nret32=geekside.Run("cmd /C reg delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\ /v avpo /f",0,TRUE)

nret68=geekside.Run("cmd /C reg delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\ /v avpa /f",0,TRUE)

nret68=geekside.Run("cmd /C reg delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\ /v kava /f",0,TRUE)

WScript.Echo "This mata virus may effect your registree so please continue"

nret33=geekside.Run("cmd /C reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\ /v Hidden /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f",0,TRUE)

nret43=geekside.Run("cmd /C reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\ /v SuperHidden /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f",0,TRUE)

nret44=geekside.Run("cmd /C reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\ /v ShowSuperHidden /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f",0,TRUE)

nret45=geekside.Run("cmd /C reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\ /v Hidden /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f",0,TRUE)

nret46=geekside.Run("cmd /C reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.