I put together a guide in another Post..
Try to follow this, you will speed back up.. if not get faster then you were before...
The updates don't slow you down, the uninstallers do... because they are huge...
I would just run the updates, or, reformat, then disable it through Group policy, as just disabling the Updates, does not kill the service, so the machine will still download everything and create logs, which will slow you down anyway.
First thing, performance modifications...
Go to start then to Run type in Msconfig and press OK
in MSconfig go to the startup tab, and uncheck everything except your anti-virus, their is no reason anything should start with your machine aside from your anti-virus, all this does is slow it down, and you have a mouse to double-click what you want to start anyway.
After doing this click apply, then OK, you will be prompted to reboot, click NO..
Next (Assume you run classic mode, if you do not, you will need to go to start first)
Right click on "My computer" choose properties
Click the advanced tab
Click Settings under performance
Click Bullet for best performance
Click Apply
Next click the advanced Tab
Choose bullet for Background services and bullet for system cache
click apply, if prompted do not reboot yet..
click change button under virtual memory in the same location you should be
Click bullet for custom size
Make both the top number and the bottom number two times the memory you have installed on your machine and click set (Bottom of post has chart)
Then Click OK
and Click OK on the previous box,
Do not reboot yet..
Go to www.ccleaner.com
download and install ccleaner
Once installed launch it and under advanced settings choose check boxes for Old Prefetch data, IIS log files, and Hotfix uninstallers... NOTE: in doing this you may loose saved passwords in Internet explorer and Firefox, but you will notice a great speed increase after running this...
After running this portion, (if you went though with it) click on Registry tab on your left
click scan for issues, once complete choose fix selected issues, you will be prompted to backup these changes prior to removal, you want to say yes and back these up.
Once they are backed up, run this a few more times till their is nothing left found...
Next - Reboot
Next - Log back in
You are going to see a pop-up, click do not show this again check box, and click OK
Click on start
Click on Run
type in CMD and press OK
in the command prompt (dos) that pops-up type in Defrag c: -b and press enter, it may appear that it is doing nothing.. i assure you it is, when it is complete,
Type in Defrag c: -f and press enter.. this can take a while, minimize the box, and let it run..
you will notice drag on the system until it is complete, but you should see 10 fold performance increases if you follow this guide, their is alot more we can do if you want faster yet performance.
NOTE: I take no responsibility for your machine if you break it during any of these tweaks, I am uncertain as to your machine, as each machine is different.
Chart: 256mb of ram = 512, 512mb of ram =1024, 1GB of ram =2048, 2GB of ram = 3079, 3GB of ram = 3079, 4GB of ram = 3079