Print Screen key lies on the top right part of most keyboards along with the Scroll Lock and Pause Break Key.
If you use Windows, then just by clicking on print screen key will capture or take a photo of all content of your current desktop screen. This image is attached to the clipboard.
So here is the free and simple way to capture Images from Windows Media Player
* Open Window Media Player
* Then go to Tools | Options
* In Options, select the Performance Tab
* Way below you click on the Advanced Button
* Uncheck “Use Overlays’
* Click Ok
* And you are ready.
Now run your movie in any size or screen resolution. Use the standard ‘Print Screen Key’ Method as described and you have captured a snapshot from your favourite movie on windows media player.
Or, Instead of the Print Screen Method - try pressing “CTRL+I”. This pops up a save as window after capturing the screenshot
After you open Window Media Player. Go to Tools | Options | Performance Tab. You will see a picture similar to the first image above. Reduce the “Video acceleration” from the default Full to None, click ok and then close down media player. Next open the file you want to take a still using the Print Screen method - from press ALT and the PrintScrn key to copy an image of media player to the clipboard.