ewaste recycling?
arshia i
2006-09-08 08:15:40 UTC
im setting up an ewaste recycling unit. i wanted to know what technology and machinery is used in e recycling plants.
Three answers:
Big Brother
2006-09-12 20:11:53 UTC
Delete Keys, Recycle Bins, Format, Magnets, Erase. These are only a few of the technical terms you're looking for.
2016-03-17 14:37:53 UTC
by processing it
2006-09-13 12:56:26 UTC
Being in this business for over 38 years I can answer any question regarding e-scrap and recycling programs and what you need to do to be successful. I am a consultant, a dealer and a trader and have facilities here in the USA. I can help set you up for a program and will assist you in any endeavor you need help. Below you will see a partial of what you need to get started.

Program ImplementationAll programs require supplies and the correct handling of materials. In addition, allprograms should collect data about the program. Curbside collection programs aredifferent only in the type and amount of supplies that will be necessary.Checklist 4 ImplementationSuppliesTraffic signs & conesSignage instructing the publicWorker trainingCollecting & packingHandling CRTsData collectionScavengingSuppliesAny program, other than a purely curbside one, will require a number of items in orderto ensure that the site functions safely and efficiently. The electronics recycling/reusecompany may provide the supplies if it was described in the procurement process andthe contractual agreement. An opportunity to save on the collection costs is to supplythese packing materials through donations and contribution.Essential equipment and supplies include:•Pallets•Gaylords (if applicable)•A bobcat with forks, pallet jack, fork truck or other machinery to move gaylords orpallets to a truck•Stretch film if using pallets alone•Supplies for labeling (depending on the circumstances, this might be as simple as afelt pen to mark the outside of a gaylord)•Rechargeable Battery Recycling (RBRC) battery recycling container•Tents to keep the equipment and staff out of the weather•Cinder blocks, bags of sand, or other heavy objects to secure tent to ground withoutstaking it into the ground•Chairs for site workers•Tables – 8 foot, several•Garbage and recycling containers•Weighted signs (i.e., stop, no smoking)•Saw horses/barricades

Something to collect the money in - a cash box, aprons with pockets, a cashregister, envelopes, etc.•Safety vests, gloves, and other personal protective equipment for all site workers,including volunteers•Food and water for site workers•And a camera for photos! Don’t forget the film.Traffic Signs & ConesUsing signs and traffic cones to clearly indicate the correct traffic flow, including how toexit the site, is essential.Depending on the anticipated number of vehicles and site configuration, considerhaving more than one line for unloading.Signage Instructing the PublicSignage is also important for:•Announcing the collection location and hours•Fees (if relevant)•If prohibiting scavenging, say so•Thanking sponsorsWorker TrainingComputers, televisions, CRTs and their peripherals are heavy and awkward. Handlingthem can easily result in back injuries, cuts and bruises. Be sure that the staff andvolunteers are trained in the use of personal protective equipment, and in the safe liftingand handling of heavy materials. They should wear safety equipment such as heavygloves, hard toe shoes, and back supports. Wearing reflective gear and readily visibleclothing (such as safety vests) will help to prevent traffic mishaps.In Lincoln, Nebraska“Each volunteer . . . attend[s] a brief training session. . . . [they are] given a briefhistory on computer recycling, the hazardous components of computer andtelevision monitors, and why there is a cost involved in [recycling] the equipment.In addition, volunteers [are] given a brief demonstration on proper liftingtechniques and [are] provided with written information about preventing backinjuries. [It is] suggested that volunteers only carry equipment if the participant

Required to complete a release form,removing liability for injuries from WasteCap of Lincoln and the Contractor.”3For ongoing programs and curbside collection, attendants should be trained to separatethe electronics from other bulky material - i.e., a part of the truck is segregated bywelding in a panel for collecting the electronics – or the electronics are sorted out at thetransfer station. This may also require that the trash collectors be trained to leavebehind electronics when they see them at the curb and to put a sticker on them, orleave a flier, explaining why the materials were left behind, and how to deal with them.Collecting & PackingIn some ways collecting used electronics is wonderfully simple. It gets put in a gaylordor stacked on pallets and wrapped with stretch film. Or the electronics recycling/reusecompany may be on site and be responsible for all the material handling and collecting.Whatever the circumstances, it is essential to understand what the electronicsrecycling/reuse company requires for terms of packing and labeling. Besides safetyconcerns, pricing will be a function of how materials are intended to be handled andpacked. The labeling requirements will be dependent on state law. Be sure to checkwith the state environmental authorities to ensure full compliance.When packing the gaylords, pallets or other containers:Be sure that the containers are as close to the unloading area as can be safelyarranged. This is to minimize the distance that materials have to be carried – thusmaking it less likely that workers will be injured, that they will get exhausted, and thatbreakage or dropping will occur.Data collection is an important component of collection events. The moment ofpacking is a key opportunity for data gathering. Someone – and it should not be thepeople unloading the vehicles – should keep count of what goes into each container;for example, 12 televisions, 6 monitors.Be sure that someone is paying attention to when containers are getting full andneed to be moved and replaced with empty ones.In addition, someone needs to be responsible, in a timely manner, for notifying theelectronics recycling company or hauler if truck trailers or containers are filling upand need to be replaced.Handling CRTsBecause of the wide size range for computer screens and televisions it is not possible toaccurately predict how much one weighs.

Computer monitor or 21” television weighs between 35 and 50 pounds. A consoletelevision can weigh more than 125 pounds.As stated above, it is important that the staff handling these materials be adequatelytrained and wearing appropriate safety gear. The risk of harm is to the person, not tothe CRT. A CRT is very hard to break or damage if it is in its original case.Occasionally, however, someone will remove the CRT from its housing. This happensmost often in the case of console televisions.These “bare” CRTs present real safety hazards. While it is rare for an injury to occur,the health and safety dangers are:1. By touching the unprotected glass it is possible to receive a serious shock. A CRTcan carry a latent charge of up to 25,000 volts for up to a year.2. Parts of the glass are very sharp and can cut skin. If mishandled or broken the glasstube can implode.3. The tube is under vacuum pressure; while difficult to break, broken glass isdangerous and safety glasses designed for exposure to exploding particles should beworn when handling bare CRTs.Like all appliances the cathode ray tube is heavy. Improper lifting can result in seriousback or foot injuries, or even implosion.User FeesIf the decision has been made to charge user fees, it is essential that the public to befully informed - in advance - about the fees.Special Event & Ongoing Programs•Make clear what form payment may be made in: checks, local checks only, no out-of-state checks, cash, no credit cards, etc.•Have change on site•Be prepared to provide a receipt•Be sure that the person(s) handling the money is a municipal employee or otherwisecovered in case of theft or loss of the funds•Be prepared to secure the funds until they can be deposited on behalf of the entitythat will be paying the bills. Keeping careful track of the revenues received andkeeping them safe until they are turned over to accounting or a bank is an importantresponsibility•If the materials are going to reuse, provide a receipt to the program participants for acharitable donation (for federal income tax purposes and in some cases for stateincome tax purposes as well). Have the municipal attorney provide the appropriatelanguage. A partnering charity might provide a donation receipt, as well

Charging a per unit or per CRT fee for curbside collection is relatively common. It isgenerally in the form of a sticker purchased at City Hall or the DPW. Where a sticker isrequired items will not be picked up unless the stickers are obvious. Some programsworry that stickers will impede the reuse potential or recyclability of the electronics.Usually this is not the case. It is worthwhile, however, to check with the recycler orreuse organization to determine if it has any restrictions or specific requirements aboutwhere on the unit to place the sticker.Another approach to financing of curbside programs is to add a fee into annual trashbills.Data CollectionIn order to collect information about the success and characteristics of the collectionprogram, data collection is essential. Surveying participants is a key first step.ScavengingAt the same time that materials are brought in to be recycled/reused, some people willask if they can take any of the materials brought in – or not ask and just take them.Establish the scavenging policy head of time. There are reasons, pro and con. Ingeneral, however, it should be discouraged.ProMay pay less because materials will be diverted – however, some recyclers charge ahigher fee if scavenging will be allowed.May increase opportunities for reuse.Scavenging can be a source of revenue: if there is a fee it will be collected but thematerial is not sent to the electronics recycling company.ConUltimately, the same materials will need to be managed as solid waste or arecyclable.The original user is not expecting the computer to pass into someone else’s hands:there could be privacy and confidentiality concerns.There is a risk to the public if they handle, or dig for, materials.The scavenged materials will not get weighed or counted in the data.There is no guarantee that the scavenged material will be recycled or reused.Scavengers often are looking for specific parts from CPUs and may not bother torecycle the parts that they didn’t want (particularly the plastic housings).

It is important to be sure that the electronics recycling/reuse company fully complieswith contractual or other arrangements, including providing the requested data, accuratebilling, and certificates of recycling. Paying close attention to these details willcontribute to future success and customer satisfaction – as well as cost containment.Despite the best publicity program, there will inevitably be calls from people who eithermissed the special event, or are unclear on the ongoing or curbside collection programdetails. Be prepared to handle these calls and to use them as opportunities to learnabout improved program planning, communication and outreach.Finally, be sure to send thank you letters to volunteers and sponsors. And be sure toask for their feedback as well. Volunteers, staff and sponsors are among the bestresource for information about how the program went/is going and what should bechanged.Ongoing Public Education/OutreachWhen the special event is over, or a few months into a curbside or ongoing program,send out a press release that describes the program, the number of participants andvolume of material, and why the community has benefited from this effort. The press islikely to call with follow-up inquiries and this is an opportunity to spread the word about“why,” “how,” and “when.”Advertising limited to the launch of the program is not enough. An ongoing publiceducation and outreach campaign is essential to ensure that the program is sustainedand grows over time. Naturally, for special events this is not as critical, but if theprogram is likely to be repeated ongoing outreach will be important.The ongoing outreach effort should emphasize the same key points that were used inthe initial promotion of the program: what is being accepted, where it is being collected,why they should participate, any fees, and contact information for questions. This is

Data CollectionCollecting data is critical for evaluating the program as well as for publicizing itssuccesses. Data collection also•Provides a mechanism for checking that the electronics recycling/reuse companybilled correctly•Others would like to learn from the experience•To share what happened with the public•Provides accountability to supervisors•Helps to assess which outreach strategies were most effectiveThe National Electronics Product Stewardship Initiative has developed a “standard”survey it encourages all collection programs to use for data collection from participants,as well as a survey for collection organizers. It is hoped that with this consistent datacollection system, a picture of the evolution of electronics collections can be captured.(Refer to Appendix II for the participant survey and the following website for theorganizers’ survey ImprovementMany programs that collect data use it in combination with on-site experiences toevaluate the program and make recommendations for program changes. For example,experience may indicate that the program should•Use a different electronics recycling company•Change the type or timing of publicity•Change what is being collected•Use fewer (or more) staff/volunteers•Change the collection siteOnce the special event is over or a few months into an ongoing collection program,have a follow-up meeting with some participants, site staff/volunteers, sponsors, andother organizers to evaluate the program and determine program changes.Ongoing Collection Programs Additional ConsiderationsThere are a wide variety of models for ongoing collection programs. The most commonstrategy is as an add-on to an ongoing recycling collection program.Other models include:• Electronics recycler offers ongoing collectionIn some cases electronics recyclers offer residents of their community or region theopportunity to bring electronics directly to their facility for recycling. Sometimes a fee is

Charged or an appointment may be required. This can replace the need for a locallymanaged program.If there are electronics recyclers in the area, consider contacting them about offeringsuch a program. Be sure to do the same type of due diligence that would have beendone to select an electronics recycling company, however.• Charity operatedA reuse/charitable organization may already offer ongoing collection at its facility or at aregularly scheduled collection location for working computers and televisions. Or theorganization might be willing to cooperate in developing such a program.• In conjunction with a permanent household hazardous waste collectionExisting programs and facilities can be modified to include electronics.• Transfer station or solid waste disposal facilityHost communities for a transfer station, landfill or waste-to-energy facility might contactthe company that owns and operates the facility and request that they acceptelectronics for recycling. The reasons to offer can be quite compelling:Great public relations with the community.Excellent way to maintain good working relationships with the municipality.This is significant in terms of permits and oversight.In many host community agreements there are provisions for “give backs” tothe community. Ask for this to be one of them.Decrease their potential liability as a hazardous waste site or failing otherenvironmental limits by eliminating the second highest source of lead inmunicipal solid waste.In some states, solid waste facility siting and operating permits requirecommunity environmental support or recycling activities offered to the public.An electronics-recycling program is likely to, at least, partially satisfy such arequirement. Contact the state environmental agency to determine if there issuch a requirement.• Long-term solid waste contractThe same rational applies for a community with a long-term contract for solid wastedisposal. Request that the facility add collection electronics recycling. It saves thecommunity from having to be directly involved, provides a tremendous public service,and the cost will be absorbed in a line item that exists; thus it is not a new program costto the community and is likely to be a simple political sell.If there are many municipal contracts for waste disposal, it may be possible to securethe facility’s cooperation for all of the contract communities. Speak with some of the“disposal partners” and attempt to present a multi-community request.


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Printed on recycled paperAPPENDICES

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR CATHODE RAY TUBE/COMPUTERCOLLECTIONMAINE STATE PLANNING OFFICEWASTE MANAGEMENT & RECYCLING PROGRAMREQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FORCATHODE RAY TUBE (CRT)/COMPUTER COLLECTIONI. Introduction:A. Purpose of DocumentThe purpose of this document is to provide interested parties with information to enable them toprepare and submit a proposal for the collection and transportation of cathode ray tubes (CRT’s),present in TV sets and computer monitors, as well as computer peripherals (CPU, keyboard,mouse, speakers, printers, scanners, etc.) from three (3) collection points in Maine, and toarrange for their reuse, recycling, sale, dismantling, and/or salvage.B. Purpose of CRT Collection ProgramThe State of Maine desires to offer a pilot program for the collection and transportation, withappropriate dismantling, salvage, sale, reuse, and/or recycling of residentially generated CRTsand computer peripherals. It is believed that the disposal of CRTs and computer peripherals inlandfills, MSW incinerators, or environmentally inappropriate sites, may be a threat to publichealth and safety.The Office has keen interest in data that will help determine what happens to these items,particularly CRTs and CPUs. The data from this project, focused on residentially generated CRTsand computer peripherals, obtained through collection events, will include the number of collectedunits actually returned to the marketplace, the level of refurbishment needed to do this, and theactual percentage that have been sold back to consumers one (1) year out from the date ofcollection, versus the number of units in inventory and the number of units waiting to berefurbished.C. Description of Collection EventThe Maine State Planning Office has selected three collection areas for this project: two of theseareas are urban centers and the third is a rural region. Of the two urban centers, one servesapproximately 225,000 residents and the other 100,000 residents; the rural region servesapproximately 10,000 residents. Collection points are in southern and southeastern Maine, withina 150-mile range of Kittery, Maine. The local community will be responsible for providing theoutdoor collection area. The collection area will have suitable access for residential vehicles aswell as tractor-trailer trucks.Collections shall be held on two (2) consecutive Saturdays. It is planned that collection at thesmaller urban center and the rural region will be held on the same day while the larger urbancenter’s collection will be held on a different Saturday. All collection events shall be completed onor before the last Saturday in August 2001.The Contractor will arrive on site the day of the collection event, with adequate and appropriatestaff, support equipment and trucking capability. Contractor shall allow for time to set-up andpresent a brief (20 minutes) visual training and information exchange for municipal officials andother interested parties. {This training will occur only at the two urban collection events.} It isplanned that the actual collection will be provided from 9 AM to 3 PM that day. Only residentially

Printed on recycled paper iigenerated materials will be accepted. To minimize confusion and residential contact with theprogram, the contractor will be expected to remove the CRTs and/or computer peripherals fromthe public’s vehicles at each collection site. At the conclusion of the collection event, theContractor shall remove all collected electronic materials and support equipment from the site.Acceptable items are listed in Appendix A.II. Scope of Work:A. Prior To CollectionThe Contractor shall meet with the Project Manager from the Maine State Planning office ateach collection location a minimum of one (1) time prior to the event to review the program,the schedule, and all operatives and coordination necessary to achieve optimal efficiency forthe collection effort.The Maine State Planning Office will develop and coordinate a public awareness andeducation campaign in conjunction with local entities to promote each collection event.B. Site OperationsThe contractor is responsible for providing all equipment, packing supplies and labornecessary to appropriately manage the accumulated items at the collection events.The contractor shall provide a minimum of twenty (20) minutes of visual training andinformation exchange about the collection, transportation, and proper handling of CRTs andcomputer peripherals prior to any material collection on the day of the collection event. Thistraining shall be offered to municipal employees and other interested parties.The Contractor shall be responsible for all site operations from the point where the generalpublic vehicles containing the CRTs and/or computer peripherals enter the unloading areauntil the general public vehicles leave the unloading area. Upon the public arriving at thecollection point, the Contractor personnel, upon permission, shall open the doors of thevehicles and remove the CRTs and/or computer peripherals. A Contractor shall accept up tothree (3) CRTs per vehicle. There will be no local residency requirements for participants.The Contractor shall have sufficient personnel to promptly handle at least one (1) vehicle at atime from the rural region location and sufficient personnel to handle at least three (3)vehicles at one time at each of the two urban centers. The collection day will begin at 9:00AM and end at 3:00 PM. At the end of each collection event, the Contractor shall provide toeach Program Manager the number of vehicles delivering items and an estimated weight forall CRTs and computer peripherals collected during the event from residents.C. End of Collection EventThe contractor shall load all collected materials into their vehicles, clean up and stow allequipment at the end of the days’ event. The Contractor shall meet with the Project Managerand appropriate staff to ensure that nothing is left behind from the collection effort and shallverify that the site is in as good as or better condition in all respects than it was prior to set-upand preparation for the collection. No vehicles or equipment shall remain at the collectionsite overnight after the day of collection, unless approved by the Project Manager.

Printed on recycled paper iiiD. Transportation, Dismantling, Salvage, Sale, Reuse, and/or Recycling of CollectedItemsThe Contractor shall assume title and ownership for all CRTs and computer peripheralscollected at each site. The Contractor shall maximize the reuse and recycling of CRTs andcomputer peripherals collected. The Contractor shall transport and arrange for the reuse,recycling, sale, and/or dismantling of the CRTs and computer peripherals with the vendorsspecified in their proposal. The State reserves the right to change, alter or disallow use ofany proposed vendor should information submitted not accurately reflect the vendors statusor history with environmental rules, regulations and/or laws.The Contractor shall provide written documentation of the ultimate dismantling, salvage, sale,reuse, and/or recycling sites for CRTs and computer peripherals collected at the collectionevent. The Contractor shall also verify that any hazardous substances contained in the CRTsand computer peripherals collected are reused, salvaged, and/or recycled in a manner thatconstitutes strict adherence with the regulations of the US Environmental Protection Agency.E. Record keeping and ReportingWithin sixty (60) days after the completion of the final collection event, the Contractor shallreport to the Maine State Planning Office all data gathered from each collection site. Datashall be reported on the number and weight of CRTs and computer peripherals collected bytype (e.g.: computer monitor, T.V., keyboard, etc.) at each location, and their final disposition.Twelve months after the completion of the final collection event, the Contractor shall report tothe Maine State Planning Office information on the disposition of the collected CRTs, CPUsand computer peripherals, specifically: the number of collected units actually returned to themarketplace and the level of refurbishment needed to do this; the actual percentage thathave been sold back to consumers one (1) year out from the date of collection; the number ofunits in inventory; and, the number of units waiting to be refurbished. In the case where thecontractor has relied upon a subcontractor for the refurbishing, retrofitting, reuse and sale,contractor shall obtain this data from the subcontractor.F. Contract and PaymentThe successful bidder is expected to enter into a contract with the State of Maine to providethe services outlined in this Request for Proposals. Payment shall be made as follows:Seventy (70) percent of bid price paid on invoice submitted by Contractor within thirty days ofthe last collection event;Fifteen (15) percent of bid price paid on invoice submitted by Contractor within thirty days ofreceipt of report due within sixty (60) days of the last collection event;Fifteen (15) percent of bid price paid on invoice submitted by Contractor within thirty days ofreceipt of report due twelve (12) months after the last collection event.III. Requirements for award of contract:A. Licenses and PermitsBidders must provide documentation that they possess the federal and state licenses and/orpermits needed to provide the services requested in this RFP. The Contractor shall supplycopies of any and all relevant permits, licenses, and other regulatory items required under

Printed on recycled paper ivfederal and state regulations or standards relating to the collection and transportation ofCRTs and computer peripherals. The contractor is also required to provide regulatorycompliance information relating to the intended recipients of the collected used electronics,including those industries that will be responsible for the dismantling, salvage, sale, reuse,and/or recycling of the collected used electronics. The Maine State Planning Office shallsecure necessary Maine DEP approvals for the location and offering of these specificcollection events.B. Compliance with Applicable Laws and RegulationsAll services provided under this contract must be carried out in compliance with all applicablefederal and state laws and regulations. Regulations to be complied with include, but are notlimited to, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, and transportation.C. Hold HarmlessThe Contractor shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the municipality in which thecollection is made, all municipal officials and householders, collection site owners, allvolunteers associated with the collection program, the State of Maine and all officials,employees and participating householders of the State of Maine against any losses, claims,actions, damages, liability, and expenses, including but not limited to those in connection withlose of life, bodily and personal injury, or damage to property occasioned wholly or in part bythe Contractor or by persons employed directly or indirectly by the Contractor in connectionwith the CRT and computer peripheral collection, transportation, dismantling, salvage, sale,reuse, and/or recycling.D. InsuranceThe Contractor shall obtain and maintain in full force for as long as necessary to fund theContractor’s indemnification and defense obligations, the following types and amounts ofinsurance:1. A Commercial General Liability Insurance policy shall afford limits no less then thefollowing:$2,000,000 – General Aggregate$1,000,000 – Products & Completed Operations Aggregate$1,000,000 – Personal & Advertising Injury$1,000,000 – Each Occurrence$ 50,000 – Fire Damage$ 5,000 – Medical Expense2. An automobile/truck liability insurance policy covering owned, non-owned, and hiredvehicles. Said policy of insurance to have a minimum limit of $1,000,000.00 per occurrencecombined single limit for bodily injury, including death and property damage (with PollutionExclusion Removed).3. A Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability insurance policy with Maine statutorylimits for workers compensation and a minimum of $1,000,000.00 per accident for employer’sliability.4. Contractors Pollution Liability coverage in an amount not less than $1,000,000.00 peroccurrence and $2,000,000.00 aggregate.

Printed on recycled paper vThe Contractor shall provide proof of insurability with submission of the proposal. Contractorshall name as additional insured on Contractor’s General Liability Insurance policy themunicipality in which the collection effort will be held, the individual site owner, and the State.The Contractor shall also furnish signed original certificates or bona-fide copies of thecertificates of insurance to the Program Manager or the State of Maine and its affiliates uponrequest within seven (7) days but no more then thirty (30) days prior to the first collectionevent.IV. Requirements for Proposal Submission:A. Description of Collection EventThe Contractor shall provide in the proposal a complete description of how the work is to bepreformed. This description shall include at least the following four (4) elements:1. A typical site set-up plan, including the estimated times required for set-up, training,collection, and cleanup at the site.2. The proposed method of handling the CRTs and computer peripherals at the site and howthe various items accepted will be inventoried and manifested.3. A Contingency Plan to include the following elements:a. Description of provisions for the prevention of environmental contamination, and themanagement and cleanup necessary in the event of an explosion, fire, or release of toxic orhazardous substances.b. Description of how the following will be handled: unknown wastes, inclement weather,spills of hazardous waste, and accidents.A list of all emergency equipment and supplies the Contractor proposes to bring to or provideat the site.4. A list of any subcontractors or consultants to be used during the collection event anddescribe the specific activities for which they are to be used.B. CRT/Computer Peripheral Dismantling, Salvage, Sale, Reuse, and/or RecyclingThe Contractor shall describe the plan intended for managing the used electronics acceptedduring the collection events, including dismantling, salvaging, sale, reuse, and/or recycling tobe employed for each type of CRT and computer peripheral collected.The Contractor shall provide a general overview description of the company(ies)/facility(ies)proposed to be used for the dismantling, salvage, sale, reuse, and/or recycling of CRTs andcomputer peripherals collected.If a Bidder desires to propose an alternative method to meet any of the specificationsrequired in this RFP, the Bidder’s response must include the following information; (a) identifythe specification, (b) the proposed alternative, and (c) thoroughly describing how theproposed alternative achieves substantially equivalent or better performance to theperformance required in the RFP specification. The Office will determine if a proposedalternative method of performance meets or exceeds the original specification.

Qualifications of the ContractorThe Contractor shall demonstrate that it has substantial expertise in all areas relating to thecollection, transportation, dismantling, salvage, sale, reuse, and/or recycling of CRTs andcomputer peripherals.The Contractor shall include in the proposal a brief description of the firm, its general natureand background including its experience in the specific field of handling CRTs and computerperipherals. Length of experience, skilled personnel and specialized equipment availableand other resources or particular expertise shall be included.In particular, the following information shall be provided:1. Name and address on the firm (and its parent firm if the firm is owned or a subcomponentof a larger firm), and name, address and telephone number of the particular office to beresponsible for the CRT and computer peripheral collection program (if different from thefirm’s headquarters)2. Characteristics of the firm including number of employees, types of work undertaken bythe firm, typical clients, and other relevant information with emphasis on dealing withCRTs and computer peripherals3. Qualifications and the number of personnel who will be at each collection site.4. Documentation of their regulatory history, identifying any incidences of noncompliancewith federal, state, or local laws and regulations. Bidders shall document any past noticesof violation they have received from the EPA or any other state or local regulatory bodywithin the last three (3) years and provide a brief description of when, where, and what theviolation was.5. If any subcontractors and/or consultants are to be used, the same information asrequested in items 1 through 4 shall be provided.D. Monetary Bid ProposalThe Contractor shall offer a price per pound for all CRTs and computer peripherals collected.This shall include the cost of collection, transportation, dismantling, salvage, sale, reuse,and/or recycling. This per pound cost shall be the only cost allocated to the State for thiscontract.Costs shall be reported for each of the following items in a cost per pound dollar amountsimilar to the example in Table I (variations will be accepted):

Printed on recycled paper viiTABLE I:Television sets:[ 20” screen$_______/lb> 20” screen$_______/lbTelevision Consoles$_______/lbComputers {CPU’s}$_______/lbLaptop Computers$_______/lbComputer monitors[ 14” screen$_______/lb> 14” screen$_______/lbComputer keyboards$_______/lbComputer mice$_______/lbComputer speakers$_______/lbComputer printers$_______/lbComputer scanners$_______/lbComputer gaming controls$_______/lbV. Instructions to respondents:A. Clarification of the SpecificationsIf additional information is necessary to assist the Contractor or vendor in interpreting thesespecifications, their questions may be forwarded in writing to the State Planning Office:Tom Miragliuolo, PlannerWaste Management and Recycling ProgramMaine State Planning Office38 State House StationAugusta, ME 04333-0038Telephone: (207)287-9074If a Contractor discovers any significant ambiguity, error, conflict, omission or other deficiencyin this Request for Proposal, the Contractor shall immediately notify the above namedindividual of such an error and request modification or clarification. A pre-bid informationalmeeting will only be held upon the request of a potential bid Contractor. If a pre-bid meetingis scheduled then all known recipients of this Request for Proposal will receive written noticeprior to the meeting date.B. Revisions to the Request for ProposalNo changes or exceptions will be made to this Request for Proposal except by the StatePlanning Office, which will issue an immediate written notice (by FAX and certified mail) to allknown recipients of this Request for Proposal. Recipients should advise the State PlanningOffice of their FAX numbers and addresses and the name of their representative responsiblefor the response upon requesting this Request for Proposal in order to facilitate anynecessary communication.C. Response SubmissionIn order to be considered in the proposal evaluation process, all proposals must be packagedin triplicate, sealed, and show the following information on the outside of the package:Contractor’s name and address


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Printed on recycled paper viiiBid: CRT/Computer Peripheral CollectionContractors must submit all materials required for acceptance of their proposal no later than2:00 PM EST on July 12, 2001, to:Division of PurchasesBurton M. Cross Building, 4thFloor9 State House Station111 Capitol StreetAugusta, ME 04333-0009All proposals received after the above date will be returned to the Contractor unopened.Adequate postage to cover mailing must be affixed in order to insure prompt delivery of theproposal. The State will not be responsible nor will accept proposals delivered late or withpostage due.D.Contract AwardThe successful bidder will be notified by July 20, 2001. A contract will be awarded basedupon the following four (4) criteria:1.General Contractor experience and ability to perform a successful collection event.This includes the Contractor’s safety record (25%)2.Contractor experience with collection of these special wastes, primarily CRTs andcomputer peripherals. (25%)3.The intended plan to maximize the reuse, recovery and recycling of CRTs andcomputer peripherals collected (25%)4.The cost to fulfill the requirements of this RFP and resulting contract (25%)E. Form of ContractThe successful bidder will be expected to enter into a Standard State of Maine Agreement toPurchase Services (BP54), a blank copy of which is attached to this Request For Proposals.The State reserves the right to reject any or all proposals submitted under this Request for Proposals.In addition, the State reserves the right to enter into negotiations with successful bidder(s) to modifythe final project to reflect any changes found to be appropriate.Appendix AMaterials To Be Accepted:Television SetsTelevision ConsolesComputers (CPUs)Laptop ComputersComputer monitorsComputer printersComputer speakersComputer ScannersComputer keyboardsComputer gaming controlsComputer mice


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Printed on recycled paper ixAPPENDIX II:NEPSI SAMPLE PARTICIPANT SURVEY1. How did you hear about this electronics collection event?TV AdRadioFlyerNewspaper AdFriend/word of mouthOther________________2. Why did you come here today to recycle your electronic product(s)?The product is not working.The product is obsolete.I got a newer model.Other (please specify):_______________________________________________________________3. How far did you travel today to recycle your electronics (give your best estimate)?________ miles4. What items did you bring in today?ItemHow many?How old is theitem?(in years)TVComputer (CPU)Computer MonitorComputer Peripheral:MouseKeyboardPrinterScannerOther: ______________Other: ______________5. How many computers and TVs do you have at home? ________6. What is the most convenient way for you to recycle your electronics?Take them to a municipal recyclingcenterMail them back to a manufacturerTake them to a retail storeOther (please specify):___________________Take them to a local charity7. Who do you think should pay for the safe recycling and disposal of these electronicproducts?(Check no more than 2)Customer/userGovernmentRetail storeOther (please specify):___________________Electronics manufacturer


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Printed on recycled paper x8. If you had to pay to recycle your electronics, when would you prefer to pay?When I purchase the itemWhen I recycle the itemOther (please specify):_______________________________________________________________9. If you had to pay to recycle your electronics, what is the most you would be willing to pay?$_______10. The electronics you brought in today were used by aResidenceGovernmentBusinessInstitutionThank you for participating in today’s electronics collection event.(To be filled out by collection event host)Collection event location (city, state): __________________Date: ___________Collection event type (e.g. municipal drop off, retailer): _______________ Participant Number __________

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.