Hey i have a problem, first of all, i have a really good and not so old computer and with vista on it, so ok all of the sudden my computer crashed, it showed this blue screen, not overheating but it said that if this has happened more than once i should remove any newly installed software and disable some bios thing, well this blue screen is always popping up, sometimes when i have just started up the computer and sometimes after a while, then also when this screen comes i turn off my computer and start it, sometimes it doesn't start! sometimes it just shows a black screen, this not starting up and blue crash screen is getting more and more common i have tried to remove some newly installed software but it doesn't work, when it doesn't want to start it's not a power problem, everything turns on all lights, fans, noise, everything but just a black screen!, no screen problem but computer problem, when i start my computer i'm supposed to here a beeb and then it starts but i don't here any