How do you hack?
2008-05-12 09:49:53 UTC
This may sound like an illegal question, but I am not asking it for my own benefit, I am asking to know how people accomplish it, how can you work out a password on an account? Etc.

Anyone care to break the tension? I really don't understand how it's accomplished.

58 answers:
2009-09-03 12:58:58 UTC
In order to "hack" an account you must know the password. Yahoo will block the account for 24 hours if there are too many tries with the wrong password. Unless the password was very simple, obvious, or given to someone, I see no way to hack into a Yahoo account. I may be wrong
Paul R
2008-05-12 10:04:58 UTC
It's not illegal to talk about computer hacking. If you want to email me, I wrote like an 8 page paper about the history (before the internet, "hackers" were basically just computer programmers)

There are a lot of things that people do. It's a constant battle between the professional "white hat" hackers (who are employed to establish security systems) and the "black hat" hackers (the 'bad guys' who try to break in and steal stuff).

Essentially, the black-hat hackers (or "crackers") do whatever they can to get what they want. (anything from deploying malicious programs, to "social engineering"-- which is just getting information from people w/o the use of computers (for example, someone talks long enough to get your mother's maiden name, your first car make/model, your home town, and birthday, odds are they can answer the 'security questions' needed for password recovery)

There is a lot of stuff that people do (any time there is a single well-known way to "hack", the white hats have to figure out a way to close that security gap)
2009-08-31 09:56:23 UTC
Working out a password: The easiest way to get someones password is via creating a phishing program (easy)or a phishing website (very hard)...

Phishing programs can be downloaded vie internet but they require the person who's password you want to get to use your computer, or that you implant this program to the other persons computer...

You can't learn to hack a website without an advance knowledge of a programing language (sometimes several)...
2017-04-17 21:10:23 UTC

this could help you
2009-08-24 17:19:10 UTC
How to Hack

Hacking can be difficult and there are many different ways to hack and many different exploits to use. Hacking is neither defined nor limited by exploitation or exploration. Hacking into someone else's system may be illegal, so don't do it unless you are sure you have permission from the owner of the system you are trying to hack or you are sure it's worth AND you won't get caught.

Hacking was primarily used for learning new things about systems and computing in general, 'in the good ol' days'. In recent years it has taken dark connotations and in general has been looked down upon. Likewise, many corporations now employ "hackers" to test the strengths and weaknesses of their own systems. These hackers know when to stop, and it is the positive trust they have built that earn them large salaries.

There is a major difference between a hacker and a cracker. A cracker is motivated by malicious (namely: money) reasons; a hacker is attempting to gain knowledge through exploration, at any cost and in any way - not always legal.


1. Learn a programming language. You shouldn't limit yourself to any particular language. C is the language the systems are built in, it teaches you what's very important in hacking: how the memory really works. Python or Ruby are modern, powerful scripting languages, that can be used to automatize various tasks; Perl is a good choice in this field as well. PHP is worth learning only because it's what newbies use to "hack" poorly written web-applications (forums, blogs etc). Bash scripting is a must, that's how you can easily manipulate most servers - writing one-line scripts, which will do most of the job. Finally, you can't do much without knowledge of ASM - you *can't* exploit a program if you don't know that.

2. Use a *nix terminal for commands. Cygwin will help emulate this for Windows users. DOS is worthless in this area. The tools in this article can be found for Windows based machines. Nmap particularly, uses WinPCap to run on Windows and does not require Cygwin. However, Nmap works poorly on Windows systems due to the lack of raw sockets. You should also consider using Linux or BSD, which are both more flexible, more reliable, and more secure. Most Linux distributions come with many useful tools pre-installed.

3. Try securing your machine first. Make sure you fully understood all common techniques, including the way to protect yourself. Start with basics - found a server which has site about racism, homophobia or other bad activities? Try to hack it, any way you can. Yet again, don't change the site, just make it yours.


Know your target. The process of gathering information about your target is known as 'enumeration'. Can you reach the remote system? You can use the ping utility (which is included in most operating systems) to see if the target is 'alive', however, you can not always trust the results of the ping utility, as it relies on the ICMP protocol, which can be easily shut off by paranoid system administrators.

5. Determine the operating system (OS). This is important because how can you gain access to a system if you don't know what the system is? This step involves running a scan of the ports. Try pOf, or nmap to run a port scan. This will show you the ports that are open on the machine, the OS, and can even tell you what type of firewall or router they are using so you can plan a course of action. You can activate OS detection in nmap by using the -O switch.

6. Find some path or open port in the system. Common ports such as FTP (21) and HTTP (80) are often well protected, and possibly only vulnerable to exploits yet to be discovered. Try other TCP and UDP ports that may have been forgotten, such as Telnet and various UDP ports left open for LAN gaming. An open port 22 is usually evidence of an SSH (secure shell) service running on the target, which can sometimes be bruteforced.


Crack the password or authentication process. There are several methods for cracking a password, including brute force. Using brute force on a password is an effort to try every possible password contained within a pre-defined dictionary of brute force software. Users are often discouraged from using weak passwords, so brute force may take a lot of time. These days there are major improvenments in brute-force techniques. Most hashing algorithms are found weak, and you can significally improve the cracking speed by exploiting these weaknesses (like you can cut the MD5 algorithm in 1/4, which will give huge speed boost). Also new techniques use graphic card like the processor - and it's thousands times faster. You may try using Rainbow Tables for fastest password cracking. Notice that password cracking is good technique only if you already got the hash of password. Trying every possible password while logging to remote machine is not a good idea, as it's easily detected by intrusion detection systems, pollute system logs
geek 101
2009-09-06 01:18:50 UTC
Hacking is basically disabling security and passwords. If someone hacks ur computer then no matter how much security your computer has it cannot be realeased from it and people do it to steal personal info, look for usefull stuff in people's computers and annoy them.

How to hack:
2008-05-12 09:57:13 UTC
Social Engineering, keylogging, whatever. If you really want to know learn to hack, learn how to defend against it. (there are plenty of books on it)

Hacking and preventing hacking are virtually the same thing, you can't do one without knowing the other. It's just what you choose to do with the knowledge.
2008-05-12 09:55:21 UTC
Hacking requires an advanced understanding of Unix shells, that are used for GUI's.

Beneath the Graphical Interface is machine language code and programming that allow the hacker to work at a machine level and tunnel under certain security technologies that operate at higher levels.
2009-09-02 00:39:01 UTC
well i read somewhere they send you links where u can click for an exampl, when they ask to watch a certain video or some sort website, Of course it takes u somewhere else and it ask you for your email and password once you get that information in its easy for them to hack
2009-08-27 03:24:59 UTC
Hacking is cracking. There are many forms of hacking. Myself, I will admit to what I do and tell you. For a starters, hackers do not release there programs to public. They will sell them.

Basics ::




DOS attack

More Complicated ::




Firewall/Virus bypass

RAT (Remote Access Trojan)

Most dangerous ::


Most illegal ::



Hacking corps (Nasa, local defenses, Dell, Telus, Gov, ECT)
Zonkey and Zorse
2009-09-04 23:19:10 UTC
2009-09-04 23:07:01 UTC
Start here:, a link to a go hacking website that will give you a run down of the basics.
2009-08-28 19:01:23 UTC
look at this Hack FAQ on this link:

It talks about the Basics of hacking a Password. I hope it helps :)
2009-09-02 18:05:59 UTC
use a sharped edged object and strike what object you would like to hack into. axes are good tools for chopping and hacking logs.
2009-09-06 05:03:09 UTC
i hacked stuff it is really fun you login the persons name then you get there password and **** it up
2008-05-12 09:53:32 UTC
Daz called cracking, as in cracking the password :P
2009-08-30 11:31:34 UTC
If you have ever had a virus on your computer, you will know how terrible it is to be a victim of hacking.

Now, take that terrible situation and give it to somebody who does not know how to use a computer as well as you.

2009-09-05 10:32:19 UTC
Torrent, Keygen, and cheat engine.
2009-09-05 06:50:11 UTC
visit it has info for programs that run on mac and windows, note that if you do hack police can trace your ip address then they will arrest you for software laws.
Its too late, My time has come.
2009-09-04 02:18:47 UTC
No you're just paranoid/jealous of your (ex) Girlfriend and want to go through her emails :)
2009-08-25 10:32:48 UTC
phishing/social networking/brute force/ spyware/ keylonging/ remote assitant tools (THATS THE ONLY 6 WAYS)




2009-09-01 00:56:49 UTC
hacking is creating the internet

you all mean cracking

2009-08-31 17:33:22 UTC
if you wanna look into hacking look into linux and a programming language c++. (it can be used)
2009-09-05 23:42:29 UTC
Bad boy.
2009-09-03 12:41:31 UTC
I wish i knew
2009-09-04 16:29:32 UTC
thats illegal. Hun.
Rathon s
2009-09-04 00:58:33 UTC
hacking is tough job...u need to be expert .....there are software to hack pc...
2009-09-01 14:22:23 UTC
what? how come you can still answer this? it was from 1 year ago
2009-09-05 14:47:24 UTC
go to hack school :P
5 Ps
2009-09-04 15:09:06 UTC

2009-09-05 07:16:53 UTC
dont hack
2009-09-01 11:56:09 UTC
ur a big liar
Roger Rabbits Clone
2009-08-29 17:15:43 UTC
you start by not asking questions in yahoo answers
Joseph O
2009-09-04 17:43:14 UTC
why the f would you want to hack.
Fes C.
2009-09-03 11:08:29 UTC
i wanna know too! email me if your a pro! =]
2009-08-27 08:01:32 UTC
Some people use computer programes.
2009-08-23 15:25:06 UTC
They have horses called hacks.

They have some pretty good events.

Ask in Horse.
2009-09-02 17:57:01 UTC
cover your mouth
2009-09-02 12:43:13 UTC
ques expired but im answering it...this is nuts....YES IT IS ILLEGAL SO DONT....ITS WRONG WRONG
2009-08-28 06:45:30 UTC
You shouldnt want to hack
2009-08-26 20:06:08 UTC
hehe expect the FBI at your house
2009-08-25 07:21:32 UTC
The cops have facilities to do that I think cos they check like criminals emails and everything!
2009-08-23 13:09:37 UTC
What do you wanna excatly hack?
2009-08-31 15:37:38 UTC
u dick head y would you want to know that u illegal prat! soz
2009-08-30 18:50:58 UTC
my hacking engine lol
2009-09-05 14:58:12 UTC
Mad skillz, yo.
Pencilbox Artix (Game Pro)
2009-09-02 05:36:03 UTC
i not really sure. sry.
2009-08-30 20:55:17 UTC
One year ago & this question didn't expire? :-O
2009-08-24 06:28:55 UTC
Stop trying to hack...
2008-05-12 09:53:15 UTC
It doesn't matter why you want to know. Discussing illegal subjects like this is against the Community Guidelines.
jack skellington
2009-08-29 17:22:38 UTC
you could get arrestid
Angie Jane :D
2009-08-24 11:35:04 UTC
Seriously why are you asking this?
2009-08-28 12:24:14 UTC
How the *** is this still up?
2009-08-26 06:44:29 UTC
your such a liar
Daniel E
2009-08-25 17:47:50 UTC
its only illegal if you get caught
2009-08-26 09:18:20 UTC
you ask for thier password...
2009-09-01 16:07:21 UTC
▐▀▀▼▀▀▌ ► Click ◄ ▐▄▄▲▄▄▌
2009-08-24 06:00:19 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.