Am I addicted to the computer?
2013-09-07 10:30:39 UTC
My dad thinks I am addicted to the computer. He's already had a time lock on my internet and is making it close even earlier. But that's not too important. My question is, am I really addicted?

My ACTIONS: I'm on summer vacation. Usually I wake up, go to the bathroom and then go on my computer. When my mom calls me down to eat, I tell her "One sec" because I'm in the middle of something. That something tends to be a book, manga, anime, a game, etc. A few minutes later I go downstairs to eat. When I eat I watch tv. When I'm done eating I usually linger until the show I'm watching ends. Then I go back to my computer. I do use the bathroom and eat, but in the meantime, until around 2am, I'm on my computer. Once a week I volunteer at the library, and when my sister invites me to go out, I don't hesitate.

My thoughts: When I eat and watch TV, I'm focused on the program I'm watching. Sometimes my thoughts stray to homework or school, or something along those lines. When I'm in the library, where there are computers, I don't even glance at them. I shelve books, DVD's etc. and diligently. In the past, when I was on vacation for a week and didn't have access to a computer, I rarely thought about it. I only ever did think about accessing a computer on days when a new chapter of a manga I liked came out. Last year while at school, during my lunch time I go to the library to hang with friends or volunteer. There, I too have access to computers. I sometimes linger nearby when my friends are on one and while I talk to them. Sometimes I need to change browser settings, but it only takes a few seconds and then I'm off. When I'm outside I think about what I'm doing then. And when I'm in bed I think about life, homework, school, what I've been reading, etc.

I personally don't think I'm addicted. Sure, I'm on the computer a helluva lot, but it's more out of boredom than obsession. I think addiction in this situation is supposed to be psychological, and I dont think I have the "I must be on a computer" type of thoughts.
I have nothing much to do at home except TV and computer. The computer offers many diversions. When I find a long book series, I tend to be "busier" while on the computer because I want to finish it quickly. Same with TV Shows. I marathon them. When I play multiplayer games, I can't just log out to eat instantly. I need a few minutes to let everyone know I'm leaving, or to wrap up what I'm doing. I try to find new things to occupy my time, and thus that "I want to finish this before..." mentality sprouts. When I'm done, I don't like being bored and seek something else. It is a cycle that keeps me on the computer, but if I had alternatives like going to the movies, I'd hop on that alternative. (Unless I'm in the middle of a REALLY good scene/part in a book/series/etc.)

Is this really addiction?
Five answers:
2013-09-07 10:32:11 UTC
yes. But its nothing to be ashamed of. im addicted to the pc and im doing fine in life.
2013-09-07 17:44:37 UTC
Not really, my parents say the same about me, whether it's playing games, watching TV or anime, or editing video as my side job, I do spend a lot of time on it.

Using this criteria, we can safely assume that I, yourself, people like myself that build our computers, people that work daily on workstations 8 hours a day for their jobs, people that do coding, and all other jobs that involve a suitable PC usage and such else, are all addicted to their PC too.

I wonder what your Dad's criteria for 'computer addiction' is. I sometimes just turn mine on to check Facebook, Skype or other social media links to contact my friends and whatever. Your 2nd and 3rd paragraphs are your answer. If you were 'addicted' so to say, you'd be thinking about going home to play games or whatever, or avoiding certain situations to get home earlier, like averting being sociable to return to the PC.
2013-09-07 17:36:59 UTC
Your parents think you are addict because you do not have time for them, you must do some activities with them everyday.

Instead, of reading a e-book, try to find some books, which you read with your family, try something that you parents are willing to do with you. I like to watch dramas with my mother and solve crosswords with my father, that makes up for all the time for the time I spend on computer.

They just want your attention, that all.
Perfection In Its Purest Form
2013-09-07 17:36:36 UTC
You are very articulate and your points are valid. You don't seem to be addicted to it but it is unhealthy to be on it while you're bored because physical activity should be in your daily life. It didn't matter if you are already fit. Go for a walk, clean something. (perhaps that's what you're dad is worried about)
2013-09-07 17:32:58 UTC
Lol me (and plenty of other people) are like this. It isn't an addiction. But your dad seems like a real ***.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.