2012-09-03 16:58:36 UTC
Here is a list of my programs from Adobe.
Adobe Flash Player 11 plugin
Adobe Flash Player ActiveX
Adobe Shockwave Player 11.6
Are these programs I should keep? Are they old and need to be updated? My computer is very slow as it is, could having these be slowing my computer down further?
Other things I have installed that I don't know whether to keep or not:
what is conexant d850 pci v.92 modem --- Have no idea what this is?
Do I need to keep dell support, dell system customazation wizard, and documentation and support launcher? I am unsure. I'm assuming I should keep these though, don't wanna mess anything up.
I also have JAVA 6 update 30. It's using up a lot of memory and would like to uninstall. I think I use Java though. Is there a better version to download?
I also have 3 Microsoft programs titled -
Microsoft Visual 3+ 2008, 2008, and 2010. What are these for?
Lastly, I have 4 MSXML 4.0 Sp2 installed. All ending in different numbers.
Ugh, this is so confusing and whoever took the time to help would be greatly appreciated. Even if you don't know all the answers. Thank you! I am running on Windows Vista, if that helps.