How can I rename jpg files based on the picture taken date and time?
2008-09-25 09:25:41 UTC
I have directories full of digital camera images, from different cameras. What I want to do is rename all the files in a directory to be sequenced based on the EXIF "picture taken on" date, such as "picture_0001.jpg" for the earliest taken, etc. I don't really want the date and time in the file name. In Windows Explorer I can sort them in the order I want, but there's no easy rename feature to do what I want. Ivedownloaded three separate utilities that sound like they should be able to do this, but they can't. One was JPeg Japes, one EZ Picture Renamer and one was something like Attribute Pro. None did the job.

Given that it's so simple in principle, does anyone know how to achieve this?


Four answers:
2008-09-25 10:22:49 UTC


personally, I use Stoik Imagic Browser - go to File>Preferences - set to scan by EXIF date taken; you can import from a camera using the same EXIF parameter

Otherwise you can select all images in a folder Sort>by date taken

Edit>Rename All

Free here
2008-09-25 09:46:28 UTC
You need to find a batch rename utility, there are probably some free ones if you search around, maybe try From this you can then rename all of the pics/vids all together with defferent names just like you want
2017-01-01 23:18:33 UTC
no, you could substitute the call to "" and it's going to nevertheless no longer be something different than a gif report. you're able to desire to transform it. open the gif report with any paint application that shops gifs, and re keep it as a jpg.
2008-09-25 09:33:31 UTC
click once on the name of the file and it will highlight. press delete and type in whatever you want to name it. ie: Me on the beach first day

Make a new folder ie: Florida vacation pics 2007

click on file at the top and click on save as. find your new folder and save your pic in it.

it is hard to explain, play around with it.

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