I have an iPod problem. I had all of my songs downloaded onto iTunes on my computer. Well, my computer was old and crappy and it finally just died. You can’t even turn it on anymore. Everything is gone. Well, I got a brand new computer and now I want to reinstall iTunes and I want to put the songs that I have on my iPod onto my new computer. How in the heck do I do this? I am not computer savy, but I know that I can’t just plug my iPod into my new computer because, won’t it wipe everything out on my iPod? I tried to follow the instuctions on the apple website on how to transfer the songs, but the only instructions I can find are if you still have access to your old computer. I have tried calling the apple help line, but I am on hold FOREVER! Can anyone out there help me? Or am I SOL? I hate to lose the music I have on it now because a lot of the songs I have on there are from cds I borrowed from people and that would be such a pain to borrow them again. Thanks!