You can use the "for" command in your batch file to read in each line of text from your list and delete the file.
Like this,
for /f %%i in (mylist.txt) do del "%%i"
"for /f" - the "/f" tells the "for" command to get its input from somewhere else.
"%%i" - is the variable that we'll be using in the commandline. Note, if you run this command from a command prompt, then only use a single "%" in the two places where we call the variable.
"in (mylist.txt)" - this is where we'll be getting the input to use. Replace "mylist.txt" with the name of your list file. If your batch file is in the same directory as your list file, then you don't need to enter the entire path to the list file.
"do del "%%i"" - this tells the "del" command to use the line of input as its argument.
I've included quotes around "%%i" in case you have any spaces in your path or filenames.
For example, "my program files\test.txt"
If we didn't use quotes, then the del command would look like,
del my programs files\test.txt
and we'd get an error, but if we use quotes, then it will properly look like
del "my program files\test.txt"
I hope this helped.