Registry cleaning is a must but if you can do than
Do the following thing on your pc regularly.
First of all
To increase your virtual memory or page file size open control panel double click system folders on opening page click advanced than chek before Adjust for best performance & click apply(it will take a while). Than click advanced in coming window you will find virtual memory click setting. Select drive on which you want your virtual memory to be. then click custom and change the Page file size or virtual memory size by typing.
Initial size should be 1024 MB at least & max size should be not less than 2048 MB.
1. Search for temp files( In search box type *.tmp) click search. Delete all files that appears after search.
2. Than as above type *.log & do the same.
3. Search Temp folder Delete all it's content.
4. Search Temprory Internet Files & delete it's content.
5. Run updated Antivirus & Anti spyware.
6. Run disk cleanup from system tools in accessories.
7. Than defragment your drives twice from system tools Defrag.
8. From run type msconfig > enter > click on startup un check all checked field except of antivirus & anti spyware. Choose & click services, Check beside hide all MS Services. In remaining list uncheck all except Anti virus & Anti spyware services click apply click ok you will asked to restart click restart. You are almost done.
This will make your system considerably faster but one very essential action has to be taken and that is cleaning Registry which is the main reason of sluggis system. Dowload
WIN XP Manager or tuneup utilities install & clean. Try with win xp manager,s 1 click cleaner. You can download it from It requires dotnet fx so you will have to download it also. First you will have to install dotnet fx. It is free & you can get it from site of microsoft. Your PC will become as fast as it was when new or a bit better.