2012-02-20 21:50:09 UTC
On Saturday, my screen resolution was messed up. For some reason my task bar overlapped the bottom half of the screen on everything. It isn't supposed to be like that. It's not that it was just transparent, it was blocking things on my computer too.
Yesterday nothing was wrong with my computer. It worked fine.
Today, I couldn't log into my account at first. I'm the only user on this computer. I had to restart and THEN it worked. I'm positive that I wasn't entering the wrong password, as I put it in probably around ten times.
Now, my computer keeps trying to shut down. It doesn't actually do it, but it tries. I have a Windows 7 Acer netbook, so when it tries to shut down, it lists all the programs I need to close out so it can shut down. I have to press cancel every time it does that, but it's done it two times at random in the last two hours or so.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!