I run an "elastic" minecraft server on (feel free to check it out :p ) but back to the point, its elastic so its only up most uk hours and i want to make it 12 hours a day ish, i was thinking a shut down via wifi whitch i have sorted, i have a quad core 4ghz pc with only 2 gig of ram that runs the server now along with playing the game at the same time perfectly well but, its a power thirsty bugger, it runs a 756 mb i thing 8900gtx whitch takes 4 molex conectors, there fore it would be cheaper to rent a server, but im not getting beat by the nationalgrid XD my plan is to use a really bad old pc with 1 gig of ram, remove the graphics card and use the motherboard plug/vga adapter for the screen and remove the soundboard, take the thing out the case / cut the case away so i can remove most fans leaving the cpu ones. I just need to run this pc as cheaply as possible ! The server computer doesnt render chunks as such its self so it doesnt need a graphics card and aas its getting used as a server only it doesnt need sound,so, as i said i need to make it as economical / not use any more power than manditory for a server than i have to, so what I need is, how to get it to run economicly, and be very cheap to run, tips please :) thankyou ! Btw i am 14 so any bad descriptions or words please forgive me :p