Internet Antivirus Pro is online fraud and a computer parasite. It spreads through software exploits (usually via web browser vulnerabilities), but it may also trick people into downloading this useless software manually. InternetAntivirusPro uses online advertisements to attract customers and make them interested in buying this malware.
When installed, InternetAntivirus Pro starts loading many pop-ups with security-related content. It usually reports security and privacy risks or displays results of system scan. All these messages are fabricated to scare people into purchasing the full version of Internet Antivirus Pro. Do not trust pop-ups loaded by InternetAntivirus Pro! This program is not an anti-virus; it mimics anti-virus applications in order to get money.
InternetAntivirusPro may slow down computers performance and internet connection.
Internet Antivirus Pro properties:
• Changes browser settings
• Shows commercial adverts
• Connects itself to the internet
• Stays resident in background
Internet Antivirus Pro manual removal:
Kill processes:
iv.exe InternetAntivirus.exe IAUpdater.exe IAvir.exe unins000.exe
how to kill malicious processes
Delete registry values:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\Run "iv"
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "Internet Antivirus"
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce "3P_UDEC_IA"
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Internet Antivirus_is1
how to remove registry entries
Delete files:
InternetAntivirus.exe activate.ico cookies.log Explorer.ico IAUpdater.exe IAvir.exe Scanner.log unins000.dat uninstall.ico working.log config.cfg DBInfo.ver ia080614.db Internet Antivirus.lnk Internet Antivirus Home Page.lnk Internet Antivirus.lnk Purchase License.lnk settings.ini uill.ini unins000.exe Uninstall Internet Antivirus.lnk iv.exe
how to remove harmful files
Delete directories:
c:\Program Files\IA
c:\Program Files\Internet Antivirus
c:\Program Files\Internet Antivirus\db
c:\Program Files\Internet Antivirus\Languages
c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Internet Antivirus
%UserProfile%\Application Data\Internet Antivirus
OR ALTERNATIVELY download the spyware doctor from and it will do it for you.
For more details log on to:
Hope this helps.