I am in 10th grade, and i will try and explain to you my situation here. Because my mom (only parent) is old and never uses the internet she doesn't understand the importance of fast internet. Now i don't think im a spoiled brat for wanting something a little over 240kbps, which is actually running at about 35kbps according to most speed tests. You see, our provider offers 3 plans: 240kbps, 1mb, 3mb. Those are download speeds, idk the upload and don't really care. Its hard to explain to you how slow it is, because it is so damn slow its frightening to click "continue" on the button below in fear of the very common screen "IE cannot display the webpage" message. Every other message i get says that. I can visit zangle for school, but it is very, very slow. i cannot do online research or projects that many of my classes REQUIRE. Most websites simply show up as "IE cannot display webpage". For some things, even books cannot be used. Ive tried persuading her but she doesn't want to pay the extra 20 bucks a month, from our 49.99 bill (this bill includes unlimited home phone service, unlimited internet usage, basically unlimited everything but VERY slow. Its not just internet, its like a bundle). I am jealous; very jealous, because when i walk down the street to my friends house, its like i just walked into heaven with 10mbps download and CABLE TV (I don't have TV either lol) but anyway, what do you think i need to do to convince her? We are not poor either, she has a very high paying job, i will not lie but she hoards almost all of it for retirement, or doesn't spend it on anything else at least. Also it sucks because when i play black ops i try hard to get a kill but end up dying, i swear its the internet cuz i lag alot and when i go to my friends house i get loads of kills no joke. ALSO on youtube i cannot watch a video in 240p quality without waiting 30 minutes beforehand for a 10 minute video. I'm practically on dial-up, guys. Any ideas on convincing her to upgrade? It also not my computer, because i just got a brand new one, windows 7 HP 6gb ram 1tb hdd, with 2.5ghz i5-2400 processor,all the good stuff computer wise. and i have no viruses for sure.