2011-07-28 20:47:54 UTC
Hi I love dos!, love navigating in it, programming batch files, the works, so I thought since their is no modern day dos for windows 7, and employers aren't looking for batch file programmers anymore, that I should get into something like Unix or Windows PowerShell, only trouble is I am not an experienced C programmer(though I would like to be) and I don't really know(apart from navigation) what Unix or PowerShell are for?, can you explain and tell me the possible types of Jobs I could get either online or elsewhere with both Unix and Powershell(not both at a time lol)
Can you also tell me what the default learning time is for both Unix and PowerShell?,
By the way I live in Australia, so I don't know if their will be any jobs there.
Also what other skills are required for possible jobs using either Unix or PowerShell?
Thanks for your help :)
Also please let me know if I posted in the right section and if not where I should of Posted?
PS: is there any software/os similar to Unix/Dos/PowerShell?