"Other" can be downloads, installers, and other files that don't fit the Apple system and document types, such as .exe files, .dmg files, .dwg files, .wps files, .ost files, .pst files, non-Office Microsoft-specific files (.avi, .wmv, .wma, .bmp files) -- basically anything that isn't standard music, movie, photo, apps, and backup files. Apple only logs...
– MS Office documents
– Apple type files (.pages, .key, etc.)
– and universally used types (.MOV, .MP4, .MP3, etc.) for the five basic categories.
They put all else in "Other" since there are more than a hundred other types and no need to make a big deal out of them with a list a mile long.
Other examples of what can be in "Other" are at the link below.
The only way not to have "Other" would be if Apple had 185 categories instead of six. :-)
Rest assured, "Other" is on all computers. It isn't belly-button lint, and it isn't alien invaders.
––>>> For those who insist on "cleaning" their "other"....
– Attach external drive.
– Copy your entire home folder to it (HINT: This is called a simple backup.)
– Back on the Mac, trash the contents of all directories inside the home folder EXCEPT Library. DO NOT remove anything from Library.
– Empty the trash.
– Now check for "Other".
– Look in the external drive home folder backup, and copy only what you value back to the Mac's internal home folder.
––>>> Why this works….
Mac OS does not allow you to put stuff into the Mac OS directories without forcing it to happen with "Authentication" by password. Your normal place for EVERYTHING you add to the computer except apps is the home folder. If you want to remove apps, drag them to the trash AFTER deciding you really hate them.