You need Nokia Multimedia Converter 2.0 in order to convert common multimedia file formats to video 3GPP format (such as MPEG to 3GP, AVI to 3GP etc.).
First of all, download the converter:
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Next, read here about how to install Nokia Multimedia Converter and how to get your personal serial number for FREE
1. In the menu, select File > Open. A dialog opens. The shortcut for this is to click the Open button in the toolbar. Browse for the video file you want to convert and click Open. Alternatively, you can drag-and-drop a file to Multimedia Converter.
2. Select one of the image size options.
- sub-QCIF (128x96).
- QCIF (176x144).
3. Select the desired target video frame rate from the Frame rate drop down menu
4. If you want to add periodic key frames to obtain faster random access, enter the desired key frame period in the Intra period edit box.
5. If necessary, change the quality of the video by setting the video bit rate in the bit rate drop down menu. The higher the bit rate is, the higher the quality of the converted video.
Note : The video bit rate of 128kbps is not a standard bit rate, and will only work with certain phones.
6. If the file contains sound, select the audio format (AMR or WB-AMR) and audio bit rate. WB-AMR produces higher quality sound than AMR. Selecting a higher bit rate increases the quality of the sound, but it produces larger files.
7. It is also possible to set the maximum size of the converted file in the Max file size edit box.
In MMS, the size of a video file cannot exceed certain values; for example, 100 kB, because some WAP gateways might block the transfer of larger files, operators might prefer to limit the file size to reduce air-traffic, or because not all MMS client and server implementations support large file sizes. When you set a maximum file size limit, you cannot define the video or audio bit rate. They are adjusted automatically so that the converted file contains the whole original file from the given start point and so that its size is equal to or smaller than the given size limit. If the given size limit is too small to meet by reducing the video and audio bit rates, the converted file is truncated (shortened from the end). Note : When the max file size option is used, Multimedia Converter selects the encoding parameters so that in normal cases the file size limit is not exceeded. In some cases due to acomplex video clip, this limit can be slightly exceeded. It is strongly recommended that you check the size of the produced file after the conversion, and if necessary, set the Max file size limit somewhat smaller.
8. You can start the conversion from an offset point. Set the time stamp of the offset in the Start time edit box. The shortcut for this is to keep the CTRL key pressed and slide the original file location indicator to the desired position. This updates the time stamp information in the Start time edit box.
9. Click Convert. Another dialog pops up and shows the progress of the conversion. After the conversion is finished, you can view the converted file in the playback window. You can select the original or converted video for playback by selecting “Original” or “Converted” from the drop down menu.