!/usr/bin/perl -w
print "hello, World\n";
I have tested and certified the above program works on my Redhat Linix.
WARNING: it may not work on your installation if:
1) You don't have Perl installed.
2) Perl is installed in a different path than "/usr/bin"
Add another 100,000 lines or so, and things get slightly more complex - and unreliable. And... who has time to test 100,000 lines of code for EVERY possible issue?
Enter things like "Risk Based Testing." Portions of your application MUST work or the application is worth a hill of beans. Those portions will be tested most. This leaves those portions least important tested less. Bugs will be found - by user's - once the application is deployed.
EDIT: Seems Yahoo removes the begining sharp (#) on the first line of my program. Oops - the program, if you copy it to YOUR installation, will now have an error in it. Please add the sharp (#) on line #1. THANKS! :)