My folder is present in D drive. And it contains all sub-folders that I have created. But I cannot locate any of the files present in those sub-folders. They are all missing (I discovered that they are missing a couple of hours ago)!!! And the most important file that is missing is my CV (of all things!!) I know I'm the biggest idiot on this planet not to have a back-up on my USB, but please help me here!! My folder contains 10 sub-folders, but the files present inside each of those sub-folders is missing (strangely, all the 10 sub-folders are present with their names intact, but the size of each sub-folder is 0MB). The Recycle Bin is empty. I tried everything, from System Restore (to about 3 weeks back), to using the Search function (when you press the 'Start' button), to even using downloaded software used to locate files which have even been deleted from the Recycle Bin (such as Erasmus and Remo Undelete). But nothing seems to work. So, could someone please help me in locating my missing files???