Please don't give me an answer and say, 'oh because they're for hipsters or because people just want them', please give me a real answer as to statistics, capability of the technology, or anything that's logical. But in all honesty, I the only reason I have an iPhone4s is because it was cheaper with the contract rather than getting an Android or something. But lately, I've been thinking about why people still buy Apple products when they're really expensive. Can someone who really knows Apple products tell me what's so good about it and why they're worth buying at the price it's set to? One of the reasons I know is because if you really like the Apple platform, you can't get it anywhere else except Apple.
BQ: What is Android and what phones uses Android? I know it's just another operating system, but it's just confusing to me. I know all Apple products uses iOS, but is Microsoft the same as Android?